86 thoughts on “Vieques Update

  1. White House ignores the fast and protests
    Dear friends,

    Below is an article that came out today in El Nuevo Día, Puerto Rico’s largest newspaper in Spanish. Here is a summary of the article:

    Clinton reiterates the worthiness of his plan for Vieques

    By Leonor Mulero, El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Although President Clinton recognizes the strong position that many people have taken on the Naval excercises in Vieques, his chief aide on Puerto Rico, Jeffrey Farrow, says that he will maintain his policy of supporting the Presidential Directives. He responded this way after being asked about the reaction of the President to the enormous demonstration outside the White House on Friday, Sept. 22, 2000.

    When asked if Clinton would concede a meeting to religious and community leaders of Vieques — as is the plea of the religious argentine [sic] Andrés

    Thomas Conteris, Farrow said that “we are focusing now on Congressional approval of the rest of the Presidential Directives.” Conteris has fasted for more than 60 days and has lost more than 56 pounds.


    Reitera Clinton las bondades de su plan para Vieques

    martes, 26 de septiembre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Aunque reconoce la fuerte posición a las prácticas navales en

    Vieques, el presidente Bill Clinton sigue considerando que sus directrices son la mejor forma de satisfacer a las partes involucradas en el conflicto de los entrenamientos militares en la Isla Nena.

    “Reconocemos que mucha gente tiene una perspectiva bien firme sobre este

    asunto, pero el Presidente ha desarrollado una solución para la controversia de Vieques que atiende las preocupaciones de la gente de Vieques y la necesidad de entrenamiento de la Marina”, indico ayer Jeffrey Farrow,

    encargado de los asuntos de Puerto Rico en la Casa Blanca.

    RESPONDIO ASI al preguntársele la reacción de la Casa Blanca sobre la enorme manifestación en contra de los entrenamientos en Vieques que tuvo lugar el viernes pasado frente a la Casa Blanca. Farrow añadió que la Casa Blanca

    está trabajando con el Congreso para obtener aprobación de la parte de la

    directriz presidencial que queda por aprobar. Se refirió a la transferencia

    a Puerto Rico de las tierras del oeste de Vieques.”Esta es una solución que

    no satisface a los que tienen el objetivo de que la controversia se solucione de inmediato”, indicó Farrow refiriéndose a los que buscan la salida inmediata de la Marina de Vieques. El plan de Clinton dispone la celebración de un referéndum para que los viequenses escojan entre la salida de la Marina en el 2003 o su permanencia con entrenamientos con municiones explosivas.

    FARROW DESTACO que ya se convirtió en ley la aprobación de $40 millones para

    desarrollo económico, un estudio sobre las condiciones de salud en Vieques y

    el financiamiento del referéndum. Falta la aprobación de la transferencia de

    las tierras, disposición que causa controversia en el Congreso.

    Preguntado si Clinton concedería la reunión a los líderes religiosos y

    comunitarios de Vieques -como pide mediante su huelga de hambre el religioso

    argentino Andres Thomas Conteris, Farrow dijo que “nos estamos enfocando ahora en la aprobación congresional del resto de las directrices presidenciales”. Conteris lleva más de 60 días en ayuno y ha perdido más de 56 libras.

  2. Vieques/Cancer/Marcha 21 de octubre
    Llevan a Washington estudio del cáncer

    en Vieques

    miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – El doctor viequense Rafael

    Rivera Castaño presentó en un foro en

    esta capital los resultados de estudios

    que apuntan hacia una alta incidencia

    de cáncer y otras enfermedades en


    En el foro de la Coalición Nacional

    Puertorriqueña (NPRC), Rivera Castaño

    indicó que un estudio de los años 1960 a

    1989 realizado por el Departamento de

    Salud de Puerto Rico reveló, para el año

    de 1989, que la tasa de cáncer en Vieques es 28% más alta que la del conjunto de Puerto Rico.

    La tasa de mortalidad de Puerto Rico es

    de 121.3 por cada 100,000 habitantes,

    mientras que la tasa de Vieques es de

    168.7 muertes por cada 100,000 habitantes.

    La incidencia del cáncer en Vieques es mas alta que la incidencia de ese mal en Las Marías, municipio con una poblacion parecida a la de la Isla Nena y que en Cataño, que sufre grandes problemas de contaminación. Lo mismo sucede cuando se compara a Vieques con Rincón y Culebra, dijo Rivera Castaño.

    “LO QUE causa la contaminación en Vieques no son los contaminantes usuales, dijo el médico. La merma en los casos del cáncer del esófago y otros órganos del sistema digestivo revelan que la incidencia de cáncer en Vieques no es producto, primordialmente, de los habitos como fumar o beber licor o por la dieta.

    El estudio del Departamento de Salud

    reveló también que ha habido alzas en el

    cáncer del colon y el recto, los cuales

    están más asociados a la contaminación

    por carcinógenos.

    El cáncer de mama ha aumentado en

    Vieques, según ese estudio, lo cual se

    asocia más con la contaminación del

    ambiente mediante tóxicos. El cáncer en

    el cuello uterino se ha reducido, lo

    cual Rivera Castaño atribuye a las

    medidas preventivas.

    El cáncer del pulmón es más común en el

    conjunto de Puerto Rico que en Vieques.

    El cáncer en la próstata no arroja

    diferencias entre ambas áreas comparadas

    El doctor comentó que ese tipo de cancer es difícil de medir porque a los hombres no les gusta examinarse.

    RIVERA CASTAÑO también presentó los

    resultados de un estudio sobre la

    contaminación ambiental en el área de

    tiro de Vieques realizado por el doctor

    Neftalí García. Ese estudio reveló

    concentraciones de cobalto, cromo, plomo

    plata, mercurio y nitritos, entre otros

    contaminantes. Rivera Castaño indicó

    que esos elementos llegan a la población

    civil de Vieques mediante el viento, el

    agua y la pesca.

    Marcharán por Vieques en Nueva York el

    próximo 21 de octubre. miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2000.

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Un nutrido grupo de

    organizaciones estadounidenses realizara

    una “Gran Marcha por la Paz” en apoyo al

    pueblo de Vieques el sábado 21 de

    octubre en la Ciudad de Nueva York.

    La marcha comenzará a las 12:00 del

    mediodía en el Columbus Circle ubicado

    en la Calle 59 en la entrada del Parque

    Central, y seguirá hasta el Museo Naval

    USS Intrepid localizado la Calle 46 con

    el West Side Highway.

    Los patrocinadores de la marcha por

    Vieques más grande que se celebraría en

    la Gran Manzana incluyen a la Asociación

    de Juristas Americanos, el Centro de

    Derechos Constitucionales, Todo Nueva

    York con Vieques, la Campaña de Apoyo a

    Vieques, el Comité de Nueva York del

    Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño

    (PIP) y el Fondo Puertorriqueño de

    Defensa Legal y de Educación de Nueva York.

    OTROS PATROCINADORES incluyen al Centro

    de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico

    y el Caribe, el Comité de Vieques del

    Partido Popular Democrático, la Alianza

    Puertorriqueña de Los Angeles, la

    Asociación de Pescadores del Sur y el

    National Actino Network del reverendo

    afroamericano Al Sharpton.

  3. Comunicado de Prensa
    La Alianza Para Vieques 21 de Octubre

    Grand Central Station

    PO Box 2730 NY, NY 10163

    E-mail: ViequesAlliance1021@hotmail.com

    Voice Mail: 212 591 1103

    Website: http:// http://www.ViequesAlliance.org


    Reciban un saludo solidario de parte de La Alianza Para Vieques 21 de Octubre. Es para nosotros un honor y orgullo patrio poder formar parte de una GRAN ALIANZA DE PAZ, que no solo est· compuesta por hermanos puertorriqueños residentes en la ciudad de Nueva York, sino que traspasa

    fronteras y se une con nuestro querido Puerto Rico en apoyo al pueblo viequense.

    Gracias pueblo de Puerto Rico, gracias Comite Mayaguezanos con Vieques, gracias al misionero metodista Andres Thomas Conteris, gracias a Miembros del Colectivo de Resistencia Amigos de Vieques y Amigos del Mar y gracias al

    Boricua Human Rights Network por hacer de esta lucha un camino certero hacia

    la paz.

    La Alianza Para Vieques 21 De Octubre se solidariza en total comunion con el

    Comite Mayag¸ezanos con Vieques en su cruzada de paz desde Mayaguez a Fajardo. Les deseamos todo el Èxito del Mundo y nos comprometemos seguir construyendo ese puente de paz hasta la Ciudad de Nueva York. AsÌ mismo nos solidarizamos con a la convocatoria a la integracion a la Gran Marcha/Concentracion del primero de octubre en Vieques y en el llamado a sus

    actos de desobediencia civil este proximo 1ro de octubre. De igual manera, La Alianza Para Vieques 21 de Octubre tambien se solidariza con el llamado

    internacional a oracion, ayuno y accion por la paz en Vieques el lunes 2 de


    Es unidos y solamente unidos como venceremos. Queremos decirles hermanos

    puertorriqueños que no est·n solos. La comunidad puertorriqueña y otros

    grupos etnicos de Nueva York levantar·n su voz este proximo 21 de octubre en

    una gran marcha por la paz para demandar ni una bomba mas, paz para Vieques ahora, en rechazo a la violacion de los derechos humanos que sufren los residentes de Vieques hace ya sesenta años.

    Su lucha diaria, sacrificada e incansable es la que nos alimenta dia a dia para seguir proclamando justicia en la tierra donde germinan las directrices que producen este atropello cometido contra seres humanos y la madre naturaleza. …exito!

  4. Article in El Nuevo Dia with English summary
    Article in El Nuevo Dia with English summary

    San Juan, Puerto Rico

    El Nuevo Día by Leonor Mulero

    Versión en español está abajo.

    Summary in English:

    U.S. Misionary moves fast to Vieques

    Friday, 29 septembre 2000

    WASHINGTON — Convinced that the President will not pay attention to him, the [United] Methodist missioner, Andrés Thomas Conteris announced yesterday that he would travel to Vieques, after 66 days of fasting and losing 59 pounds. 

    Thomas Conteris, who cleared the matter regarding his nationality, he is a US citizen and not Argentine, said that he would continue the fast if the leaders of Vieques desire this.  The Methodist who attends public events in a wheelchair held a vigil in front of the White House weekdays from [6:30] to 8:00pm to make visible his demand to Clinton to grant a meeting to religious and Vieques leaders.  Clinton has ignored the request, which although it continues, it is not the priority of the Vieques struggle at this time, according to Methodist minister Eliezar Valentín. 

    THIS WEEK, Jeffrey farrow, in charge of Puerto Rican affairs at the White house, indicated to Thomas Conteris that the President will not concede to a meeting.  Now the missionary is part of an International Call to Prayer, Fasting and Action for Peace in Vieques on Monday, 2 October, a day after the March for Vieques.  At this time he is urging a stop to all bombing on the tiny island [and not focusing on the request for a meeting].

    AMONG THOSE who sponsored the Call to Prayer are the Catholic Archbishop of San Juan, Roberto González; Methodist Bishop Juan A. Vera; Father Nelson López, of the Catholic Chuch of Vieques; Reverend Luci Rosario of the Methodist Church of Vieques, and the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ — USA, Rev. Robert Edgar, among [150] others.

    Thomas Conteris searched for support in Congress and other places.  He also has a webpage on the Internet [www.viequesfast.org] asking for support.  Born in Wisconsin where his father is from, [mother born in Argentina and raised in Uruguay], he contracted a helper to assist with communications.

    He is on “home assignment” without a particular assignment at this time and and is awaiting a new one.  The fast is a personal iniciative [with the support of many in the church.]

    Misionero estadounidense muda su ayuno a Vieques

    viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Convencido de que el presidente Bill Clinton no le hará caso, el misionero metodista Andrés Thomas Conteris anunció ayer que partirá hacia Vieques, luego de 66 días de ayuno y con 59 libras de menos.

    Para más información visita nuestro archivo sobre Vieques Thomas Conteris, quien aclaró que no es argentino, sino estadounidense, dijo que continuará el ayuno si los líderes viequenses así lo quieren. El metodista, quien asiste a los eventos públicos en silla de ruedas, acudía al Parque Lafayette frente a la Casa Blanca de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes para realizar su acto en reclamo de que Clinton concediera la reunión solicitada por líderes viequenses y religiosos. Clinton ha ignorado el pedido que, aunque sigue vigente, no es prioridad de la lucha viequense en este momento, dijo el sacerdote metodista Eliezer Valentín.

    ESTA SEMANA Jeffrey Farrow, encargado de los asuntos de Puerto Rico en la Casa Blanca, indicó a Thomas Conteris que el Presidente no concederá la reunión. Ahora el misionero hace un llamado internacional a oración, ayuno y acción por la paz en Vieques el lunes 2 de octubre, un día después de la marcha por Vieques. Ahora exige el cese de todo bombardeo en la Isla Nena.

    ENTRE LOS patrocinadores de su día de oración se encuentran el arzobispo católico de San Juan, Roberto González; el obispo metodista Juan A. Vera; el padre Nelson López, de la iglesia católica de Vieques; la reverenda Luci Rosario, de la iglesia metodista de Vieques, y el secretario general del Concilio Nacional de Iglesias de Cristo, Robert Edgar, entre otros.

    Thomas Conteris buscaba apoyo para su acto en el Congreso y otros lugares. Además, tiene una página en Internet, en la que pide contribuciones. Nacido en Wisconsin y de padre estadounidense, este hombre contrató a un ayudante de comunicaciones al que dijo le paga $300 semanales, los que aseguró provienen de su propio salario de $1,200 mensuales. Recibe $600 de un estipendio por vivienda.

    THOMAS CONTERIS está en nombramiento “en su casa” en Washington, en espera de que lo envíen a otra misión. El ayuno es una iniciativa personal, aseguró. Dijo que paga con sus ahorros el alquiler de la silla de ruedas y el viaje a Vieques.

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  5. Letter of support from U.S. Senators
    Letter from Senators

    The Honorable William J. Clinton

    President of the United States

    The White House

    Washington, DC

    Dear Mr. President:

    We write to ask that you consider directing the U.S. Navy to alter its

    approach to its implementation of the Presidential Directive and likely

    provisions of the Fiscal Year 2001 National Defense Authorization Act

    concerning the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Facility on Vieques. While

    we support the main elements of the directive, we are concerned that the Navy could have undue influence over the referendum process and that the people of Vieques may not have full information or the full range of options when they vote. We ask that you intervene personally to ensure that no irregularities occur and that you consult with us on the Navy’s efforts to ensure the fairness of the referendum.

    We believe that the recent agreement between the Administration, the Navy, and the Government of Puerto Rico found a proper balance between the grievances of the people of Vieques and the Navy’s legitimate readiness requirements. The agreement gives the people an opportunity to consider the Navy’s requirements and vote in a referendum on whether to allow the Navy to remain on the island.

    We are concerned, however, that the Navy’s leverage over the referendum

    may call its fairness into question. For example, the agreement lets the Navy choose the exact date of the referendum. It lets the Navy decide how the questions will be phrased. And it lets the Navy control Congress’ $40 million appropriation to carry out the initial phase of the agreement. We further understand that the Navy has contracted with a public relations firm and has enlisted retired senior officers to dispel what they regard to be myths about the Navy’s activities.

    We are concerned that without full information, the vote might also distort the true wishes of the people of Vieques. Although the agreement makes clear that the island will receive an additional $50

    million in federal funds, it does not indicate how the island stands to benefit if the Navy leaves. Increases in tourism and base-closure clean-up funds are just two of the tangible benefits that will likely result if the Navy departs. The people of Vieques deserve to be fully informed about the implications of their vote.

    It is important that this referendum accurately reflect the desires of the

    people. In order for this to happen, the range of choices must reflect the general schools of thought in the population. We are under the impression that a percentage of the people favor immediate cessation of all Navy activities on the island. To encourage full participation in the referendum and to ensure legitimacy of the process, there must be an opportunity to express this opinion.

    To ensure that the referendum is free and fair, we urge a number of steps: First, it should publish the referendum date immediately, ensuring that it falls as close as possible to the May 1, 2001 target date. The Navy should withhold contracting with any private public relations firm, and it should bring in other federal agencies to review the federal assistance available if the residents of Vieques vote to end the Navy’s presence on the island. Finally, the Navy should add a third option to

    the referendum — the prompt cessation of all training activities on the island.

    These steps will help ensure that the Presidential Directive on Vieques will be implemented effectively. Failure to pay close attention to the details of the referendum raises the specter that it will not reflect the wishes of the people of Vieques. They are American citizens and they deserve the opportunity to freely determine their fate.

    With best regards,

    PATRICK J. LEAHY, United States Senator JAMES M. JEFFORDS, United States Senator

  6. Anti-Navy Protesters Detained on Vieques


    Anti-Navy Protesters Detained on Vieques

    Monday, October 2, 2000; Page A02

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Oct. 1

    The Navy detained 65 protesters today near a former weapons depot on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, part of a day of anti-military demonstrations.

    The protesters entered the base by crawling under a fence before dawn, Navy spokesman Lt. Jeff Gordon said. They would likely face trespassing charges, he said.

    Later in the day, thousands of Puerto Ricans marched to demand that the

    military abandon the Vieques training ground it has used since the 1940s.

    “What’s that sound I hear? It’s the people on the warpath!” they chanted,

    waving the blue-and-white flag of Vieques.

    Authorities have arrested more than 600 protesters since May. More than 400 await trial on trespassing charges.

    The Navy controls about two-thirds of the 20-by-four-mile island. Opposition to the military’s presence on Vieques flared in April 1999, when a Marine Corps F-18 jet dropped two 500-pound bombs off target,

    killing a civilian guard on the range.

    Protesters occupied the bombing range to thwart further exercises until U.S. marshals forcibly removed them May 4.

    Navy opponents say the military exercises have damaged the environment, stunted the island’s economy and endangered residents. The Navy says their claims are exaggerated and argues that the training is necessary to national defense.

    President Clinton promised the Navy would abandon the western weapons depot and leave Vieques completely if the island’s 9,400 residents vote in a referendum to expel it. That vote is expected before mid-2002.

    The march today in Vieques was to culminate events that began with a

    demonstration in front of the White House on Sept. 22, when hundreds of people chanted for the Navy to leave the Caribbean island. U.S. Park Police said 78 protesters were arrested.

    Those arrested were put in plastic handcuffs and loaded onto buses for processing, said Robert Rabin, spokesman for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, a Puerto Rico-based group that has launched several civil disobedience demonstrations in the United States and Puerto Rico.

    Park Police cited the Washington protesters for breaking a federal

    regulation that prohibits stationary demonstrations in front of the White

    House, a violation carrying fines up to $50.

    © 2000 The Washington Post Company

  7. Vieques y Marina/Varias noticias
    Prevén bombardeo el 11 de octubre en Vieques

    miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – La Marina de Estados Unidos se propone reiniciar los bombardeos

    en Vieques el 11 de octubre, dijo ayer el abogado washingtoniano Richard D. Copaken, quien realiza estudios sobre los alegados efectos adversos de los entrenamientos de la Marina en Vieques sobre los niños.

    Copaken indicó que Patrick Baltasar, ingeniero consultor de la comisionada de

    Vieques, Rosa Ortiz, le informó ayer de que la Marina tiene planes de bombardear en Vieques el 11 de octubre. La Marina ha dicho que no tiene fecha específica para los bombardeos.

    Baltasar también indicó a Copaken, según dijo el propio abogado, que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico realiza un estudio sobre el efecto del ruido de los bombardeos sobre suelo viequense, pero no incluye los bombardeos sobre mar. Un estudio de especialistas que trabajan con Copaken determinó que las ondas de ruido que emiten los bombardeos en la costa puede ser detrimental para los pulmones y otros órganos de bañistas, especialmente de los niños.

    Copaken indicó que Baltasar señaló que carecen de los recursos para realizar

    el estudio sobre el ruido de los bombardeos en el mar, pero que la oficina de la Comisionada de Vieques pediría recursos adicionales al Gobernador.

    Notifica sobre otro estudio

    El abogado cursó ayer una carta al abogado de la Oficina Legal de la Marina,

    Marc Swartz, para informarle de otro estudio sobre “La resonancia del pulmón

    humano”, realizado el 31 de mayo de 2000 por Edward A. Cudahy y Eric L. Hanson, del Laboratorio Naval de Investigaciones Submarinas en Groton, Connecticut.

    El Gobierno de Puerto Rico prepara un estudio sobre el ruido, mas no incluye bombardeos sobre el mar, según Copaken

    Este segundo estudio concluyó que los pulmones expuestos a resonancia de ondas de agua son más vulnerables que los pulmones expuestos a otros tipos de

    resonancia. La medida de la resonancia de los pulmones de los buzos de la Marina -que se sometieron al experimento en una piscina de 1,100 galones de agua- fue de 39 Hertz (ciclos por segundo). La resonancia que recibe el pulmón es equivalente al sonido del motor de diesel.

    Las ondas sónicas que causan las bombas lanzadas en las aguas de Vieques por

    los cañones Mark 45 se concentran en frecuencias de 30 Hz, la cual es la

    frecuencia en que los pulmones de ciertos adultos y niños reciben resonancia,

    dijo Copaken, quien fue una figura clave para sacar a la Marina de Culebra en

    la década del 70.

    El abogado pidió a Swartz que detenga los entrenamientos en Vieques, hasta tanto la Marina pueda demostrar que esas prácticas no afectarán adversamente la salud de niños en Vieques y Culebra.

    Sila promueve ley que detendría los ejercicios navales

    miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Convencida de que la ley federal existente permite acabar con

    los bombardeos en Vieques, la candidata a gobernadora por el Partido Popular

    Democrático, Sila M. Calderón, dio al gobernador Pedro Rosselló una

    alternativa para poner fin en 60 días a los entrenamientos de la Marina de

    Guerra en la Isla Nena.

    Calderón proporcionó a Rosselló un borrador de posibles enmiendas a las

    regulaciones de la Junta de Calidad Ambiental (JCA) para poner fin, en 60

    días, a los bombardeos en Vieques, bajo el amparo de la Sección 4 de la Ley

    para el Control de Ruido de 1972 y otros estatutos.

    La Sección 4 de la referida ley señala que cada departamento, agencia o

    instrumentalidad de las ramas Ejecutiva, Legislativa o Judicial del Gobierno

    federal, que incluye a la Marina, que realice actividades generadoras de

    ruido, tiene que cumplir con la reglamentación promulgada por la Junta que

    regula la salud ambiental, según el borrador de enmiendas presentado por


    EL DOCUMENTO añade que la Sección 8 de la Ley Orgánica de 1917 -la Ley Jones-

    indica que las aguas costeras bajo el control del Gobierno de Puerto Rico se

    extienden hasta 10.36 millas desde la costa.

    El abogado washingtoniano Richard Copaken dijo que la Sección 606 del Título

    VI federal, que autorizó fondos para las áreas insulares el 12 de marzo de

    1980, confirmó que las aguas territoriales de Puerto Rico se extienden hasta 10.36 millas desde la costa. Eso se confirmó en la decisión del Primer Circuito de Apelaciones Federales de Boston en 1996, en el caso Pérez de la

    Cruz vs. Crowley Tolling & Transportation, agregó.

    “La Junta de Calidad Ambiental tiene la autoridad para regular las actividades que causan contaminación de sonido en Vieques. Pero no lo han hecho”, dijo Copaken.

    Calderón propone que la JCA establezca estándares y requisitos para la

    eliminación de ruidos que se propaguen dentro de las aguas de Puerto Rico y

    sean potencialmente dañinos a la salud y al bienestar público, según la Ley 9

    del 18 de junio de 1970 que establece la política pública ambiental en Puerto


    LAS ENMIENDAS obligarían a la Marina a detener las prácticas que causen

    contaminación por ruido en las aguas de Vieques y Culebra. La idea es proteger la salud, la pesca, el turismo y las actividades recreativas de esas áreas.

    Rosselló dice que las directrices presidenciales son la forma más rápida de

    conseguir la salida de la Marina de Vieques, en el 2003, luego de 90 días de

    bombardeos con municiones inertes en cada año. Ha retado a que le presenten una alternativa mejor.

    “Estoy disponible para asistir en esta importante gestión. De no hacerlo usted, yo lo haré en los primeros 100 días de mi administración como gobernadora del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico”, dijo Calderón a Rosselló en carta del 30 de septiembre.

    Copaken hizo viable un estudio que concluyó que los bombardeos desde barcos

    con cañones Mark 45 -con balas inertes o vivas- pueden dañar los pulmones y

    otros órganos humanos, especialmente en los niños, que naden en las playas

    del sureste de Vieques y el sur de Culebra mientras se realizan ejercicios.

    ESOS ESTUDIOS están basados en investigaciones de la Marina y las fuerzas armadas noruegas. La JCA puede enmendar su reglamento para prohibir

    actividades que dañen la salud de niños en Vieques y Culebra, amparándose en

    las leyes federales de protección ambiental que hasta la Marina tiene que

    cumplir, dijo Copaken.

    En su carta del 30 de septiembre al secretario de la Marina, Richard Danzig,

    Calderón dijo que Copaken informó a la Marina varias veces en agosto de 2000

    de los resultados del estudio.

    Copaken no convenció a la Marina de que por lo menos informara al público sobre los posibles efectos contra la salud que tendría el bañarse en las aguas de Vieques y Culebra, mientras se realizan los bombardeos. Contrario a lo que informó inicialmente el Departamento de Justicia a Copaken, en el sentido de que los bombardeos en Vieques habían cesado el 17 de agosto, los bombardeos siguieron hasta el 25 de agosto, como informó el diario The New York Times, según Copaken.

    Calderón llamó la atención sobre la Orden Ejecutiva 13045 que Clinton emitió

    el 21 de abril de 1997, para proteger a los niños de riesgos ambientales contra su salud y seguridad. La Orden Ejecutiva señala que estudios han demostrado que los niños son más vulnerables a los riesgos contra la salud y la seguridad.

    Farrow reta a que rompan el acuerdo presidencial sobre Vieques

    miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Jeffrey Farrow, encargado de los asuntos de Puerto Rico en la Casa Blanca, dijo ayer que Puerto Rico no le puede decir al Gobierno de Estados Unidos dónde y cómo realiza sus actividades militares.

    Farrow reaccionó así a la recomendación de detener los bombardeos militares

    en Vieques por los posibles efectos que las ondas sonoras de los bombardeos

    sobre mar puedan tener en los pulmones de los niños y otras personas que naden en las playas de Vieques y Culebra.

    Al preguntársele qué hará la administración de Bill Clinton ante el hecho de que varias leyes federales podrían facultar a la Junta de Calidad Ambiental (JCA) para detener los bombardeos, Farrow respondió que “el Gobierno federal sigue siendo supremo. Por lo tanto, Puerto Rico no puede determinar qué tipo de actividades militares, y en qué lugar las realiza el Gobierno de Estados Unidos”. Añadió que el Gobierno de Estados Unidos decide qué leyes federales le aplican a Puerto Rico.

    Farrow señaló, no obstante, que “Puerto Rico puede salirse del acuerdo

    presidencial sobre Vieques cuando quiera. Y reto a los puertorriqueños a que rompan el acuerdo para que vean cómo la Marina realizará cuántos bombardeos quiera y dondequiera, para que vean cómo no reciben ni un pedazo de tierra federal, y que Vieques será un caos”.

    EL FUNCIONARIO federal reaccionó así a la promesa de la candidata a gobernadora por el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), Sila M. Calderón, de enmendar los reglamentos de la JCA para sacar la Marina de Vieques, en por lo menos 60 días. Calderón proporcionó al gobernador Pedro Rosselló esa propuesta, y si él no la pone en práctica, ella lo haría como gobernadora, dijo.


    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org



    (Scroll down for English version)

    Jeffrey Farrow, co-presidente del “Grupo Interagencial de la Casa Blanca sobre Puerto Rico”, dijo hoy que: “Puerto Rico puede salirse del acuerdo presidencial sobre Vieques cuando quiera. Y reto a los puertorriqueños a que rompan el acuerdo para que vean como la Marina realizar· cuantos bombardeos quiera y dondequiera, para que vean como no reciben ni un

    pedazo de tierra federal, y que Vieques ser· un caos”. El Nuevo Dia, 4 de

    octubre de 2000 (http://endi.zonai.com/locales/html/p8b03m10.asp)

    El Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques emitio el siguiente comunicado sobre Farrow y sus declaraciones:

    Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques

    Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    (787) 741-0716 Email: bieke@coqui.net

    4 de octubre de 2000


    Lideres viequenses describieron como “una manifestacion cruda de la arrogancia de la Marina y de sus alcahuetes,” las declaraciones de Jeffrey Farrow quien reto al pueblo puertorriqueño a que rompa las directrices presidenciales sobre Vieques. Portavoces del ComitÈ Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques (CPRDV) aseguraron que las expresiones de Farrow son de “un guapeton de barrio que piensa que su superioridad de fuerza le da

    licencia para violentar los derechos de los demas.”

    “No lo queremos aqui en Vieques. Consideramos a Jeffrey Farrow un agente

    de la Marina y persona non grata en nuestra isla,” dijo Robert Rabin,

    portavoz del CPRDV.

    Rabin recordo lo siguiente: “Jeffrey Farrow es la persona que el año pasado, en una reunion en Casa Blanca, le dijo a la Alcadesa de Vieques, Manuela Santiago, que la Marina estaba dispuesta a ofrecerle $80 millones a cambio de que ella permitiese que la Marina se quedara en Vieques. Jeffrey Farrow es la persona que el año pasado, en otra reunion en Casa Blanca, trato sin exito de convencer a los Congresistas Luis Gutierrez, Jose Serrano y Nydia Velazquez que dejaran de exigirle a Clinton que ordene que la Marina se vaya de Vieques y a cambio de eso Clinton reabriria la discusion del status polÌtico de Puerto Rico. Jeffrey Farrow es la persona que recientemente, durante la Convencion Democrata, trato de

    callar a los que clamaban ‘¡Paz para Vieques!’ y trato de que los cartelones de ‘Paz para Vieques’ no salieran en television. Jeffrey Farrow es la persona a quien no le basta con haber contribuido a que se reanudase el bombardeo en nuestra isla en contra de la voluntad del

    pueblo, sino que viene con insultos y amenazas. Jeffrey Farrow ha actuado, y contin·a actuando, en contra del pueblo de Vieques.”

    Nilda Medina, destacada lider del CPRDV, señalo que la comunidad de Vieques en lucha considera a Farrow persona non grata, por su consistente apoyo a la continuacion del bombardeo en la Isla Nena. “Farrow y Rossello se han convertido en los ayudantes principales de la Marina y en los enemigos principales del pueblo viequense. Su arrogancia y sus intereses personales les hacen insensible al sufrimiento de nuestro pueblo. Cada dia que pasa, con o sin bombardeo, los toxicos cancerogenos en el area de bombardeo, llegan al sector civil transportados por la brisas que soplan del este al oeste – del area de bombardeo hacia la poblacion civil,”

    declaro Medina.

    Sobre el “caos” que pronostica Farrow si las directrices presidenciales se

    rompen, señalo Rabin que ese caos ha estado imperando en Vieques desde

    hace 60 años cuando llego la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos. La expropiacion de tres cuartas partes de la isla para usos belicos, la contaminacion, la alta incidencia de cancer, el desempleo, la emigracion forzosa, los malos servicios de transportacion y salud son evidencia del empobrecimiento y el caos que ha causado la Marina en este pueblo, señalo Rabin.

    Contacto: Yvette Yolanda Martinez 787-741-0716

    (English version)

    Jeffrey Farrow, co-chair of the “White House Interagency Working Group on

    Puerto Rico”, said today that: “Puerto Rico can get out of the presidential directives on Vieques whenever it wants. And I challenge Puerto Ricans to break the directives so that they then see how the Navy will bomb however it wants, as often as it wants, wherever it wants, so

    that they see how they’re not going to get even a bit of federal land, and

    that Vieques will be chaos.”

    El Nuevo Dia newspaper, Oct. 4, 2000.


    The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques issued the

    following press release on Farrow and his statements:

    Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques

    Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    (787) 741-0716 Email: bieke@coqui.net

    October 4, 2000


    Viequense leaders described the statements by Jeffrey Farrow challenging

    the people of Puerto Rico to break the Presidential Directives on Vieques

    as “a crass manifestation of the arrogance of the Navy and its lackeys”.

    Spokespersons for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques

    (CRDV) stated that Farrow’s comments “come from someone who wants to act like a bully and who thinks his superiority complex gives him license to violate the rights of others.”

    “We don’t want him here in Vieques. We consider Jeffrey Farrow an agent of the Navy and persona non grata in our island,” said Robert Rabin, CRDV


    Rabin added that: “Jeffrey Farrow is the person who, last year at a meeting in the White House, told Vieques Mayor Manuela Santiago that the Navy was prepared to offer $80 million if she allowed it to remain in Vieques. Jeffrey Farrow is the person who, last year at another meeting

    in the White House, tried unsuccessfully to convince Congressmen Luis Gutierrez and Jose Serrano, and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, to drop their demands that Clinton order the Navy out of Vieques in exchange for having Clinton resume talks on the political status of Puerto Rico.

    Jeffrey Farrow is the person who recently, during the Democratic National

    Convention, tried to shut down those delegates that were shouting ‘Peace

    for Vieques!’ and tried to block their ‘Peace for Vieques’ signs from the

    TV cameras. Jeffrey Farrow is the person who is not satisfied with having

    contributed to the resumption of bombing in our island, and comes with insults and threats. Jeffrey Farrow has acted and continues to act against the people of Vieques.”

    Nilda Medina, leader of the CRDV, stated that the Vieques community considers Farrow to be persona non grata, given his consistent support of the continuation of bombing in Vieques. “Farrow and Governor Rossello have become the principal aides to the Navy and the principal enemies of

    the people of Vieques. Their arrogance and their personal interests make them insensitive to the suffering of our people. Each day that goes by, with or without bombing, the carcinogenic toxics in the bombing area reach the civilian sector as they are transported by the winds that blow from east to west -from the bombing range to the civilian sector,” stated Medina.

    Regarding the “chaos” that Farrow predicts for Vieques if the presidential

    directives are broken, Rabin said that that chaos has been the status which has prevailed in Vieques for the last 60 years since the Navy arrived in Vieques. The expropriation of three quarters of the island for military purposes, the contamination, the high cancer rate, the high unemployment, the forced migration, the poor transportation and health

    services, are evidence of the chaos brought about by the Navy in this island, said Rabin.

    Contact: Yvette Yolanda Martinez 787-741-0716

  9. Rubén: Insulto a los puertorriqueños
    Rubén percibe la desesperación de la Marina

    jueves, 5 de octubre de 2000

    Por Pepo García

    El Nuevo Día

    PARA RUBEN Berríos, que un boletín pro Marina en Vieques lo tilde de comunista es el ejemplo máximo de desesperación y sostuvo “eso es obra de la inteligencia militar”.

    “Pero no puede haber complicidad ni ambivalencia de los otros candidatos a

    gobernador”, puntualizó el ex senador.

    Berríos explicó en un aparte con la prensa que lo menos que podía hacer

    Carlos Pesquera era exigir vistas públicas ante “el atropello de la entrega

    del CDT” de Vieques, lo que dijo “aplaudió”. También lo criticó por aconsejar a sus correligionarios para que no asistieran a la marcha que se efectuó el primero de octubre.

    “La señora Calderón, por otro lado, intenta cubrir las apariencias con un

    informe cuyo resultado todo el mundo conoce en Puerto Rico hace meses y al

    otro día pone una excusa, la que fuera, y no voy a entrar en eso, en vez de coger un helicóptero, sacar una hora e ir a Vieques”. Dijo que el propósito de Sila Calderón sobre el estudio de Richard Copaken era encubrir y dar una excusa para no asistir a la marcha.

    “Me parece que eso es parte de la ambivalencia y el que está complicidad o en ambivalencia le quita efectividad a las gestiones de los viequenses y

    puertorriqueños”, apuntó.

    Sobre las expresiones de Jeffrey Farrow, encargado de los asuntos de Puerto Rico en la Casa Blanca, quien dijo que el gobierno federal sigue siendo supremo y el gobierno de Puerto Rico no tiene ningún tipo de injerencia, Berríos indicó que “es una tragedia y una desgracia que haya dicho lo que dijo. Y no hay derecho en el mundo para atropellar a un pueblo estrujándole en la cara el poder prepotente de un país colonial”.

    Finalmente criticó la indemnización que está ofreciendo la Marina con los pescadores por entender que es un intento claro de tratar de comprar la conciencia de los pescadores y pidió a éstos que no se dejen dividir.

    Expresiones de Farrow son un “insulto”

    miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2000

    Por Gloria Ruiz Kuilan

    De The Associated Press

    SAN JUAN – Para el presidente y candidato a la gobernación del Partido Independentista Rubén Berríos Martínez las expresiones sobre la directriz

    presidencial de Vieques, de un funcionario federal que representa el enlace entre Puerto Rico y la Casa Blanca, son un “insulto” y un “atropello” para los puertorriqueños.

    Jeffrey Farrow, encargado de los asuntos de Puerto Rico en la Casa Blanca, dijo en informes de prensa que Puerto Rico puede romper “cuando quiera” la directriz presidencial. Farrow retó a los puertorriqueños a hacerlo “para que

    vean cómo la Marina realizará cuántos bombardeos y dondequiera, para que vean

    como no reciben ni un pedazo de tierra federal”.

    Las expresiones del funcionario federal se produjeron como reacción a un informe que dio a conocer el Partido Popular Democrático sobre los alegados efectos de las prácticas militares en la salud de los viequenses.

    “Dijo una verdad entre todo lo que dijo: que el gobierno federal es el que

    manda aquí porque Puerto Rico desgraciadamente es para los estadistas e

    independentistas una colonia y para los populares es un país con déficit

    democrático y por eso el gobierno es el que hace y deshace aquí, como lo ha

    hecho en Vieques”, declaró Berríos Martínez en una improvisada conferencia de prensa en la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

    Por otra parte, el líder pipiolo reaccionó a la indemnización que ofrece la Armada a los pescadores de la Isla Nena, de $100 diario mientras hayan

    bombardeos, lo cual forma parte de la directriz presidencial.

    “Es creerse que los pescadores viequenses están sujetos a la compra y venta, pero si se creen eso están totalmente equivocados. Los pescadores viequenses

    ya le han contestado, unos han dicho que le deben más que eso y que lo van a

    coger y los otros le han dicho que no lo van a coger por otras razones”, dijo.

    “Es un intento claro de tratar de comprar (a los pescadores) que no va a tener efecto. Es un intento también de dividir a los viequenses, entre los que aceptan y los que no aceptan”, agregó.

    Sugirió a los pescadores no dejarse dividir, pelear o regatear “unos contra


    “Yo les pido a los viequenses que se mantengan calmados, que sigan con la

    militancia, con las actuaciones de desobediencia civil, con la acción, que es muy posible que cuando pasen las elecciones demos un empujón y a lo mejor a los Estados Unidos no le queda más alternativa que transar con la salida de

    la Marina”, sostuvo.

    Al preguntársele a qué se refería, indicó que el actual presidente estadounidense Bill Clinton alegadamente no tiene muy buenas relaciones con la Armada y no aspira a un puesto político en las próximas elecciones, por lo que en lo que resta de su administración podría “buscar alguna excusa”, que puede ser un estudio y ordenar la salida del cuerpo castrense de Vieques.

    Sobre el boletín que circula en Vieques de alegados viequenses a favor de la

    permanencia de la Armada y en el cual lo tildan de “comunista”, Berríos Martínez describió eso como “el ejemplo máximo de la desesperación” de la Armada.

  10. Jeffrey Farrow should resign!
    Jefrey Farrow should be removed from his

    position as co-chair of White House

    Interagency Working Group on Puerto Rico

    His words were an open threat to Puerto

    Ricans and Viequenses. Here’s what he

    said: “Puerto Rico can get out of the

    presidential directives on Vieques

    whenever it wants. And I challenge

    Puerto Ricans to break the directives so

    that they then see how the Navy will

    bomb however it wants, as often as it

    wants, wherever it wants, so that they

    see how they’re not going to get even a

    bit of federal land, and that Vieques

    will be chaos.”

    This is clearly inflammatory and

    insulting to Puerto Rico which must

    again bow before its colonial ruler.

    Our relationship can not be more

    blatantly clear. Coming, as this does,

    at the heels of the proposed legislation

    to allow Puerto Ricans to vote, one can

    only be dismayed by shilly-shallying of

    the Clinton administration which could

    not and can not decided upon a course of

    action for Puerto Rico that would be

    fair and just. Instead the program is

    business as usual and even, perhaps, a

    tightening of the screws. The U.S.

    through money at Vieques. The Viequenses, to their credit, did not fall for such a cheap trick. Now the U.S. is playing “No more Mister Nice Guy.”

    They’re drawing an imaginary line and saying–Go ahead cross it and we’ll pounce on you the way you’ve never been pounced on.

    You can’t get any clearer than that. We are a subjugated people and truly there is only one real course of action open to us. Independence. ¡Fuera La Marina! ¡Fuera Jeffrey Farrow!

    Farrow should be removed from office or this is a clear statement of where the U.S. stands and these, my friends, are fighting words.

  11. Rosello and Farrow
    Farrow’s insulting and provocative words was a pie thrown in the face of Rosello.
    Eat pie Rosello. Eat pie!

  12. anuncios – announcements

    (Please, scroll down for English version)


    1) Varios grupos de compañeros y compañeras que residen en Nueva York han redactado una carta denunciando el conflicto arabé-israelí y pidiendo solidaridad de los que creemos en la causa viequense para con Palestina. Visite nuestra página para leer este documento.

    2) El 27 de octubre habrá un baile de recaudación de fondos en Vermont que muy probablemente contará con la presencia de nuestro gran luchador Tito Kayak. Para más información contacte a Jeannnie Lowell a la siguiente dirección


    3) Se acerca la fecha en que se leerá la decisión del juez con respecto al acto de acción directa que llevamos acabo los siete activistas que entramos al Yankee Stadium. Si se encuentra en Nueva York el 30 de octubre, vaya a la Corte Criminal del Bronx. Además esperamos contar con la presencia de Tito Kayak.

    4) Ahora contamos con un foro de discusión en nuestra página. Visítenos y desahóguese.



    1) Various Vieques and Puerto Rican independence solidarity groups in New York have written a letter of support of the Palestinian people. Visit us to read the document.

    2) There will be a fundraiser dance in Montpelier, Vermont on October 27th. Direct action legend Tito Kayak will be the special guest. Contact Jeannnie Lowell or more information


    3) The judge presiding over the case of the pro-Vieques direct action protest at Yankee Stadium will read his decision on October 30th. If you’re in the New York area that Monday, please join us at the Bronx Criminal Court. Tito Kayak will most probably join us.

    4) Visit us and express your thoughts at our new message board.


  13. Irrumpen conferencia de prensa de NRC
    [English Summary:

    San Juan, PR-Oct 4;

    Vieques’ activists disrupted the NRC

    press conference where the agency dismissed any claims of radioactive harm

    for the people of Vieques. Rolando Garcia, a Vieques’ youth victim of

    radiation himself, stated that studies have shown that he has high levels of arsenic, uranium, lead, and aluminum. Reyes, of the NRC, was not able to refute or discuss his claims and simply left the hotel were the press conference was being held.]

    Colectivos de Resistencia:

    Amigos de Vieques & Amigos del M.A.R

    4 de octubre de 2000


    San Juan, P.R. — Miembros de los Colectivos de Resistencia Amigos de

    Vieques, Amigos del M.A.R. y Jinetes por la paz en union a otras agrupaciones iniciamos una campaña intensiva de apoyo al joven viequense Rolando Garcia Garcia, victima de intoxicacion por radiacion como resultado de los bombardeos de la marina de guerra de los Estados Unidos.

    En la tarde de hoy, manifestantes de varias agrupaciones comprometidos con

    la lucha del pueblo de Vieques interrumpimos abruptamente una conferencia de prensa de la Comision Reguladora de Energia Nuclear de los Estados Unidos (NRC, por sus siglas en ingles) la cual describia a Vieques como un paraiso libre de contaminacion por radiacion. “El analisis del estudio–

    confirmo, no hay contaminacion de uranio en la zona de los residentes” expreso Luis Reyes, Administrador de la Region Sureste de la NRC. Denunciamos que estos planteamientos son contrarios a la evidencia.

    La evidencia precisamente cobro voz cuando el propio Rolando Garcia Garcia

    manifesto en esta conferencia que tiene un alto contenido de ascenico, uranio, plomo y aluminio en su cuerpo relevado por un estudio que se realizo. Ademas, el joven viequense expreso los sintomas agudos que tiene, como por ejemplo: dolor en los huesos, diarrea continuas y perdida de pelo corporal.

    En dicha conferencia, los manifestantes que mostrabamos pancartas alusivas a las personas que han fallecido producto de la contaminacion y otras que estan actualmente contaminadas, denunciamos que estudio de la NRC oculta informacion sobre la realidad viequense.

    El Sr. Reyes no pudo debatir los cuestionamientos de los manifestantes en

    relacion a que las cifras arrojadas en el estudio de la NRC no alude a los efectos del uranio en los seres humanos, particularmente en los viequenses

    expuestos a este tipo de contaminacion. Como resultado de la protesta, este tuvo que abandonar la sala de conferencia de Hampton Inn donde se “celebro” la misma.

    Como parte de la campaña intensiva en favor del joven viequense, Rolando Garcia Garcia necesitamos recaudar fondos para sufragar los gastos de los estudios especializados y tratamiento medico requerido. Ademas, solicitamos ayuda para cubrir necesidades economicas de este joven ya que por su situacion de salud se le dificulta proverle el sustento a su familia.

    Por este medio exhortamos a todos a ayudar a Rolando. El numero de cuenta

    es 512-059-7901 del Banco Popular.

    Contactos en la Isla Grande:

    Carmen Chazulle, 787-562-8552 – amigosdevieques@yahoo.com

    Rega y Zoe 787-775-0012

    Jinetes por la paz

    Tito Kayak, 787-760-8585 u. 492-8385 – amigosdelmar@yahoo.com

    Contacto en Vieques:

    Hector Olivieri, 787-741-2692

    Colectivo Cayo Yayi

  14. Jeffrey Farrow’s fondue democracy by Manuel Otero
    The San Juan Star

    October, 2000

    In a recent interview with Jeffrey Farrow, he justified the Navy’s $40

    million vote-peddling monies as a fair counterbalance to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s award of 8,000 acres in western Vieques. I will never fathom this type of reasoning “so Clintonesque” that

    has taken hold of Washington. Solutions to intractable problems are conceived as fondues, where everyone can dip his piece of bread into the scalding pot of cheese. But be that as it may, Jeffrey also justified the additional vote-getting $50 million as again only fair fondue-dipping for the Navy, as its opponents would be able to count with an additional

    12,000 acres of eastern land as an enticement to a Navy-ousting vote.

    It’s all there, in the presidential directives.

    Or was, because Senator James Inhofe had the last laugh. He has, indeed, pushed it. The presidential directives were gutted, and the cynical, double-entry, fondue-logic of Clinton/Farrow is stumbling down. The Navy has its $40 million to pay for voter-pleasing gifts, but the Commonwealth 8,000 acres, due in before December 31, 2000, have evaporated into the mist. The Commonwealth gets nothing, not now, not on May 2001, when 4,000 acres will go to a federal agency, and the Vieques municipality, which the

    Navy hopes to own by then, will get the other 4,000. Doña Juana Rivera Guishard, the Navy’s candidate for November 7, is already parading herself, showering work-hungry Viequenses with short-term jobs. If you vote against her, of course, that will be the end of employment. But if

    she wins the November 7 election, ah!, if she becomes the mayor of Vieques, the money will keep on pouring in, and that job will go on at least until the military referendum, when, but of course, it will depend on a Navy victory and the additional $50 million.

    Ah, the discreet charms of military democracy!

    Now we learn that the presidentially directed transfer of the 12,000 eastern acres, the fondue-justification for the $50 million Navy referendum vote-getting monies, will stay in federal hands, after all. Nobody will be able to wish for the Navy’s exit in account of the availability of a 12,000 acre plot of land. Viequenses will be able to vote against the Navy in the military referendum if they do not want the

    $50 million for a job-extension program, or other vote-getting gifts and favors. But let them not think that the Navy’s exit will allow them finally to grow and prosper. Let them not think they will finally be able to walk their beloved Island “from Punta Arenas to Salinas”. The Navy’s exit will only mean the loss of $50 million, because Viequenses will be outlawed from their eastern lands. The barbed fences will stay up.

    No fondue for the Viequenses, if they insist in ousting the US Navy. It was all a trick. A sham. Smoke and mirrors, so Rossello and Romero would be able to say they had finally provided the means for the removal of the military destruction of Vieques. The protest camps were removed from the firing range, the Navy was allowed to shoot at us again, to destroy our resources and contaminate our environment. Now they will be allowed to

    corrupt our democratic processes, and attempt to buy their way into a victory for their November 7 mayoral candidate, and in their own military referendum.

    Such is the result of Clinton’s/Jeffrey’s fondue democracy.

    Now the “agreed” wording of the military referendum alternatives will be re-scripted, to make the anti-Navy a negative option, and the pro-Navy a

    more positive one. “Vote against the Navy and lose your job, vote for the

    Navy and you’ll be able to dip your bread in our fondue”.

    Romero, of course, sees nothing wrong in this. He fears a Navy defeat, if this somehow obstructs his quest for statehood. He fears a victory for

    Vieques, if this somehow strengthens any sense of national pride. Such is Romero’s scheme of things. He has never equivocated.

    Rossello is another story. Does he have any sense of shame? Is he offended

    by Garry Hoitsma’s barb that the 12,000 acres will stay in federal hands,to keep them off the governor’s profiteering claws. Does he have the capacity to feel cornered into a despicable role of betrayal of a community of his own people? Does he see us as his own people?

    Or just as more cheese to be melted into the fondue of the give-and-take of the powerful in Washington?

    In Vieques we have learned to despise the Navy, for this is their permanent mode of behavior. But we have also learned to know and share our daily lives with scores of decent American civilian folks. We have learned of their basic sense of fairness. Many of our American neighbors back our struggle, just out of plain decency.

    We take or case to the Star*s readers trusting that most of them share this sense of fair play. Surely they understand the nature of their

    democratic institutions, and their frail vulnerability to the corrupting schemes of the very powerful. The collapse of the fair rules of popular governance, even in a small island-municipality in the unincorporated territory, is a dangerous proposition for all citizens everywhere.

    Manuel Otero is the Editor of “La Voz de Vieques.”

  15. U.S., NATO Forces to Train Off Atlantic Coast
    MIAMI (Reuters)

    More than 30,000 military personnel from the United States and its NATO allies will conduct joint training exercises off the eastern United States coast and the Caribbean this month, a military spokesman said on Monday.

    The maneuvers will take place in the region that includes the U.S. Navy

    bombing range on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, but military officials would not say whether that range would be used.

    The air, ground and sea exercises will begin this week and run through Oct. 28, primarily off the coast of Virginia, North Carolina and in the Caribbean, said Lt. Cmdr. John Kirby, a spokesman in Norfolk, Virginia, for the U.S. Second Fleet and NATO’s Striking Fleet Atlantic.

    The operation will combine two exercises — NATO’s “Unified Spirit” exercises, which are conducted every four years among the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members, and the U.S. Joint Task Forces exercises held every five months among all the U.S. military branches to prepare for “demanding scenarios and challenging conditions they might face when they deploy overseas,” Kirby said.

    Ships and personnel from Canada, Denmark, France, Germany and the United Kingdom will participate and “Just about all 19 of the NATO nations will be sending some people,” he said.

    The exercises will not include live fire on land, Kirby said. He declined to comment on whether they will involve Puerto Rico, where the death of a civilian security guard in a bombing exercise in April 1998 prompted a widespread drive to force the Navy off the Vieques training ground that it has used for nearly 60 years.

    In May, U.S. authorities arrested dozens of protesters who had occupied the

    bombing range for a year to force the military to suspend target practice.

    Dozens of people have since attempted to infiltrate the range to protest continued military use of Vieques.

    Under a deal between Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Rossello and the White House,

    the Navy will continue to train with inert ammunition on Vieques for three

    years. Vieques residents will decide in a referendum, yet to be scheduled, whether they want the Navy to leave or to remain in return for increased economic aid.

  16. Vieques/varias
    Sin las tierras prometidas el acuerdo congresional

    miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2000

    Por Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – El Congreso votaría hoy sobre su versión final de las

    directrices presidenciales sobre Vieques, la cual no contiene el prometido traspaso de 4,000 cuerdas del oeste al Municipio de Vieques, de acuerdo con la versión del proyecto de ley congresional publicada en Internet.

    En otro cambio sustancial con respeto a las directrices del presidente Bill

    Clinton, ese proyecto de ley dispone que la Marina de Guerra de Estados Unidos puede retrasar hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2005 la entrega al Departamento de lo Interior de las tierras del oeste de Vieques clasificadas como áreas de conservación, señala el documento.

    Ya se sabía que el Congreso cambió dramáticamente las disposiciones del

    traspaso de las tierras, al impedir que el Gobierno local recibiera ni un grano de arena de las tierras militares en la Isla Nena, entre otras cosas. De momento, tampoco aparecen las tierras para los viequenses.

    Gary Hoitsma, portavoz del senador republicano por Oklahoma, James Inhofe,

    señaló que hasta hoy no podría corroborar la información sobre si Vieques recibirá o no las tierras. Dijo que entiende que el municipio viequense debe recibir las tierras porque así se informó en un comunicado de prensa la semana pasada.

    HOITSMA AGREGO que atrasar hasta el 2005 la fecha límite para la entrega de las otras tierras del oeste al Departamento de lo Interior no es problema, porque eso permite que el traspaso se haga antes. Se había informado de que la fecha límite para todo traspaso de las tierras del oeste de Vieques era el primero de mayo de 2001. Eso de por sí era un atraso con respecto a las directrices presidenciales que era el 31 de diciembre de 2000.

    El viernes pasado la Comisión de las Fuerzas Armadas presentó un comunicado

    de prensa con varios aspectos de la versión congresional de las directrices

    presidenciales sobre Vieques. Pero luego, el lenguaje oficial congresional estuvo disponible, incluso en Internet, con aspectos distintos de lo informado y con detalles adicionales.

    La versión congresional incluye el cierre de la estación naval Roosevelt Roads y la posible mudanza para allí de las instalaciones del Fuerte Buchanan, en caso de que los viequenses voten en contra de la Marina en el referéndum.

    El informe oficial dispone la celebración de un referéndum el primero de mayo de 2001 o en cualquier momento 270 días antes o después de esa fecha.

    Entre las condiciones que tiene que incluir la opción de la permanencia de la

    Marina está el uso de explosivos y que se entrene por un máximo de 90 días

    por año. Para votar en el referéndum, el residente tiene que tener un domicilio electoral en Vieques 180 días antes de la fecha de la consulta, según determina la Ley Electoral de Puerto Rico. El Secretario de la Marina deberá anunciar la fecha del referéndum 90 días antes.

    LA MEDIDA agrega que, tras un voto positivo para la Marina, el Presidente de

    Estados Unidos proporcionaría $50 millones para el desarrollo económico de

    Vieques. Esa suma sería adicional a los $40 millones que se supone hayan comenzado a desembolsarse en Vieques. Las sumas estaban en las directrices de


    Con un voto en contra, la Marina se iría el primero de mayo de 2003. La Marina y el Cuerpo de Infantes de la Marina terminarían sus entrenamientos operacionales en Vieques y en Roosevelt Roads.

    Critican “regalos” de la Armada a los viequenses miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2000

  17. U.S. Navy Rents Vieques Out For Foreign Bombing
    U.S. Navy Rents Vieques Out For Foreign Bombing for $80 million a Year


    Navy Web Page abbreviated

    We invite you to access the following site:


    for direct quotes from the (now unaccessible) Navy Website (www.netspr.navy.mil) advertising for domestic and foreign customers to bomb, strafe, torpedo, launch missiles or try out new experimental weapons or whatever at Vieques on a shooting gallery rental basis.

    The site includes the salient points quoted in The Vieques Times after the
    bombing death of civilian David Sanes on April 19, 1999.

    The original used more than 20 pages headlighted by a blinking marquee
    billing “ONE STOP SHOPPING”!

  18. Vieques “directives”
    Substantial changes to ‘Presidential directives on Vieques’

    Monday, October 16, 2000

    by Leonor Mulero

    El Nuevo Día

    WASHINGTON – Congress substantially changed President Clinton’s directives

    on Vieques, no just in terms of tranfer of lands, but by completely ignoring any mention of use of inert bombs in the training.

    The presidential directives of January 31, 2000 stated that, unless Viequenses allow in a referendum practices with live or explosive bombs, the U.S. Navy will train with inert bombs for a maximum of 90 days a year until it leaves Vieques on May of 2003.

    The Vieques plan, approved by the U.S. Congress -and expected to be signed into law by President Clinton- provides that “the President shall establish a referendum for the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, in order to determine by a majority of the votes in the referendum by the electorate of Vieques if the people of Vieques favor or oppose the continuation of training with live ammunitions and any other kinds of practices by the Armed Forces in the island’s training areas.”

    In spite of opposition from the White House, Congress provided that a vote

    against the Navy would virtually mean the shutting down of Naval Station Roosevelt Roads and the possible transfer there of Fort Buchanan. Meanwhile, Congress also decreed a moratorium on any new constructions, improvements or expansion in Fort Buchanan.

    Congress did not put any of the lands in Vieques in the hands of the Government of Puerto Rico, contrary to what the Presidential directives provided. The close to 4,000 acres for “economic development” in the western part of Vieques would be transfered to the Municipality of Vieques.

    Also, 3,100 acres in the western part of Vieques would be transfered to the U.S. Department of Interior for conversion into a wildlife refuge. The Presidential directives would have transferred those lands to the Government of Puerto Rico.

    Congress also pushed back the date in which the lands were to be transferred: from December 31, 2000 -as stated in the Presidential directives- to May 1st, 2001.

    The lands on the eastern part of Vieques -classified as conservation zones and buffer zones between the bombing range and the civilian area- were also transferred to the U.S. Department of Interior. That is contrary to the Presidential directives, which provided for the transfer of those 12,000-plus acres to the Government of Puerto Rico. The 900 acres in the bombing range would also be transferred to the U.S. Department of Interior. Congress did not order the cleaning or decontamination of the lands in the eastern part, where presumably there is much more contamination.

    Congress approved the transfer of $40 million for the economic development

    of Vieques, and another $50 million in case Viequenses vote in the refenredum for the Navy to remain in Vieques.

  19. Civil Disobedience amid NATO excercises
    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org


    Wednesday October 18 11:48 AM ET

    Navy Begins Exercises in Puerto Rico

    By MANUEL ERNESTO RIVERA, Associated Press Writer

    VIEQUES, Puerto Rico (AP) – With helicopters swooping overhead, 2,000 U.S.

    troops staged an amphibious practice invasion of this contested Puerto Rican island – and the U.S. Navy arrested nine protesters on a bombing range Wednesday as they tried to interrupt the NATO (news – web sites) exercises.

    The protesters were detained early Wednesday morning about three hours before ships began firing shells at the range, Navy spokesman Jeff Gordon said. They had used a small boat to slip past Coast Guard boats patrolling the range.

    Gordon said the exercises were not affected.

    Hovercraft roared onto Vieques island’s Red Beach on Tuesday, disgorging troops and vehicles that disappeared into a pine forest in an operation lasting 20 minutes.

    The two-week exercises, which began Monday, simulate a NATO-led U.N.

    peacekeeping operation dubbed “Unified Spirit.” They include 50 vessels, 31,000 U.S. soldiers and an unspecified number of troops from Canada, France, Denmark, Germany and Britain.

    “This exercise is critical for putting all those people together,” Marine commander Col. Paul Lefebvre said after the landing by troops from the USS Nassau, USS Nashville and USS Portland.

    Lefebvre complained of the ban on using live ammunition during the exercise.

    “The goal is to fire as much as we can to gain as much proficiency as we can,” he said. “That’s the stress, that’s the reality of real combat.” The restriction on live fire is part of a 10-month-old directive by President Clinton (news – web sites) to calm mounting Puerto Rican

    opposition to the military’s use of Vieques, where 9,400 people live. The

    directive also limits training to 90 days a year.

    The Navy expropriated two-thirds of the 20-by-4-mile island for exercises in the 1940s. It says troops have trained here for every major conflict since World War II.

    Resentment became widespread after a U.S. Marine Corps jet mistakenly dropped two 500-pound bombs off target in April 1999, killing a civilian guard on the range. Protesters invaded the training ground and thwarted exercises for more than a year until U.S. Marshals forcibly removed them in May.

    Earlier Tuesday, Vieques activist Ismael Guadalupe said an unspecified number of people again entered restricted Navy land Monday night hoping to disrupt exercises. But there was no sign of the protesters during the landing, and the Navy said it detained no trespassers.

    Organizers said the protesters had entered near the bombing range on Vieques’ eastern end and had supplies for three days – long enough to disrupt planned exercises that include firing dummy shells from ships onto the bombing range.

    Navy opponents say such exercises over six decades have stunted economic growth, scared away tourism and – despite a dispute over medical evidence – endangered the health of residents.

    The Navy says the Vieques training is vital to national defense and that the island is uniquely suited because of its topography, location near wide expanses of open sea and the nearby deep-water port in Puerto Rico.

    Still, on Tuesday the White House confirmed the government was looking at

    other sites because of a promise by Clinton that the Navy will leave Vieques by 2003 if islanders vote against it in a referendum.

    Jeffrey Farrow, Clinton’s adviser on Puerto Rico, said the owners of San

    Jose – an uninhabited, 12,000-acre island 55 miles south of Panama City – had offered to sell the land to the Navy.

    “The Navy is exploring what the options are for Vieques,” Farrow said. “The president is committed, the Navy is committed and the Congress is committed to the Navy leaving after this period if the people vote for it.”

    A consultant brokering the sale, former Boca Raton Mayor Emil Danciu, said the island’s two American and three Panamanian owners want $35 million – a

    lower sum than the Navy has agreed to invest in Vieques should the base be

    allowed to stay.


    19 de octubre del 2000

    Las papeletas para las elecciones generales del 7 de noviembre en Puerto

    Rico ya se comenzaron a distribuir entre aquellos electores elegibles para

    el voto ausente (estudiantes en Estados Unidos y en otros paises,

    militares, marinos mercantes, etc.).

    Como sabran, a pesar de que se ha declarado inconstitucional, la

    Legislatura de Puerto Rico ha incluido una cuarta papeleta para el voto

    presidencial y tiene la intencion de continuar con esa farsa

    inconstitucional a pesar de los decretos judiciales. YA LOS QUE VOTAN


    La consigna de los que repudian el ejercicio inconstitucional y absurdo de

    la farsa de un “voto presidencial” para los residentes de Puerto Rico, y

    de los que claman por la paz para Vieques, es escribir “PAZ PARA VIEQUES”

    en la papeleta del “voto presidencial” de Puerto Rico. Las instrucciones

    para ello son las siguientes:

    En la papeleta del “voto presidencial” enviada por la Comision Estatal de

    Elecciones de Puerto Rico, aparece una columna para votar por los

    Republicanos George W. Bush y Dick Cheney y otra para votar por los

    Democratas Al Gore y Joe Lieberman. A diferencia de las otras tres

    papeletas para Gobernador/Comisionado Residente, para

    Senadores/Representantes, y para Alcaldes, en la del voto presidencial no

    se incluyo espacio alguno para voto anadido (o “write-in”). Por tanto,

    para que cuente el voto de “Paz para Vieques” como “voto protestado, no

    adjudicado”, se recomienda que en la papeleta del “voto presidencial” SE





    Es importante que le transmitan esta informacion inmediatamente a todos

    sus familiares, amistades y conocidos que votan ausente, ya que ya deben

    haber recibido las papeletas.

    Gracias por su atencion. PAZ PARA VIEQUES YA!

  21. Preso Rabin por desobediencia
    Preso Rabin por desafiar una vez más a la Marina

    jueves, 19 de octubre de 2000

    Por Juanita Colombani

    El Nuevo Día

    EL PORTAVOZ del Comité Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques, Roberto Rabín,

    quedó detenido ayer en la Cárcel Federal de Guaynabo, de donde podrá salir cuando pague $5,000 de fianza.

    La magistrada federal Aida Delgado fijó la fianza luego de que el activista

    no aceptara abstenerse de promover más incursiones a la zona restringida de la Marina en Vieques.

    La cifra fue recomendada por el fiscal federal especial Clay Caldwell, que pidió la misma suma para todos, pero Delgado sólo la aceptó en relación a Rabín.

    La senadora popular Velda González se ofreció para ser la persona responsable

    de que Rabín se presente a todos los procedimientos judiciales de este caso

    una vez quede en libertad.

    Rabin y otras ocho personas-todos mayores de 40 años y residentes de la isla municipio- fueron arrestados en la mañana de ayer en el Campamento García luego de pasar un día entero en el campo de tiro mientras la Marina llevaba a cabo ejercicios que se rehusó a detener a pesar de haber sido informada de la

    presencia del grupo.

    Uno de ellos, Luis Angel Navarro González, de más de 70 años, será llevado

    ante la magistrada próximamente debido a que tuvo que ser hospitalizado por complicaciones de salud.

    EL GRUPO denunció que la Marina pudo verlos en el área de impacto en momentos

    en que iluminaron la zona, pero continuaron maniobrando. Tres de ellos, que son veteranos del Ejército de Estados Unidos, les dijeron a sus abogados que

    algunos de los bombardeos se realizaron con bala viva porque pudieron reconocer el sonido de las municiones reales. Se supone que los entrenamientos son con municiones inertes.

    Para los otros siete, entre los que están un diácono de la Iglesia Católica y el ex alcalde de Vieques por el PNP, Radamés Tirado, la magistrado fijó una fianza de $1,000 la cual tienen hasta el viernes para pagar, por lo que quedaron en libertad anoche mismo.

    Los siete le dieron su “palabra de honor” a Delgado de que no regresarán a la zona prohibida mientras su caso esté pendiente de juicio ni incitarán a otros a que crucen la verja. Rabín no aceptó la última parte por entender que la

    desobediencia civil en la zona prohibida es un acto en el ejercicio de la libertad de expresión necesario para detener los bombardeos.

    La magistrado dijo que las incursiones mientras se estén llevando a cabo

    ejercicios ponen en riesgo no sólo sus vidas, sino la del personal militar.que tiene que rastrearlos.

    Los otros acusados son Agapito Belardo Salgado, Emilio García Tirado, Juan

    Silva Rosa, José Cedric Morales, Justino López Ortiz y Angel Guadalupe Ortiz,

    hermano del líder viequense Ismael Guadalupe.

    Todos hicieron alegación de “no culpables” por el delito menos grave de

    entrada ilegal a terrenos de la Marina, que supone una pena máxima de seis meses de cárcel, una multa de hasta $5,000 o ambas penas, a discreción del juez.

    El Gobierno federal ha presentado unas 500 acusaciones por este delito.

  22. Rossello covers up Navy’s crimes in Vieques
    English summary: Claridad, a newspaper from Puerto Rico, obtained documents which show that the Government of Pedro RossellÛ has been covering up grave environmental crimes committed by the U.S. Navy in Vieques. The evidence concerning the Navy’s crimes was gathered by a team of experts hired by the Government of Puerto Rico last year, along with the law firm of King & Spalding in Atlanta, Georgia. The experts are Dr. James W. Porter, expert in ecology and maritime sciences from the

    University of Georgia; Dr. James Barton, expert in underwater ordinance with the firm Underwater Ordinance Removal Inc. of Virginia, and Dr. Fred Hoverkamp, expert in hazardous chemicals and president of the firm Explosives and Reactive Materials, Inc. with offices in New Jersey. Though the experts’ reports and findings were paid for with public funds,

    Governor RossellÛ has refused to make them public in spite of requests by the legal team of Robert Kennedy, Jr. (plaintiff’s lead attorney in a lawsuit against the U.S. Navy over Vieques) and by the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques]


    Por Ramon Arbona


    El gobierno de Pedro Rossello ha cometido un acto de encubrimiento que resulta criminal. Tiene en su poder y ha escondido del pueblo un estudio que encomendo a peritos cuando comenzo la actual lucha de Vieques el cual descubrio el acto de contaminacion premeditada con toxicos mas grave –por su naturaleza delictiva– que hasta ahora se conozca de la Marina de guerra de Estados Unidos.

    El estudio de prestigiosos expertos norteamericanos descubrio que la

    Marina hundio barcazas cargadas de toxicos para esconder el uso ilegal

    que habia hecho de ellos. Esos toxicos permanecen allÌ a pesar de las

    recomendaciones que hicieron los expertos. La Fortaleza se ha negado a hacer publicos estos informes aun cuando se pagaron con fondos publicos. Incluso se le negaron al equipo de abogados de Robert Kennedy Jr., quienes los solicitaron para su demanda contra la

    Marina. En el verano del 1999, cuando funcionaba la Comision Especial sobre

    Vieques designada por el gobernador Rossello, el gobierno contrato al

    bufete King & Spalding, de Atlanta, Georgia, para que hicieran un estudio legal que determinara si se podia radicar una demanda contra la Marina.

    King & Spalding, a su vez, contrato tres expertos en materia de contaminacion ambiental. Los expertos contratados fueron el Dr. James W. Porter, perito en ecologia y ciencias maritimas de la Universidad de Georgia; Dr. James Barton, experto en municiones subacu·ticas de la

    firma Underwater Ordinance Removal Inc, de Virginia y el Dr. Fred Hoverkamp, experto en quimicos peligrosos y presidente de la compania Explosives and Reactive Materials, Inc, con oficinas en New Jersey. Hoverkamp presidio el grupo y redacto el informe final. CLARIDAD obtuvo copia de un memorando interno de estos expertos al bufete King & Spalding ademas de un borrador del informe final sobre loshallazgos de los estudios realizados en terrenos de la Marina. El

    informe tiene fecha del 13 de diciembre de 1999. Al momento de realizarse estos estudios –y al dÌa de hoy– la posicion

    oficial de la Marina de Estados Unidos ante el gobierno de Puerto Rico ha sido que el deterioro de los arrecifes y de la corteza terrestre en Vieques es producto del paso de los huracanes que han azotado esa isla en los utlimos años. La Marina sostiene tambiÈn que no hay bombas sin

    detonar en las playas ni en las aguas territoriales de Vieques. Pero estos estudios que Rossello escondio revelan lo contrario.

    El primer viaje de los expertos contratados por el Gobierno ocurrio el

    31 de julio de 1999. El grupo de expertos realizo una segunda visita de estudio del 26 al 30 de noviembre de 1999. En esa primera incursion, los expertos se toparon con un sinn·mero de crateres y agujeros, algunos casi del tamaño de cavernas, que se alegaba habian ocasionado los huracanes. Pero los expertos determinaron que eran

    producto de bombazos y no de fenomenos naturales. Estos cr·teres se encuentran en su mayoria en los arrecifes y en las orillas, asi como a varios metros de la playa. Utilizando medidores magneticos (“magnetometer”) para estudiar los

    crateres, los expertos encontraron que incrustados en ellos hay diferentes tipos de metales que corresponden a los cascos de las bombas (“shrapnell”) sin detonar y concluyeron que son resultado de los

    impactos de proyectiles lanzados por la Marina. Encontraron tambiÈn cientos de bombas sin detonar, muchas concentradas

    hasta 400 yardas a las afueras de la costa de la zona de tiro. El documento tambien da cuenta de cientos de diferentes tipos de balas de artilleria, algunas incrustadas a varios pies de profundidad.y otras a simple vista.

    La segunda visita fue para buscar mas evidencia sobre los daÒos a la corteza terrestre, a los arrecifes y a las playas. CLARIDAD tiene en su poder un informe sobre ese segundo viaje, que es donde aparece el hallazgo m·s alarmante.

    Fue esta vez que los expertos contratados por el Gobierno descubrieron que hay dos embarcaciones hundidas en las costas de Vieques repletas de barrilles con material toxico. Segun fuentes de CLARIDAD cercanas a estos estudios, aparentemente en la base Roosevelt Roads dejaron acumular una gran cantidad de material altamente toxico y decidieron llenar estas dos barcazas y hundirlas en

    lugar de pasar por todo el procedimiento que exigen las autoridades.

    Probablemente, dijeron nuestras fuentes, son materiales tan toxicos y tan peligrosos que hubieran tenido que dar explicaciones de porque los estaban usando. Una posibildiad es que estuviera prohibido exponer a los militares a estos materiales y prefirieron desaparecerlos.

    En su informe, los expertos dicen nunca antes en su vida profesional habian visto estos materiales. Se encontro que algunos barriles contienen materiales solidos y otros liquidos. Los barriles que contienen material solido tienen una tapa atornillada por arriba mientras los que contienen iÌquido tienen tapas

    fijadas con cintas altamente adhesivas.

    Pero lo m·s grave es que ya comenzo el derrame. Los expertos calculan que las barcazas ya tienen de diez a doce años de sumergidas y ya muchos estan corroidos. Algunos de los que tienen cinta adhesiva ya comenzaron a derramar sus liquidos toxicos al mar. El perito Hoverkamp tomo muestras para determinar de que material toxico se trataba pero al momento de rendir los informes no se tenian los

    resultados de laboratorio. CLARIDAD sabe que al dÌa de hoy La Fortaleza si sabe ya de que toxicos se trata pero lo han mantenido oculto. Una de las embarcaciones sumergidas mide alrededor de cien pies de largo y 35 de ancho. En su interior los investigadores encontraron alrededor 150 a 200 barriles de material toxico. La otra barcaza, m·s larga pero tambien de 35 pies de ancho, est· partida en dos debido a la corrosion, vibracion de los bombardeos y las corrientes del mar. El pedazo

    correspondiente a la popa tiene alrededor de 105 pies de largo mientras el de la proa tiene 15 pies de largo. Los expertos calcularon que a Èsta le quedan de 900 a 1000 barriles de material toxico, pero como esta partida y hay corrientes y vibraciones de las bombas, decenas de barriles se han regado por la costa y algunos est·n incrustados en la


    El area donde est·n sumergidas las barcazas tiene solamente de 15 a 20

    pies de profundidad. De acuerdo con el informe del estudio, las barcazas

    est·n hundidas en el canal que va desde los arrecifes de coral hasta la bahia Salina del Sur.

    Los expertos tambien recopilaron evidencia en ese segundo viaje de bombas y balas de artillerÌa incrustadas en los arrecifes, en la orilla de la playa y en las tierras mas adentro. El informe detalla todos los muestreos que se tomaron de los materiales. Dice que exactamente que contienen esos barriles debera determinarlo las pruebas de laboratorio ordenadas. Las conclusiones y recomendaciones del estudio son muy reveladoras pero obviamente no han sido seguidas por el Gobierno de Puerto Rico.

    Se recomendÛ que el ·rea del hundimiento junto con el ·rea de la zona de tiro donde est·n los proyectiles tiene que cercarse inmediatamente con mucho cuidado debido al alto grado de contaminacion con municiones vivas, tanto de bombas como de proyectiles y todo tipo de bala de

    artilleria. El informe advierte el gran peligro que significa que se siga

    practicando en la zona con cualquier tipo de proyectil o de bombas, sea viva o inerte. Advierte que esas practicas resultarian sumamente peligrosas si destruyen algunos de estos barriles o cilindros de gas. Incluso, dice, un contacto de gran magnitud directamente a la barcaza resultaria en consecuencias catastroficas no solo en las playas de

    Vieques sino en la region. El informe en manos del Gobernador indica que se quedaron sin investigar –y hay que investigarlas– dos areas donde los pescadores identifican que tambien hay este tipo de barriles. Se recomendo tambiÈn “cuantificar y hacer un mapa de la cantidad y la ubicacion de los barriles en cada uno de los lugares señalados y cuantificar y hacer un mapa de la cantidad de municiones vivas en cada lugar y cada uno de los puntos neurolgicos”. Finalmente, recomiendan hacer las gestiones y los estudios pertinentes con la Marina para conocer exactamente cuando se hudieron las barcazas. Segun los peritos, esta evidencia ayudaria a determinar el contenido especifico de los barriles.

    Si no se logra la cooperacion de la Marina para determinar la naturaleza

    de los quimicos, los expertos recomiendan hacer estudios de rayos X, conocidos como “sclerocrhonology” para determinar la edad de estos naufragios (parecido al procedimiento para determinar la edad de los arboles, conocido “denerochronology”.

    Datos recopilados por el Equipo de Investigacion de CLARIDAD.

  24. Tito Kayak joins Vieques’ activists
    Tito Kayak joins Vieques’ activists at the Bronx Criminal Court

    October 23, 2000

    PRESS RELEASE: Tito Kayak joins Vieques’ activists at the Bronx Criminal Court

    When: Monday, October 30, 2000

    Time: 9:30 a.m.

    Where: Bronx Criminal Court (161st Street, between Sherman & Sheridan Avenues. Take the 4, B, or D train to Yankee Stadium.)

    What: Press Conference and Support Rally

    Legendary activist Tito Kayak will join the seven Puerto Rican activists that were arrested at Yankee Stadium on May 5th for their direct action protest condemning the raid of Vieques by federal agents. Judge Padró will finally decide on whether to dismiss the criminal trespassing charges in the interest of justice.

    Members of the Puerto Rican community and affinity groups, including city politicians, college students and activists from the Tri-State area will be present to show their support for Vieques and defendants Juan Antonio Casañas, Carmen Ana Dávila, Freddie Marrero, Miguel Marrero, Elliot Monteverde, Rubén Ortiz, and Héctor Rosario.

    For more information contact Héctor Rosario at 917-549-6546 or at




  25. Letter from Cong. Luis Gutierrez to Clinton
    Letter from Cong. Luis Gutierrez to Clinton (Carta del Congresista Luis Gutierrez a Clinton)

    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org

    The following letter from Congressman Luis Gutierrez to President Clinton

    is a must-read. Please call Maria Echaveste, Deputy Chief of Staff at the

    White House (Phone: 202-456-6594; Fax: 202-456-6703) and demand that Clinton reply to Congressman Gutierrez’s demands, which reflect the demands of the great majority of Puerto Ricans.

    (La siguiente carta del Congresista Luis Gutierrez al Presidente Clinton, debe ser leÌda por todos. Favor de llamar a Maria Echaveste, Subjefa de Personal en la Casa Blanca (Tel: 202-456-6594; Fax: 202-456-6703) y exijan que Clinton responda a lo solicitado por el Congresista Gutierrez, que refleja las exigencias de la gran mayorÌa de los puertorriqueños).

    October 28, 2000

    The Honorable William J. Clinton


    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Washington, D.C. 20500

    Dear President Clinton:

    As we enter the final stages of the 106th congressional session, I am writing to thank you for standing firm on the side of justice and fairnessfor immigrants. More than one million people who have contributed and continue to contribute to our economy and society will never forget

    your courage and fortitude as you stood on principle on their side. On behalf of all of them, thank you.

    I am writing also to inform you about alarming developments regarding the

    undue interference by a member of your administration, Mr. Jeffrey L. Farrow, Co-Chair of the President’s Interagency Working Group on Puerto Rico, in the local elections in Puerto Rico. This unfair and unjust interference has a long history that goes back at least to 1997.

    Your administration actively supported H.R. 856, a bill which purported to

    promote self-determination for the people of Puerto Rico but that actually and clearly promoted statehood.

    After a heavily financed campaign failed to convince Congress of the wisdom of the bill (the bill passed the House on a 209-208 vote and died in the Senate), the Rossello administration in Puerto Rico used its two-thirds majority in both houses of the Puerto Rico legislature to

    impose a status plebiscite that was held in Puerto Rico on December 13, 1998.

    When statehood was defeated by a coalition of commonwealth, free association and independence supporters that promoted the vote for “None of the Above” (which won with more than your administration’s 50 percent of the vote), your administration, through Mr. Farrow, expressed the laughable and ridiculous position (outright pro-statehood spin) that “among the viable options” statehood had won. In other words, your administration seemed to say “Puerto Ricans are so gullible and naive that

    they can not discern what a viable option is, therefore a majority of them voted for “None of the above.” I would like to know if that is your official position.

    Then, the issue of Vieques came up.

    In May of this year, Jeff Farrow called into question the capacity of the Honorable Sila Calderon, the candidate for governor of the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party, and the current Mayor of San Juan, to govern Puerto Rico. (“En tela de juicio la capacidad de Sila”, El Nuevo Dia, May 1, 2000).

    Mr. Farrow’s comments about Ms. Sila Calderon, criticized her for expressing the widely held belief in Puerto Rico that Governor Rossello entered into a “quid-pro-quo” agreement with the White House regarding Vieques. In this agreement, the Rossello administration agreed to accept your presidential directive allowing for at least three more years of bombing in Vieques in exchange for your administration’s assistance with advancing “self-determination” (most Puerto Ricans read: statehood) and help with other federal matters of interest to the Rossello

    administration, such as help in pushing through Congress federal funding, and others. Mr. Farrow questioned her ability to govern based on his insistence that there is no such agreement and that since he had told her that, she “should know better.”

    Mr. Farrow’s comments are clearly political and convey a definite

    involvement in Puerto Rico’s main political campaign. I would like to

    know if the Administration associates itself with these political attacks.

    You should know that Ms. Calderon is in very good company, not only in believing that there is a “quid-pro-quo” about Vieques (I also believe there is one, and have said so publicly), but also in being attacked by Mr. Farrow for saying so (as I, and others have been attacked).

    In fact, as you will read in this letter, there are several good reasons to doubt Mr. Farrow objectivity.

    All throughout the controversy that pits the overwhelming majority of Puerto Ricans against the abuses of the U.S. Navy in Vieques and against your directive, Jeff Farrow has played a very negative role of openly siding with the Navy and the Rossello administration against the people of Vieques and Puerto Rico. I do not believe that this is your position.

    I, along with religious, civil and political leaders in Puerto Rico, have

    participated in actions of civil disobedience against your directive. I

    continue to advocate such actions. We believe that the issue of peace for the people of Vieques is about morality and human rights. For us, this is a matter of principle and it is non-negotiable. Rather than understanding and accepting the seriousness of our position, Mr. Farrow has projected a position of disdain and disrespect for it.

    A recent example of his overt and overbearing disdain for the opposition

    of Puerto Ricans to your directive occurred during the Democratic convention in Los Angeles. Mr. Farrow is reported to have tried to prevent Puerto Rican and other delegates from the New York delegation from demonstrating in favor of peace in Vieques during the speech of Bronx Democratic Party chairman, Roberto Ramirez (see “Vibra Vieques en la

    Convencion Democrata,” El Nuevo Dia, August 18, 2000, and “Campaign 2000/The Democratic Convention/ Scene; Excited Delegates Buck their Orders,” The Boston Globe, August 18, 2000). According to New York Councilman Jose Rivera, Mr. Farrow “jumped over four lines of seats to

    approach Bronx Borough president, Fernando Ferrer to convince him to

    prevent the show of (pro-Vieques) signs …Ferrer told Farrow that he would not prevent his people from expressing themselves.”

    “Farrow then brought large white men from the New Hampshire delegation and

    positioned them in front of the demonstrators to prevent the Peace for

    Vieques signs to be seen, according to Rivera”, (El Nuevo Dia, Ibid).

    I agree with Councilman Rivera that “Farrow did damage to the Democratic

    campaign by attempting to deny us our freedom of expression.”(El Nuevo Dia, Ibid). Or, could it be as the Boston Globe article concluded, that we “learned something of the limits of the ballyhooed Democratic diversity?” (The Boston Globe, Ibid).

    Most recently, Mr. Farrow entered into a public controversy with one of Puerto Rico’s most respected journalists, Leonor Mulero of El Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rico’s largest daily. On October 4, Ms. Mulero quoted Mr. Farrow as saying that he dared Puerto Ricans to “get out of” the presidential directive on Vieques, “so they [Puerto Ricans] would see how the Navy bombed as much as it pleased, and wherever it pleased” in Vieques, so that

    they [Puerto Ricans] would “see how they do not get a piece of federal land and that Vieques becomes a chaos”. (“Farrow Reta a que Rompan el Acuerdo,” El Nuevo Dia, October 4, 2000).

    Mr. Farrow, who was roundly criticized by most of the Puerto Rican leadership for these comments (including being declared “persona non-grata” by the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, and being criticized by two of the three candidates for governor: see, generally, El Nuevo Dia, The San Juan Star, El Vocero, October 5, 6 and 7, 2000), declared that he “had not been misquoted, this is fiction” (“Mentis de Farrow a El Nuevo Dia,” El Vocero, October 6, 2000). This statement, in effect, is calling Ms. Mulero, a highly respected journalist, a liar.

    I do not hesitate whatsoever in believing Leonor Mulero over Jeff Farrow.

    In my official relations with her for more than seven years I have never had any reason to question her journalistic integrity. There is always room for a misunderstanding, but I do not doubt at all Ms. Mulero’s account of her conversation with Mr. Farrow. Given that I believe Ms. Mulero that Mr. Farrow used an abusive and disrespectful tone towards

    Puerto Ricans, I urge you to state your position on his comments. Do his

    official comments reflect your views? Is his confrontational and disrespectful style towards this respected reporter allowed by you or your staff when dealing with the press?

    Another example of how Mr. Farrow’s actions diminish the credibility of

    your administration with Puerto Ricans, is the Congressional hearing on

    Congressman’s Doolittle Bill, H.R. 4751 held on October 4, 2000. This was

    really a low point in your administration’s relations with the people of Puerto Rico.

    Specifically, Congressman George Miller, the Ranking Democrat in the Resources Committee stated for the record that the hearing was a “sham” and an attempt to “meddle” in island politics: “It is apparent to me that the hearing is not about status but instead about certain Members wanting to meddle in the internal political affairs of Puerto Rico just weeks away from hotly contested elections…When one looks at this hearing being held at the end of the session, when no formal action is possible, and sees none of the leaders of the political parties of Puerto Rico in attendance, one can only conclude that this hearing is a sham.” (George Miller:

    Statement of George Miller, Hearings on H.R. 4751…House Resources Committee, October 4, 2000).

    Subsequently, The San Juan Star printed an editorial condemning the hearing. It reads, in part: “A conclusion that might be drawn, given the timing, is that the entire affair was meant to cast commonwealth in a poor light in the fast approaching elections…The PDP platform definition of commonwealth is, in our opinion more a wish list than reality, but that is no excuse for such a ham-fisted intrusion into the local campaign.” (Editorial: “Hearings held for no visible reason,” The San Juan Star,

    October 6, 2000).

    In addition, El Nuevo Dia, wrote an editorial about the undue interference

    of the Clinton-Gore administration in the internal political life of Puerto Rico. It reads in part: “It looks like there is a whole strategy concerted by various officials of this (local) administration, and the federal(administration), and by some allied politicians, to deviate the

    attention of the people from our electoral process…It is therefore

    unfair that the people are subjected to all kinds of humiliating expressions from federal officials who are encouraged to do so by local leaders…” And, as an example of such insults, the editorial quotes Mr. Jeff Farrow (Editorial: “Reclamo de respeto,” El Nuevo Dia, October 6, 2000).

    The role played by the Clinton-Gore administration at the October 4 hearing, as represented by Mr. Farrow, was nothing less than shameful.

    On the one hand, the Ranking Democrat calls the hearing a “sham,” and on

    the other, Mr. Farrow, on behalf of the Clinton-Gore administration, says

    in his testimony to the Committee that,”A great service is being done by the consideration of this bill.”(Statement of Jeffrey L. Farrow…H.R.

    4751, October 4, 2000).

    I will be happy to, at some other time and at your convenience, discuss with you my substantive concerns about the Doolittle bill and why the discussion of this bill was clearly intended to favor the pro-statehood New Progressive Party in its electoral strategy for the November 7, 2000 elections in Puerto Rico.

    Suffice it to say that when I publicly criticized the hearing, and the role the Republicans and the administration had played in it, Mr. Farrow responded in the most despicable kind of demagoguery possible. Mr. Farrow knows very well that I support independence for Puerto Rico. He also knows that I have always placed the right of all Puerto Ricans to a fully democratic, transparent and inclusive consensus process of self-determination ahead of my particular status preference. He is aware that I opposed the Young bill (H.R. 856) on that basis, because, as the majority of Puerto Ricans agreed with me, the Young bill created a process skewed to obtain a victory for statehood.

    On September of 1998, I wrote you a letter asking for an explanation of

    your position regarding the U.S. citizenship of Puerto Ricans. Unfortunately, you have not responded to my request. Given the unwise federal policies over Puerto Rico for more than one hundred years and the economic dependence fostered on the island by them, the issue of U.S. citizenship is considered to be a matter of economic survival by many Puerto Ricans.

    This economic dependency of many Puerto Ricans on federal programs is used by some politicians as the base of a campaign of political terror against

    any political proposal of greater autonomy or even independence.

    These politicians seek to equate greater autonomy and self-government with the loss of citizenship, and the loss of citizenship with the loss of federal programs, many of which are earned rights.

    When the country was engaged in the war in Vietnam, many Puerto Ricans were drafted and were sent to Vietnam. Not everyone was so lucky to come back home alive and healthy. Hundreds of Puerto Ricans died there, as they did in Korea and in every other U.S. armed conflict in this century.

    You know that I am a strong advocate for immigrant rights. It offends my sense of justice and fairness that anybody would attempt to put fear in the hearts of these brave veterans, their widows and their children, of the mere possibility that anyone would even dare propose taking away their U.S. citizenship.

    Mr. President, my defense of the rights of Puerto Ricans does not make me a defender of commonwealth. Even though he knows that this is not true, Mr. Farrow continues to state publicly that I support commonwealth.

    Lastly, I will end by again quoting directly from Mr. Farrow’s testimony

    at the hearing and ask that you clearly define your position on two issues

    of cardinal importance to the three million Puerto Ricans in the U.S. and

    the four million Puerto Ricans on the island.

    Mr. Farrow states, “The problem regarding the proposal for the United States to continue granting citizenship is similar. If Puerto Rico becomes a sovereign nation, it would not be appropriate to continue granting United States citizenship to persons born in the islands (sic). Puerto Rico would not really be a nation if all of its people, including those born after nationhood were still to be United States citizens…Citizenship presumes loyalty to a nation. If Puerto Rico is to

    be a nation, its people ought to be loyal to it rather than another nation.” (Statement, Ibid)

    Once again Mr. Farrow adopts the political distortions and the language of

    some of the most fanatical supporters of statehood in Puerto Rico.

    For example, in commenting on the Doolittle Bill, Mr. Farrow responded to

    it as if it were the Popular Democratic Party’s proposal. He then proceeded to comment on it as if it were a proposal for independence. The truth is that the Popular Democratic Party has never proposed independence for Puerto Rico. If it did, I would support them, but they do not. Mr. Farrow is simply using the old political trick of erecting a straw monster to then destroy it when he attacks a proposal for independence and then attributes it to the PPD.

    And, whether Mr. Farrow recognizes it or not, Puerto Rico is already a nation. Without any doubt whatsoever, Puerto Rico has all of the attributes of a nation, for example, it has a common territory, common language, history and culture, common economic life, and the common

    psychology and identity of a people.

    Puerto Rico is not an independent nation. But, while independence is the most natural political condition of a nation, political independence is not, nor it has ever been a precondition to the existence of a nation. For example, Ukrainians were Soviet citizens and the Ukraine did not until recently enjoy political independence. But even under the conditions of foreign domination, the Ukraine was a nation. The Palestinians do not possess an independent state. Many Palestinians are Israeli citizens, yet nobody can seriously call into question the existence of a Palestinian

    nation. What is under consideration now is only whether or not that nation will have its own, separate and independent state.

    Mr. Farrow further compounds his condescending and insulting attitude

    towards Puerto Ricans by continually calling us the “islands,” instead of

    the accepted and commonly used term of “island of Puerto Rico,” or simply, the island. Granted, Puerto Rico is an archipelago. One larger island and several smaller islands, only two of which, Vieques and Culebra are inhabited. But for centuries now, Puerto Ricans have chosen to call ourselves the sons and daughters of the island of Puerto Rico.

    Who died and crowned Mr. Farrow King of the Puerto Ricans for him to decree how we call ourselves? It is disrespectful and insensitive for Mr. Farrow to disregard the collective decision of a people about how they refer to themselves, and it is only appropriate for Puerto Ricans ourselves to engage in such discussion.

    Will you continue to allow Mr. Farrow to behave as a seemingly all-powerful pro-consul who continues to insult and demean the very people he is supposed to help?

    Will you continue to allow Mr. Farrow to behave like a pro-consul and steer the political process of “self-determination” in Puerto Rico to have more and more votes under increasingly skewed conditions until statehood “wins”?

    Will you allow Mr. Farrow to continue his campaign of political terror against the people of Puerto Rico by allowing him to repeat the threat of Puerto Ricans losing U.S. citizenship under “X”,”Y”, or “Z”

    conditions(whether “X”, “Y”, or “Z” is actually proposed by anybody or not, as in the sham discussion on the Doolittle Bill), until all that is remembered is the pro-statehood mantra that “the only guarantee of U.S. citizenship is statehood?”

    Mr. President, as we approach a critical juncture in the life of our country, I would not like to see your administration embroiled in a scandal involving the use of taxpayer resources to meddle in partisan politics in Puerto Rico. I can only assume that Mr. Farrow’s activities

    on behalf of the pro-statehood party in Puerto Rico are being done during regular working hours. If Mr. Farrow plans to continue to work on behalf of the pro-statehood party, he needs to do so outside of working hours.

    When I first ran for elective office at the request of Mayor Harold Washington, I took a leave of absence from my job as a public servant in order not to enter into even the appearance of conflict of interest, and not to misuse taxpayer resources. Moreover, officials of the Harold Washington administration who came over to help also took a leave of


    I think Mr. Farrow has a right to help his pro-statehood friends in Puerto

    Rico, however, he should not be using the taxpayer resources of the Clinton-Gore Administration to do so. If he wishes to steer Puerto Ricans into what he considers the right path, he should put his own pocketbook where his mouth is. You are familiar with the risks we take to advance our values and principles, but Mr. Farrow takes the easy road when as a bureaucrat he hides behind the office of the President and lets others take the risk.

    Perhaps, it might be advisable for him to take a leave of absence and maybe even move to Puerto Rico for the duration of the election campaign.

    Mr. President, as we grapple with Puerto Rico’s status issue, it is advisable that you remain in a position of objectivity, so that you may be regarded as an honest, unbiased broker between the parties in Puerto Rico.

    Mr. Farrow’s words and actions have and will make this task that much harder. That would be a great loss for you and potentially, for the people of Puerto Rico.

    Please respond to my questions and concerns at your very earliest

    convenience. I know of many friends in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois and elsewhere here in the U.S., and of course, in Puerto Rico who will be extremely interested in your response.

    Thank you for your attention to my concerns.


    Luis V. Gutierrez

    Member of Congress

  26. Viequense en Inglaterra denunciara uso de uranio
    Viequense en Inglaterra denunciara uso de uranio (Viequense in England to denounce use of uranium)

    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org

    (scroll down for English)


    Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    (787) 741-0716 E mail: bieke@coqui.net

    2 de noviembre de 2000

    Comunicado de Prensa


    En representacion del Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques (CPRDV), el veterano viequense de la Guerra de Vietnam, Ernesto PeÒa, salio ayer hacia Manchester, Inglaterra, donde participara en la Conferencia Internacional contra las Armas de Uranio Reducido los dÌas 4 y 5 de este mes. Organizada por la Campaña Contra Uranio Reducido (CADU – por sus

    siglas en ingles), la conferencia incluira participantes de la India,

    Estados Unidos, Iraq, Holanda, Serbia, Canada, Corea, Inglaterra, Italia y

    Puerto Rico. Seg·n portavoces de CADU, las armas de uranio reducico son ilegales bajo leyes humanitarias internacionales existentes.

    En mayo del año pasado, oficiales de la Marina de Guerra de Estados Unidos

    admitieron que habÌan lanzado proyectiles de uranio en Vieques durante maniobras en febrero de ese año, dos meses antes del bombardeo con explosivos vivos en que murio el guardia civil viequense, David Sanes. Al dia de hoy, los militares no han podido recuperar los proyectiles de


    Portavoces del CPRDV han denunciado el uso de Vieques para experimentacion

    y entrenamiento con armas de uranio desde 1994. Las denuncias surgieron al recibir informacion sobre la enorme cantidad de balas de uranio lanzada en Iraq y las declaraciones del retirado Almirante Diego Hern·ndez al efecto de que Vieques fue el principal punto de entrenamiento para la Guerra del Golfo.

    Pescadores y miembros del CPRDV examinaron tanques y otros blancos en la

    zona de tiro de la Marina en Vieques en 1994, 1995 y 1996 y encontraron

    perforaciones en los tanques que solo pueden producir las armas de uranio

    reducido. No fue hasta mayo de 1999, sin embargo, que la Marina admitio que habia usado estas armas radioactivas en Vieques.

    Ernesto Peña participara en la conferencia internacional en Inglaterra

    como activista de la lucha por la desmilitarizacion de Vieques y ofrecera

    testimonio sobre la horrible destruccion ambiental y las consecuencias en

    la salud de nuestro pueblo que resultan de las practicas y la contaminacion militar. Lleva a Inglaterra fotos y evidencia mÈdica de las altas concentraciones de metales pesados, mercurio y uranio en niños viequenses y el alarmante nivel de cancer entre nuestra poblacion.

    La participacion del CPRDV en esta conferencia es parte de una campaña

    para internacionalizar el caso de Vieques, ampliar las relaciones ya

    establecidas con activistas en otros paises y crear nuevos contactos con

    comunidades afectadas por la contaminacion y la represion militar. Durante el mes de noviembre, representantes del comite viequense participaran en conferencias y reuniones en Cuba, Okinawa, Washington, DC y San Diego, California. En meses recientes, Ismael Guadalupe, portavoz del CPRDV viajo a Corea donde se establecio contacto con grupos comunitarios que luchan contra el bombardeo en un pequeño pueblo similar a Vieques. Hilcia

    Guadalupe, representÛ al CPRDV en octubre en una conferencia interancional en Chiapas, Mexico.

    Contacto: Robert Rabin, 787-741-0358 o celular 787-375-0525



    P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    Tel. (787) 741í0358 E mail: bieke@coqui.net

    2 November, 2000

    Press Release



    Ernesto Peña, Vietnam veteran from Vieques, left yesterday for Manchester,

    England, where he will represent the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) in the International Conference Against Depleted Uranium Weapons on November 4 and 5. Organized by the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU), the conference will include participants from India, the U.S., Iraq, Holand, Serbia, Canada, Korea, England, Italy and Puerto Rico. According to CADU, DU is already an illegal weapon of war

    under existing international humanitarian law.

    In May of last year, U.S. Navy officials admitted they had dropped uranium

    projectiles in Vieques during maneuvers in February of that year, two months before the bombing with live explosives in which the civilian Viequense guard, David Sanes, was killed. To this day the Navy has not been able to recover the uranium projectiles.

    Spokesmen for the CRDV have denounced the use of Vieques for experimenting and training with uranium weapons since 1994. The denouncements stemmed from information about the enormous quantity of uranium weapons dropped in Iraq and the declarations of retired Admiral Diego Hern·ndez about Vieques as the principal training ground for the Gulf War.

    Fishermen and members of the CRDV examined tanks and other targets in the

    Navy¥s bombing zone in 1994, 1995 and 1996 and found perforations in the tanks that could only have been made by depleted uranium rounds. It was

    not until May of 1999, however, that the Navy admitted to having used these radioactive weapons in Vieques.

    Ernesto PeÒa will participate in the international conference in England

    as an activist in the struggle for demilitarization of Vieques and will

    offer testimony about the horrible environmental destruction and the health consequences for our people that result from the military practices and contamination. He takes with him to England photos and medical evidence of the high concentrations of heavy metals, mercury and uranium in children on Vieques and the alarmingly high cancer rate among our population.

    The participation of the CRDV in this conference is part of a campaign to

    internationalize the case of Vieques, strengthen established relations with activists in other countries and create new contacts with communities affected by military contamination and repression. During the month of November, representatives from the Viequense committee wil participate in conferences and meetings in Cuba, Okinawa, Washington, D.C. and San Diego,

    California. Recently, Ismael Guadalupe, spokesman for the CRDV, travelled

    to Korea where he established contact with community groups struggling to

    end US Air Force bombing in a small town similar to Vieques. Hilcia Guadalupe represented the CRDV in October at an international conference in Chiapas, Mexico.

    Contact: Robert Rabin, 787 741-0358 or cel. 787-375-0525



    Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000

    This morning members of the 2 Puerto Rico based organizations Amigos del MAR

    (Movimiento Ambiental Revolucionario) and Amig@s de Vieques took over the crown of the Statue of Liberty and decorated the outside of it with the Puerto Rican and Vieques’ flags. After this brave act, Tito Kayak, of Amigos del MAR, repelled from ropes down the Torch arm of the statue and as of yet could still be suspended from the arm, in protest of the U.S. Navy’s presence in Vieques.

    Five brothers and sisters from these two groups have been arrested and several boricuas from New York City, who were supporting the act, have been detained. According to the latest report, several European tourists have also been detained due to their SUPPORT. It seems they assisted the direct action once they found out it was in solidarity with the struggle to remove the U.S. Navy out of Vieques. Liberty Island has been cordoned off and no one can leave or enter the island.

    The Vieques Support Campaign, The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, The Working

    Group on Puerto Rico/Frente Socialista and The Women for Peace in Justice in

    Vieques, Puerto Rico are in complete solidarity with the action undertaken

    by the brothers and sisters from Los Amigos Del MAR and Amig@s de Vieques.

    We are all very proud to have provided logistical, technical and public

    relations support for this incredible endeavor.

    Today’s action is one of many actions organized by the Puerto Rican national

    liberation struggle to bring attention to the struggle to free Vieques from the U.S. Navy’s tyrannical rule. Since the death of David Sanes Rodriguez in April 1999, the movement in Puerto Rico and Vieques have done an excellent job of bringing international media attention to the atrocities that the U.S. Navy has commited against the people of Vieques for the last 5o years.

    One of the reasons why today’s action was organized is because of the general election occurring this week. It is important that the next president of the most powerful capitalist and imperialist force in the world understand that the people of Puerto Rico/Vieques will continue to fight, organize and mobilize for the removal of the U.S. Navy out of Vieques.

    As of yet, the location of the precinct where the arrested and detained brothers and sisters will be taken has not been revealed. Once this information reaches us; We are calling on all the forces of the movement in solidairty with the Puerto Rican national liberation struggle and the struggle to demilitarize Puerto Rico to show their support outside of the

    precinct with us in a militant picket until our comrades are released.

    Please contact Ben Ramos or Frank Velgara at 718-601-4751 and Carlos Rovira 212-677-0619 for the location of the precinct. This number will be open and

    monitored all day, please call at any time!!





  28. 11 Arrested in Statue of Liberty
    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org


    Sunday November 5 3:02 PM ET

    11 Arrested in Statue of Liberty Flag Unfurling

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – Eleven people were arrested at the Statue of Liberty on Sunday after a man climbed through a window in the crown and unfurled a Puerto Rican flag and a banner, holding police at bay for two hours before surrendering.

    U.S. Park Police said that a group of six people who ascended the statue to the observation area in the world famous landmark’s crown broke out a window, which one man climbed through before unfurling a Puerto Rican flag and a banner.

    Local media reports said the group was protesting the presence of the U.S.

    military on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques.

    Police, who arrested the other five, cleared the popular tourist attraction in New York Harbor of tourists and tried to talk the man into coming in from the exterior deck. The man, who was not identified, surrendered after more than two hours, said Sgt. Sal Norman of the U.S. Parks Police.

    Five other people in the group were also arrested, including three who videotaped the incident, Norman said. Charges from the U.S. Attorney’s office were pending, he said, adding that the man who went onto the outside deck would likely face additional charges.

    The statue, a gift from France to the United States and symbol of the nation’s being a destination for immigrants, is located on Liberty Island off the southern tip of Manhattan. It is among the city’s top tourist attractions.

  29. Vieques Actvists Take Over Statue of Liberty
    November 5, 2000


    Ellis Island, NY– Members from the Puerto Rico-based Colectivos de Resistencia Amigos del MAR y Amigos de Vieques, composed of environmentalists, university professors and students, defied the altitude of the Statue of Liberty while decorating it with a banner that reads, Peace for Vieques. “The Statue of Liberty, symbol of the inalienable rights of the People, has been taken as an act of protest against the military practices by the U.S. Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico” expressed Professor Gazir Sued, a former student leader at the University of Puerto Rico.

    Representatives from both collectives, that last month took over the Tower of the University of Puerto Rico and El Capitolio (the legislature building) in San Juan, demand the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. Navy from the Island of Vieques.

    Amigos del MAR y Amigos de Vieques echo the clamor of the Puerto Rican people and demand from presidential candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush, as well as from Senate candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, a resolute position regarding the prompt eviction of the US Navy from Vieques.

    Vieques is an island of the Archipelago of Puerto Rico that has been used for more than 60 years as a bombing range by the U.S. Navy as well as other NATO forces. “The negative effects of the shelling,” expressed Albanai Valentin, a student and activist at the University of Puerto Rico, “are evidenced in the deaths of civilians, in the mutilated bodies of children, in the high cancer rates of our people, and in the environmental pollution caused by the uranium, aluminum, lead, arsenic, and mercury left over by the military practices.”

    For more information, please contact:

    New York

    Juan Casañas: (917) 929-1197

    Olga San Miguel: (646) 263-5351

    Puerto Rico

    Carmen Chazulle: (787) 562-8552

    For up to the minute information and pictures, visit us at


  30. Clinton Mulls Puerto Rico Land Issue
    Clinton Mulls Puerto Rico Land Issue

    The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON (AP) – President Clinton signed into law Monday legislation to

    implement an agreement designed to return to the Puerto Ricans an island used for Navy and Marine Corps training.

    Before signing the bill, Clinton explained to Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Rossello congressional changes to the agreement that could continue government control over much of the land.

    Rossello told reporters that he asked Clinton to consider setting a date for

    a referendum among Vieques residents on whether the Navy can remain there.

    “He has taken this under advisement,” Rossello said.

    Otherwise, the president and Rossello discussed changes to the agreement

    regarding management of wildlife lands on the island, White House spokesman Jake Siewert said. The Vieques agreement was included in an omnibus defense authorization bill that Clinton signed later Monday.

    Clinton complained in a written statement that the changes dictated by Congress, while relatively minor, are “neither justifiable nor prudent.”

    As sent to Clinton, the bill requires that some of land not used for training, which was to have gone to local owners, would be transferred instead to the Interior Department on May 1, 2001, rather than Dec. 31 of this year. The measure also was changed to have the Navy, if the islanders voted to end all training, relinquish most of the land to Interior rather than the government’s General Services Administration for disposal.

    Clinton said the changes “are not justifiable because Interior and Puerto

    Rico would together manage the land not used for training that requires

    protection … Further, if the people of Vieques vote for all training to end

    May 1, 2003, there is no known reason why the federal government would want to continue to maintain most of the land used for training.

    “The changes are not prudent because they resurrect a basic part of the issue that had largely been put to rest by the agreement – the military’s credibility on Vieques community matters.”

    The Navy’s use of Vieques for live-fire air warfare training had caused

    widespread unrest among islanders and supporters from throughout Puerto Rico,

    a U.S. territory. The Navy had contended the range was essential, but it finally agreed to scale down the exercises and to abide by a the wishes of the islanders as determined by a referendum.

    Rossello said Clinton told him that 3,100 acres of land on Vieques, originally to be managed by the General Services Administration, are now to be managed by the Interior Department.

    Through legislation, the land could eventually be turned over to Puerto Rico

    once “cleanup aspects” are completed, the governor said.

    “I’m very pleased that the president has taken these additional steps,” he said. “This essentially solves and puts to rest the situation in Vieques.”

    Cruz Fontanez

    Puerto Rican Independence Party

    New York Committee

    P.O. Box 1481 New York, NY 10028

    (212) 330-8258

    E-mail: caguas31@aol.com or pipny1@aol.com

  31. Pro-Vieques Candidates Win
    Pro-Vieques Candidates Win Elections in Puerto Rico

    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org

    In Tuesday’s general elections in Puerto Rico, Popular Democratic Party candidate Sila Calderon defeated New Progressive (Statehood) Party candidate Carlos Pesquera, to become the new Governor of Puerto Rico.

    At the same time, Popular Democratic Party candidate Anibal Acevedo Vila

    defeated New Progressive Party candidate Carlos Romero Barcelo, to become the new Resident Commissioner in the U.S. Congress.

    Both Governor-elect Sila Calderon and Resident Commissioner-elect Anibal

    Acevedo Vila support the immediate and permanent cessation of all military activites in Vieques, and have pledged to make that goal a priority for their government.

    Losing candidates Pesquera and Romero, on the other hand, claimed that “the Vieques situation has been resolved”.

    At the same time, Popular Democratic Party candidate Damaso Serrano soundly defeated New Progressive Party candidate Juana Rivera to become the new Mayor of Vieques. Serrano, a staunch supporter of the immediate cessation of all military activities in Vieques, was among those arrested on May 4 for participating in civil disobedience in Vieques to prevent

    further bombing. Rivera, on the other hand, was widely seen as the Navy’s


    Upon his resounding victory, Mayor-elect Damaso Serrano made the following


    “The people of Vieques have won today. This victory represents the people’s will that the U.S. Navy must leave Vieques immediately and permanently, and that the land must be returned to us, to the Viequenses.

    This is the first time in Vieques that a candidate for Mayor who campaigned against the Navy, wins the mayoralty.

    We have sent a message today, loud and clear, that our people demand respect and we will get respect.

    I have fought against the Navy’s presence and activities in Vieques and through my words and deeds have supported, and continue to support, civil disobedience as a means to achieving the Navy’s withdrawal of our island.

    Now, when I am sworn in as Mayor of Vieques on January 8, I will do all

    within my power to make sure that the will of our people is respected.”

    For election results, in English and Spanish, visit the site of Puerto Rico’s Election Commission at http://www.ceepur.net

    Estimado amigo Robin:
    Le escribí a Raulmax proponiéndole la idea de invadir nosotros a Vieques.

    ¡¡¡¡¡Hay que hacer en Vieques una demostración de un millón de personas!!!!!

    Piénsalo y pásale la idea libertariamente a los viequenses. Ser cristiano y
    ser independentistas es ser más radical. Tenemos que pensar en grande. No
    quince, no cien, no docientas personas. ¡¡¡Miles!!! También tenemos que ir
    pensando en la posibilidad de boicotear las compañías gringas.
    Tu amigo,

    Iván Silén

  33. Reinicio de bombardo/Resumption of bombing

    Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques

    Apartado 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    (787) 741-0716 Fax (787) 741-0358 Email: bieke@coqui.net

    6 de diciembre 2000

    Communicado de Prensa

    El Comite Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques (CPRDV) denouncio el reinicio de bombardo ayer (miercoles) por parte de la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos. Residentes de la Isla Nena se quejaron temprano en el dia por los ruidos y las vibraciones que sintieron en sus hogares. Los viequenses comenzaron a observar varios buques militares en el horizonte

    desde el martes.

    La marina no hizo el anuncio de las maniobras, que por ley le corresponde

    hacer con 15 dias de anticipacion. No fue hasta el martes por la tarde que los militares colocaron en el correo la “notificaciÛn a pescadores y a toda otra persona que navegue en las aguas costaneras de Vieques”, que indica el calendario de bombardeo y otros ejercicios y las zonas y horario de las restricciones impuestas. Segun la notificacion, las practicas, representan “un peligro para personas, equipo de pesca y/o embarcaciones”, se extenderan hasta el nueve de diciembre y se realizaran desde temprano en la mañana hasta tarde en la noche.

    Los viequenses expresaron su preocupacion que al igual que en las pasadas maniobras, la Marina utilice bombas vivas. Veteranos viequenses (de Vietnam y de Korea) que participaron en una accion de desobediencia civil durante maniobras del OTAN en octubre de este año, afirmaron que la Marina practico con bombas vivas en esa ocasion. “Sesenta años de atropellos y mentiras de la Marina no nos permiten confiar en los militares,” señalo Robert Rabin, del CPRDV. “El pueblo de Vieques y todos los sectores de la poblacion puertorriqueña se han manifestado su apoyo al fin inmediato y permanente de todo tipo de actividad militar aqui, con bombas vivas o no vivas,” señalo Rabin.

    Varios pescadores indicaron que se lanzaran al mar en busqueda de su

    sustento y que desafiaran los buques de la marina. Carlos Zenon, veterano activista de la lucha viequense, informo que varios pescadores entraron en la zona de maniobras durante ejercicios ayer, obligando a los buques a detener momentaneamente sus cañonazos.

    El bombardeo se reinicia en la misma semana en que oficiales de la Marina

    gestionan un intercambio estudiantil entre escuelas de Vieques y la escuela de la base naval de Roosevelt Roads, en Ceiba. En dias recientes, militares se han reunido con el Superintendente de Escuelas de Vieques, Luis Bonano Casillas. TambiÈn esta semana oficiales de la Marina junto a

    la Presidenta del Partido Nuevo Progresista en Vieques y candidata para la alcaldia en las recientes eleccciones, Juan Rivera Guishard, entregaron cinco pianos a las escuelas de la isla municipio.

    Portavoces del CPRDV denunciaron como hipocrita y engañosa la “ayuda” a las escuelas, y parte del proyecto de relaciones publicas de la Marina para ganar la simpatÏa del pueblo. “Un dia estan repartiendo pianos y el otro nos tiran con bombas. Ya estamos hartos de este lobo con disfraz de caridad. Denunciamos la posicion del Gobernador Pedro Rosello y de la Alcaldesa de Vieques, Manuela Santiago, de aprobar el continuo uso de Vieques para los ejercicios de la Marina,” señalo Nilda Medina, del Campamento Justicia y Paz.

    Contactos: Nilda Medina (787) 741-0716


    Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques

    P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765

    Tel. (787) 741-0716 Fax 741-0358 Email: bieke@coqui.net

    6 December, 2000

    Press Release

    The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) denounced

    the resumption of bombing yesterday (Wednesday) by the US Navy. Residents

    of Vieques complained early in the day of loud noises and vibrations felt in their homes. Navy ships were seen off the coast of Vieques beginning on Tuesday. The Navy did not announce these exercises fifteen days in advance, as stipulated in the 1983 Memo of Understanding between the PR

    Government and the Navy. Not until Tuesday afternoon did military officials place in the local Post Office the “Notification to fishermen and all other persons navigating in Vieques coastal waters,” indicating the calendar of operations and the related imposed restrictions. According to the notification, the Navy practices present “a danger for people, fishing equipment and/or boats”, and will extend through the ninth of December beginning early in the mornings until late at night.

    The Viequenses expressed their concern that as during the past maneuvers, the Navy will use live bombs. Vieques veterans (from Vietnam and Korea)

    who participated in civil disobedience actions during NATO exercises in

    October, confirmed the use of live bombs on that occasion. “Sixty years of abuse and lies from the Navy make it impossible to believe in the military here,” said Robert Rabin, of the CRDV. “The people of Vieques and all sectors of Puerto Rican society have manifested their support for the immediate and permanent end of all military activity here, with live bombs

    or not live bombs,” expressed Rabin. Several fishermen indicated they will

    go into the fishing areas to work and if necessary defy the Navy ships. Carlos Zenon, veteran activist in the struggle against the Navy here, informed yesterday that several fishermen entered the restricted zone during maneuvers, forcing the Navy ships to momentarily stop firing their canons.

    The bombing began again here during the same week that Navy officials attempt to coordinate a student interchange between Vieques and the school at the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station in the town of Ceiba. Recently, military official met with the Superintendent of Schools, Luis Bonano

    Casillas. Also this week, Navy officers together with the President of the New Progressive Party and mayoral candidate in recent elections, Juana Rivera Guishard, donated pianos for five schools here.

    Spokespeople for the CRDV denounced these “donations” as hypocritical and dishonest, part of the Navy’s public relations plan to try to improve their image among the community. “One day they are handing out pianos and the next day they bomb us. We are sick and tired of this “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. We denounce the position of Governor Pedro Rosello and Vieques Mayor, Manuela Santiago, in support of the continued use of Vieques for Navy exercises,” stated Nilda Medina, spokeswoman for the Vieques Peace and Justice Camp.

    Contact: Nilda Medina (787) 741-0716

  34. Navy destroyers begin shelling Vieques
    Navy destroyers begin shelling Vieques target range

    December 6, 2000

    Web posted at: 1:09 PM EST (1809 GMT)

    VIEQUES, Puerto Rico (AP) — U.S. Navy destroyers began shelling a target range on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques Wednesday, resuming military exercises over the objections of activists, including a couple who yelled “Go home!”

    The USS Roosevelt and the USS Stout fired non-explosive, five-inch (25-centimeter) shells at the U.S. Caribbean island, and another four destroyers were due to arrive during the next four days, Navy spokesman Jeff Gordon said.

    Most of the ships are preparing for deployments in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf.

    As the exercises began, three protesters faced a line of police officers at the entrance to the training ground, fenced off with accordion wire and patrolled by troops since demonstrations began last year.

    “We don’t want you here!” the protesters shouted at soldiers behind the fence. “Go home!” Vieques is the focus of a dispute between Puerto Rico and the United States that began in April 1999, when a U.S. Marine Corps jet dropped two 500-pound (227-kilogram) bombs off target and killed a civilian security guard working on the target range.

    Protesters camped out on the range for the next year, thwarting further exercises until they were forcibly cleared out by U.S. Marshals in May.

    The Navy calls Vieques its most important training ground and says it is vital to the national defense. Anti-Navy activists say the bombing has damaged the environment, stunted economic growth and endangered residents.

    The latest exercise comes as the White House works to shore up an agreement — signed with the Puerto Rican government in the wake of the accident — that could force the Navy out of Vieques by May 2003.

    On Tuesday, President Bill Clinton’s main adviser on Vieques Jeffrey Farrow, told The Associated Press the White House is preparing legislation that would transfer another 3,000 acres (1,200 hectares) of land, part of an abandoned weapons depot, to the Puerto Rican government.

    Clinton has said the transfer is needed as a sign of good will toward Vieques’ 9,400 residents.

    The White House wants to try to pass the bill during the waning weeks of Clinton’s term — but whether it reaches Congress will likely depend on who is declared the U.S. president. If George W. Bush wins, the bill is likely to be left by the wayside.

    Both Bush and Al Gore have said they will stand by the main agreement, which calls for a referendum among Vieques residents on whether the Navy should leave the island.

    Clinton has promised the Navy will close the training ground by May 2003 if it loses the vote.


  36. IF The Dept. Of Defense, Pass All The Roosevelt Road Land To The Gov. Of Puerto Rico, It Was A BIG MISTAKE. Puerto Rico Have No Money To SpentIt .Dosent Have Jobs, so What Wee Can Wait From Hours Politicians.I Wrote a Letter To Mr. Erwin E. Kiess About A Year Ago And I Still Waiting for an Answeasking To Reopen The Stores, That Letter Include The Voice Of All Veterans Of The Nort – East , Just The Stores, The Commissary, The Navy Exchange, The Bouling, The Gas Station, And A Small Place Of The Beach.Wee Thing That Its Not Too Much Ask For Those Facilities And Give Ceiba TOWN a litter Bit Of Life, Mr. Pedro Colon Osorio, Actual Mayor Of Ceiba, P.R. Its Traying The Best For Ceiba, butThe Governor Of Puerto Rico, Mr. Fortuno, Is Not in the good Position To HELP MR. Pedro COLON. So HELP US GOD

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