One thought on “What are the U.S. Navy’s obligations to Vieques and the Viequenses after it leaves?

  1. navy must clean up and provide resources
    it seems that the navy has been destroying our soil for over half a century and is therefore obliged to clean up and restore the soil it ruined. it just can’t walk away and leave their toxic garbage behind. there are so many environmental and health issues that must be resolved that we can expect a lot of resistance on their part to clean things up and recompense the Viequenses and all the people of Puerto Rico for the damage done: environmental, physical, mental and psychological. and it is not just a restorative role that the navy must enact buy a constructive role in redressing the underdevelopment that part of Puerto Rico had to bear.

    Calderon and the Puerto Rican Congress need to put a total agenda for the next fifty years for Vieques and the Viequenses. i hope they have tentatively done so. and they must include their scientists, doctors, as well as their constituencies (the people) in Vieques and in Puerto Rico to envision a future for that beautiful island. that document must be forceful as well as factually compelling.

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