Hidden from me for such a long time the only thing i knew is i’m a puerto rican, and my family from my dad side is from lardes pueto rico..and my family from moms side is from san juan puerto rico..and that i love to eat spanish food and how beautiful puerto rico is..Thats all i knew.

well i got curious, i wanted to know more about where my mom and dad came from, I never learned about the truth of our race,culture,our history.. its sad to see that you cant find this information anywhere. I found out a lot of my history in the texts of a book called “BORICUAS” Influential puerto rican writings an anthhology. for those interested in exploring the meaning of being puerto rican and the dynamics of race and ethnicity today.

“”LATINO STUDIES””we must continue to educate our brothers and sisters, keep rising above, keep reaching out for more and never settle for less.. we are strong and we will continue to prove this time and time again, we have come a long way. YES we are the future!! I invite anyone with more knowledge of our history.

“I Thank You In Advance”



4 thoughts on “I FOUND WHAT WAS HIDDEN.

  1. I hope that “lardes”was a typo. Your father’s family is from Lares, not “lardes”. Also where does this practice of typing in lowercase come from?

  2. I am glad you found your origins. However, I tell everyone that cares to listen/read, is just an accident. I would have preferred having been born in
    Colombia or Spain, particularly the Canary Islands, the Balearics, Barranquilla/Cartagena. Is no big deal where your parents come from, however some think differently for selfish meaningless reasons. Caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar. By the way how is your Spanish?

  3. correa cotto can you clarify the quote: “I would have preferred having been born in Colombia or Spain, particularly the Canary Islands, the Balearics, Barranquilla/Cartagena”?

    It is a big deal where her parents come from. Your comments make so sense to me. You give me the impression that you have no pride in yourself.

  4. Hola. te saludo en espanol. Soy Puertorriquena y me siento orgullosa de mi tierra. Aquellos que no tienen identidad propia son los que se expresan de la misma manera que el tal Correa Cotto? Me alegro mucho por ti al querer conocer parte de tu cultura, costumbres, y raices. No le pongas mucha attencion a comentarios necios de personas no dignas de haber nacido en una isla del encanto, pequena pero llena de color, amor y tradicion. Un caluroso saludo de parte de mis compatriotas que estan conmigo en la oficina en estos momentos. Quiero recomendarte un libro que te puede ayudar a conocer mas de tu cultura en una manera simple. Cuando yo era puertorriquena de Esmeralda Santiago.

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