7 thoughts on “Should the ROTC programs continue in the colleges and universities of Puerto Rico?

  1. Victory for the Anti-militarization Movement
    University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

    University Group for Dismilitarization and Education, in Spanish (FUDE)

    Today March 17th we can announce to everyone that we did it! We have gained a victory for the anti-militrarization movement. We have come to agreements with the administration. Our main objectives with the civil desobedience camp were: change the use of the building, to not give another space or building to the ROTC programs and designate areas of practice for the ROTC. We have reached them. After 6 months in the Civil Desobedience Camp we did it.. Our goals in long terms still are to eliminate the ROTC programs form our universities. The struggle continues. We want to thank everyone who has supported us, helped us and are part of this struggle. This victory sends the message that it is possible to do it and win. Our spirit and will for peace can do more than the world’s powerful military agenda. Congratulations to everyone.  We deserve to celebrate this victoty. Everyone out there who has the ideas and the will to do something in order to give one more step against the military in our schools and universities, it is possible. Thank you.

    Isa Rodriguez


  2. Victoria para el antimilitarismo
    Mayaguez, Puerto Rico/Victoria para el antimilitarismo

    Universidad de Puerto Rico, Reciento de Mayaguez

    Frente Universitario por la Desmilitarizacion y la Educacion (FUDE)

    Hoy, miercoles, 17 de marzo podemos anunciarle a todos y todas que logramos una victoria para el movimiento anti-militarista. Llegamos a unos acuerdos con la administracion. Nuestros objetivos principales: cambiarle el uso al edificio, que no se diera ningun espacio adicional a los programas ROTC y que se le desiganran areas especificas de practicas a los programas ROTC, se han cumplido. Despues de seis meses en el Campamento Colegial de Desobediencia Civil lo logramos. Estos eran los objetivos inmediatos utilizando el metodo de la desobediencia civil. El objetivo a largo plazo y meta final del FUDE es lograr la eliminacion del programa del ROTC de nuestras universidades. La lucha continua. Esta victoria es un paso mas en nuestra lucha por la desmilitarizacion. Queremos agradecer a todos y todas las personas que colbaroran, apoyaron y nos ayudaron. Esta lucha es de todos y todas, por ende esta victoria es de todos y todas. Luego enviaremos un comunciado mas completo y la comunicacion de parte de rectoria. Con esta victoria damos el mensaje de que se puede, sea un pequeño grupo o sean muchas personas. Nuestro espiritu de paz y no violencia puede vencer contra los intereses militares y la empresa de la guerra. Nosotros y nosotras apostamos a que se podia e hizimos vales ese intento. Felicidades a todos y todas. La lucha continua.

    Isa Rodriguez


    correo electronico: fude_rum@hotmail.com,

  3. No
    Although, I wouldn’t characterize getting the ROTC’s off-campus as the demilitarization of Puerto Rico!

  4. RE: Victory for the Anti-militarization Movement
    Victory for who? The forces of evil and intolerance? When are you people going to wake up and realize that we who cherish freedom live in a less than perfect world, and that unless we are prepared to fight for those freedoms, we are condemned to lose them! So do not be too quick to celebrate the destruction of those institutions that were put in place for our benifit.

  5. Learn a little history
    PR is not a democracy however much you feel comfortable as a colony. Just know this. It was only because of a great deal of struggle that Puerto Ricans won their share of civil liberties in their own country! — Although it only appears to find expression in consumerism and its antithesis, crime.

    We couldn’t wave the flag at one time! Albizu changed that.

  6. ROTeCe
    Thousands of Puertorriquenos have served honorably in the armed services of the USA since WW1. One of my family members worked in the Pentagon as an arms advisor during WWII, my god-father was in the occupation forces following D-Day, my two uncles served in Korea, etc, etc., yet the campaign of systematic repression and manipulation of the free will of the Puertorriquenos has been planned and led by the US military from 1898 until this day.The ROTC is a lingering vestige of ugly americanism in our homeland. I am sure that those college students in Puerto Rico that so badly want to serve as officers in the US military will be gladly accomodated elsewhere. Absolutely No ROTC program should be allowed in on any campus any where in Puerto Rico.

  7. “The ROTC is a lingering vestige of ugly americanism in our homeland. I am sure that those college students in Puerto Rico that so badly want to serve as officers in the US military will be gladly accomodated elsewhere.”

    During Spanish colonial times, the Spanish Crown sent an ambassador to Puerto Rico in order that he may recruit volunteers to put down an uprising in Venezuela. He was not there a night or two when he found a note tacked to his door. The note read ” Although docile and respective of authority, we will not allow one single “American” fight his brothers in venezuela.”
    As far back as then, we recognized ourselves as being American. Being that Puerto Rico is in the Americas,we Puerto Ricans have always been American. With this in mind, I suppose you must mean Ugly “Anglo”-Americanism ? In any event,how in the world do you equate ROTC with Americanism, ugly or otherwise ?

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