139 thoughts on “VIEQUES: The People or the Navy?

  1. UP

    Friday, June 9, 2000

    New York City ñ At noon on June 7 Vieques activists, Stacy Toro, Mari Cruz Badia, and Hector Luis Rivera, chained themselves to the Statue of the Bull in Bowling Green. A crowd of supporters gathered to chant and to distribute information on the nature of their action and on Vieques’ struggle.

    The bull was decorated with Puerto Rican flags, stickers, and messages calling for U.S. Navy withdrawal from Vieques. Passersby were curious, and mostly supportive, talking to the protesters and also expressing their resentment for the Navy’s actions in Vieques.

    Half an hour into the event, a dozen of policemen showed up, but were incapable of cutting the chains with their equipment and were forced to call for a special squad. After more than an hour, and with the number of police officers growing, a special task force cut the chains. They were arrested and taken to Precinct #1. They were charged with a misdemeanor and resisting arrest.

    Around 5pm they were transferred to Central Booking on Canal Street where

    they spent the night. Mari Cruz Badia and Hector Luis Rivera were released next day before noon. Stacy Toro was finally released on Friday 9 at 12:20am, after being arrested for more than 33 hours.

  2. Wide support for Civil Disobedience in New York
    Wide support for Civil Disobedience in New York

    Friday, June 9, 2000

    The Bronx, NY ñ Seven Puerto Rican activists went to Criminal Court today

    to face charges for Criminal Trespass. The group, consisting of six males

    and one female, was arrested on May 5, when they ran into the field of the

    Yankee Stadium to condemn the Federal raid of Vieques. The hearing was

    postponed to July 10 as defense will send a written request for dismissal.

    Members of the Puerto Rican community showed up to court in support to the

    campaign of civil disobedience taking place in the U.S. and well as in Puerto Rico in rejection of the Navy’s presence on the Island. A picket was maintained outside the court while some supporters got into the courtroom to attend the hearing. Members of the Vieques Support Campaign, Todo el Barrio con Vieques, the Angel RodrÌguez Cristobal Brigade, and

    Todo Loisaida con Vieques were also present. Among those who attended the

    hearing from Vieques were the grassroots leaders, Ismael Guadalupe, Miriam

    Soba, and Regalado Miro. Victor Garcia San Inocencio, member of the Puerto

    Rican House of Representatives for the Independence Party was also present

    as well as the musician and composer Noel Hernandez, from the National Hostosian Congress.

    The action at the Yankee Stadium was one of several acts of civil disobedience that have occurred in New York to demand the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. Navy from the municipal island of Vieques where the Navy has had a target range for more than 60 years. As a consequence of

    all the chemicals used in the bombing practices, including heavy metals,

    white phosphorous, Napalm and Depleted Uranium, Vieques is the region of

    Puerto Rico with the highest levels of cancer and infant mortality.

    The latest event of civil disobedience registered in New York City was on

    Wednesday 7, 2000 when three youth activists, members of the Welfare Poets

    and Sisters in the Struggle, chained themselves at noon to the Bull in Bowling Green in the Wall Street area. They were arrested later that day, but all have been released after being charged for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.


    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org


    When: Wednesday, June 14, 2000

    Time: 12:00 noon

    Where: Lafayette Park, in front of the White House, Washington, DC


    In response to the U.S. Navy bombing practices in Vieques, His Holiness

    the Dalai Lama states, “I […] support the action of the people of Vieques in protesting against such military exercises.”

    In this spirit, Hector Rosario, a young Puerto Rican activist, will begin an indefinite FAST for peace in Vieques in front of the White House tomorrow Wednesday June 14 at 12:00 noon. Hector is demanding that President Clinton meet with Viequense leaders and has stated that he will continue his fast until this happens.

    Members of the media, and all those who support peace for Vieques, are invited to attend a Press Conference tomorrow June 14 at 12:00 noon in Lafayette Park in front of the White House, when Hector will officially begin his fast and will provide more details on the same.

    Contact in D.C.:

    Andres Thomas Conteris 202-232-1999

    Contact in N.Y.:

    Freddie Marrero 212-923-0387

    e-mail: viequeslibre@viequeslibre.org

    Internet: http://www.viequeslibre.org

  4. Fast for Vieques at the White House – Day #1
    Hans S. Perl-Matanzo

    Director Harvard Students for Peace in Vieques, Now!

    Coordinator of the



    Please add to “favorite” websites

    492 Cabot Mail Center

    Cambridge, MA 02138

    Vieques Libre – http://www.viequeslibre.org

    On June 15, Vieques’ activist, Hector Rosario, began a water-only We urge

    you to call the White House TODAY in support of the fast and requesting Clinton to set a specific time and place for a meeting with Vieques’ activists. Vieques* leaders have been asking for such a meeting for months but Clinton has declined to meet with them, in spite of having met with Navy officials. It is imperative that the voice of the people of Vieques be heard before implementing any directives or plans.

    Call Jeffrey Farrow at (202) 456-2896 and/or fax him at (202) 456-2889;

    call Maria Echaveste at the White House at (202) 456-6594 and/or fax her at (202) 456-6702; fax Clinton at (202) 456-2461 and DEMAND A MEETING FOR


    For updates and info on the Fast for Peace in Vieques, please visit:


    Related articles:

    June 14, 2000

    William Jefferson Clinton

    President of the United States of America

    White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    Saludos. I am writing on behalf of the Coordinadora de Justicia y Paz and the Comite Pro-Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques to inform you that beginning today, June 14, 2000, I will start a water-only fast in front of the White House requesting that you meet with the leaders of our community-based organizations. It is imperative that you hear directly from the people that suffer the consequences of the military training of the U.S. Navy how they feel about said exercises.

    I believe that this is a tangible goal and that my humble act of fasting will be a minor way of showing our commitment for peace in Vieques. You may contact me directly by crossing the street or by calling me at 202-270-2706. My people would like to have a definite date and place for this meeting.

    Be informed that I am willing to pay the ultimate consequences of abstaining from nourishment and that I will fast until you agree to our petition.


    HÈctor Rosario

  5. Still here, an open letter to Clinto
    Dear Mr. President:

    Saludos. As you are well aware, I have been fasting in front of your house since Wendesday morning but my fast actually

    started on Monday at night. All we are asking for is that you agree to meet with the Vieques community leaders, something you have declined to do ever since they requested it on December 21, 1999. Later, on February 29, 2000 the religious leaders in Puerto Rico asked you to meet with

    them. You did not even respond. You have suggested that Jeffrey Farrow meet with them, but they do not want to meet

    with him because all he does is distort reality. You should have the kindness and courtesy to listen to how Viequenses

    feel about the military exercises on their island for the past 60 years. We believe you do not have the necessary

    facts to make a sound decision with regard to Vieques. I will be in front of the White House (I’m accessing the

    Internet from the Kinko’s on 15th St. and K St.) until you agree to meet with them or I have to be taken to the hospital. You decide.

    Several congresspeople as well as senators and representatives from Puerto Rico have written letters of support making you responsible for anything that might happen to me simply because you refuse to concede to this meeting, a simple request. Please, let us talk about when to have said meeting.

    Willing to die but not to kill,

    Hector Rosario


    [Text of Letter to President Clinton from U.S. Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez]

    June 16, 2000

    The Honorable William J. Clinton

    President of the United States

    The White House

    Washington, D.C. 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    I am writing to inform you that a young Puerto Rican man is currently engaged in a hunger strike in Lafayette Park. He is engaged in this act of self-sacrifice to urge you to meet with the leaders of the people of Vieques and the religious leadership of Puerto Rico to discuss your

    directive on Vieques. His action is in support of a petition for a meeting with you signed a in a letter dated December 20, 1999 by the leaders of Vieques and by a petition made to you on several occasions by letter and expressed in meetings with your staff by the religious leaders of Puerto Rico.

    This brave individual is Hector Rosario, a first-year student in the mathematics Ph.D. program at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. He completed an M.A. in mathematics at Teachers’ College at Columbia University. Hector began his hunger strike on Tuesday and intends to keep his vigil until you respond. I urge you to grant his request.

    As I believe you must be aware, your directive on Vieques has been rejected by the overwhelming majority of the people of Puerto Rico as a solution to the abusive and immoral use of Vieques by the U.S. Navy. The leadership of the people of Vieques and the religious leadership of Puerto Rico are eager to meet directly with you to discuss the terrible human

    costs of your mandate. I am pleased to add my voice to their request.

    I hope to hear soon that you have granted this reasonable request. Thank you for your attention to my concerns.



    Luis V. Gutierrez

    Member of Congress


    (version en espaÒol abajo)

    URGENT PRESS RELEASE (Please distribute)

    Contact: Hector Rosario – 202-270-2706

    Monday, June 19, 2000

    Washington, DC

    Due to the recent announcement that the U.S. Navy plans to resume bombing in Vieques, Puerto Rico starting this Wednesday, June 21, HÈctor Rosario and the Fast for Peace in Vieques Network, invite you to a PRESS CONFERENCE in front of the White House (in Lafayette Park) tomorrow TUESDAY, JUNE 20TH AT 10:00AM, where an important announcement will be

    made concerning Hector’s fast in particular and the struggle to free

    Vieques in general, remembering that Gandhi stated, “[In non-violence] the

    bravery consists in dying, not in killing.”

    Tomorrow marks Hector’s eighth day of fasting for peace in Vieques and

    demanding that President Clinton meet with the leaders of Vieques. Please

    do not miss this important Press Conference.


    COMUNICADO DE PRENSA URGENTE (Favor de distribuir)

    Contacto: Hector Rosario – 202-270-2706

    lunes 19 de junio del 2000

    Washington, DC

    Dado el anuncio reciente de que la Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos reiniciara bombardeos en Vieques este miercoles 21 de junio, Hector Rosario y la Red de Apoyo al Ayuno por la Paz en Vieques, les invitan a una CONFERENCIA DE PRENSA frente a la Casa Blanca (en el Parque Lafayette) manana MARTES, 20 DE JUNIO A LAS 10:00AM, en donde se har· un importante anuncio sobre los planes de Hector en torno a su ayuno en particular y la lucha por liberar a Vieques en general, recordando que, como expreso Gandhi, “[En la no-violencia] la valentÌa consiste en morir, no en matar.”

    Manana martes sera el octavo dia del ayuno de Hector por la paz en Vieques

    y exigiendo que el Presidente Clinton se reuna con los lideres de Vieques. Favor de no perderse esta importante Conferencia de Prensa.


    The Dalai Lama will be in the U.S. for 15 days and will meet with President Clinton. Perhaps the Vieques Libre Campaign and other organizers can us this visit to get more support for our cause. I remember you sent me a letter by the Dalai Lama thta stressed his support of the Viques’ issue. And with the fasting in front of the White House by Héctor Rosario, I think this is a prime opportunity to put the heat to Clinton. A mass demonstration should be organized on the day of the Dalai Lama’s visit.

    I have listed a CNN link that talks about the Dalai Lama’s visit. Best of luck. PAZ PARA VIEQUES!

    Edwin Pagan


  9. Tomorrow, Wednesday, bombing resumes
    You know tomorrow the bombing is scheduled to resume and there’s a protest scheduled in New York City on Thursday, June 22, at the Times Square Military Recruitment Office. It starts at 5PM. Hope to see you there!

    INVITACION: Video-Documental y Exposicion Fotografica

    Jueves 22 de junio,

    a las 7:30,

    en el colegio de abogados, presentacion del video documental “Vieques: cronicas desde la desobediencia” y una gran exposicion de fotografias.

    La actividad tiene como objetivo recaudar fondos para el costo de la produccion y otras actividades pendientes. Ademas, dada la posibilidad del reinicio de bombardeos esta misma semana en la Isla de Vieques, estaremos abriendo el espacio para idear y organizar conjuntamente actividades de resistencia y apoyo a la lucha en Vieques. Adem·s contaremos con la participacion en vivo de varios artistas.

    Estamos solicitando un donativo de $10 en la entrada y estaremos vendiendo el video a un costo de $10 durante el evento. (Precio regular $12.)

    Riega la voz. Contamos con tu apoyo.

    Para solicitar copias del Video, favor de enviar un giro o cheque por $15

    ($12 + $3 Manejo y Franqueo) a:

    Amigos de Vieques

    Calle Lirio #495

    Mansiones de RÌo Piedras

    San Juan, Puerto Rico 00926

    Para mas informacion, puedes comunicarte a gazir@caribe.net o amigosdevieques@viequeslibre.org

  11. Vieques War Games Planned

    Wednesday June 21 8:05 PM ET

    Vieques War Games Planned

    By JAMES ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – The U.S. Navy on Saturday plans to launch its

    biggest Vieques war games since a bombing accident last year, but a Puerto Rican agency is insisting it has the final say on whether bombs will fall.

    The Navy notice – published as an “environmental assessment” in local

    newspapers Wednesday – said the exercises would begin Saturday, and came as the USS George Washington Battle Group, carrying 15,000 sailors and Marines, began deploying from Norfolk, Va., for a six-month tour of the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf.

    Several ships attached to the battle group and warplanes will train in the

    outlying Puerto Rican island for two to six days before joining the George

    Washington, according to a notice sent to Puerto Rican authorities.

    The Navy had hoped to begin on Wednesday what would be the largest exercise since a civilian security guard was killed by two stray 500-pound bombs in April 1999, sparking a frenzy of protest.

    Despite a 1983 accord in which Puerto Rico’s government pledged to keep

    Navy training plans secret, the local Planning Board released documents

    this week detailing the proposed exercises.

    The board insists it must approve training, and it set a public comment

    period that expires Friday. It was awaiting responses from state and

    federal agencies on environmental concerns, said spokeswoman Ivelisse

    Prado. Gov. Pedro Rossello, however, said he believed the board had no power to decide when the Navy can use Vieques.

    Leaders of U.S. religious groups, including the National Council of

    Churches and the United Church of Christ, denounced the planned bombing and urged President Clinton to stop it.

    Puerto Rican activists also pledged to prevent it – but refused to say how. “We are returning to the fight against the Navy,” declared Vieques resident Ismael Guadalupe, who is being tried a second time in federal court for trespassing on the range.

    Vieques islanders blame decades of bombing for environmental damage,

    stunted tourism, and what they say is a high cancer rate. After the accident, protesters occupied the training ground until federal officials evicted them last month. Dozens have since been arrested on the range.

    As many as five ships from the Washington Battle Group will fire up to 600 inert rounds onto the range. Aircraft will launch and drop as many as 550 laser-guided rounds and dummy bombs, the Navy said. The bombing won’t significantly harm the environment, it said – a claim

    disputed by activists such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was barred Sunday from collecting soil samples from the range for a planned lawsuit against the Navy. Kennedy argued Tuesday that the Navy could bomb elsewhere and that its Vieques exercises were “obsolete.”

    “We respect his passion on the subject,” Cmdr. Brian Cullin, spokesman

    for Navy Secretary Richard Danzig, told The Associated Press Wednesday.

    “But to make the case that we have not done well with the environment is not a good case. I feel strongly about this: He has a family that has done extraordinary things in the armed forces, and this is a disservice to that fine record.”

    Kennedy responded: “I’m proud of my family’s military history. I come from a naval family and I love the United States Navy and that’s one of the reasons I want them to stop this activity.”

    The Navy insists Vieques is the only place its Atlantic fleet can hold

    simultaneous land, air and sea exercises using live fire before deploying abroad – training that saves countless lives.

    Kennedy argued the Navy actually carries out amphibious landings, bombing and shelling in different areas of the range.

    In January, Clinton ordered the Navy to use dummy bombs instead of live munitions and to abandon Vieques by May 2003 if the island’s 9,400 residents vote to expel it in a referendum expected next year. If the Navy wins, it gets to use live munitions again.

  12. Bombing range protesters arrested

    BBC NEWS Saturday, 10 June, 2000, 23:08 GMT 00:08 UK

    Bombing range protesters arrested

    Vieques: Scene of the US Navy’s war games

    US Military security agents have arrested 14 people for trespassing on the US Navy bombing range on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. The group were taken to the naval station Roosevelt Roads, on the main island of Puerto Rico, according to US Navy spokesman Robert Nelson.

    They were detained, but later released without charge. However, they have been ordered to appear before a federal judge at an undetermined date, he said.

    Bombing exercises resumed last month on Vieques in the face of stiff opposition from local people. The Navy says the base is vital in training US forces for combat.

    Among those arrested was a former director of the US territory’s local

    Administration of Courts, Euladio Torres.

    The group entered the bombing range at about 2145 on Friday (1645 GMT), and were walking on the main road of the Navy’s Camp Garcia base when they were detained, said Vieques activist Robert Rabin.

    The activity was meant to draw attention to opposition of Navy bombing on the island and “make the normal functioning of military activities inside Camp Garcia impossible,” said Mr Rabin.

    Until last month, protesters had camped out on the bombing range for nearly a year following a bombing accident that killed a civilian security guard raids.

    On 4 May, US marshalls raided the camps and arrested more than 200 protesters.

    Since then dozens have been detained for trespassing, including a group of 25 protesters and six journalists on 1 June. They were later charged with trespassing on federal property.

    The Navy resumed bombing with concrete-filled dummy bombs shortly after the 4 May raid.

    Islanders are to decide in a referendum whether the Navy should leave in 2003, or stay longer and resume using live ammunition. The referendum has yet to be scheduled.



    >From Tribune News Services

    June 18, 2000

    SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — Navy security officers detained 56 demonstrators

    Saturday after they invaded the U.S. Navy bombing range on Vieques Island and demanded that the Navy leave.

    Among those detained were 20 doctors who said in a statement they were “concerned about the health and future of the people of Vieques.”

    The protesters were cited to appear in federal court to be charged with

    trespassing, a Navy spokesman said. They were later released. Decades of resentment over the Navy’s presence on Vieques boiled over in April 1999,

    when a jet dropped two 500-pound bombs off-target and killed a civilian

    security guard. Dozens of protesters occupied the range for a year, but were forced out in a federal raid May 4. The Navy resumed training under a deal that calls for a referendum before February 2002 and the use of non-exploding practice bombs until after the vote.

    If the Navy loses the referendum, it would have to leave the island by May


  14. Arrestos hoy en Vieques ingles
    Arrestos hoy en Vieques ingles

    Dozens Arrested at Vieques Range

    The Associated Press

    (Security Guards Arrest 49 People Who Walked Onto U.S. Navy’s Vieques Island Training Ground To Protest Plans To Resume Bombing Practice This Weekend

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – Security guards arrested 49 people Thursday

    who walked onto the U.S. Navy’s Vieques island training ground to protest plans

    to resume bombing practice this weekend.

    The protesters were being taken to the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station on the main island of Puerto Rico to be cited for trespassing, said Navy spokesman

    Robert Nelson.

    Starting Saturday, ships and warplanes attached to the USS George Washington

    Battle Group are expected to practice bombing and shelling on the range

    using inert weapons.

    The exercise is expected to run for two to five days and would be the largest since a civilian security guard was killed by two 500-pound bombs on the

    range in April 1999, sparking widespread protests.

    Vieques islanders say five decades of bombing have caused environmental damage, stunted tourism, and led to a high cancer rate. After the accident, protesters occupied the bombing range – roughly 8 miles from the main entrance to the training ground – until federal officials evicted them last month.

    More than 200 protesters have since been arrested for trespassing, Nelson said.

    Leaders of U.S. religious groups, including the National Council of Churches and the United Church of Christ, have denounced the planned bombing and

    urged President Clinton to cancel it.

    Clinton has ordered the Navy to use dummy bombs instead of live munitions and to abandon Vieques by May 2003 if the island’s 9,400 residents vote to expel

    it in a referendum expected next year. If the Navy wins, it gets to use live

    munitions again.

    The Navy says Vieques is the only place its Atlantic fleet can hold simultaneous land, air and sea exercises using live fire before deploying abroad – training it says saves countless lives.

  15. Mass. Senator Rosemberg on Vieques
    Mass. Senator Rosemberg on Vieques

    English version following text in Spanish


    Saludos amigo o amiga, esta es una invitación para que escuches el programa Tertulia este domingo 25 de junio a partir de las 8:00 p.m. en nuestra estación de radio pública; la WFCR, 88.5 FM:  (www.wfcr.org)  A las 8:30 entrevistaremos al senador demócrata del estado de Massachusetts, Stan Rosenberg, acerca de su visita reciente a Vieques.

    Rosenberg se ha unido al movimiento que exige la paz para Vieques y que la marina de guerra norteamericana se vaya de la Isla Nena.

    Escuchar el programa en vivo es muy sencillo y es gratis.  Requiere instalar un programa llamado RealPlayer, lo cual toma algunos 15 minutos y las instrucciones se encuentran en nuestra página web.  Además, puedes conectarte con el Proyecto del Cuatro Puertorriqueño, con Librusa, con NYBORICUA y próximamente con el Festival des Films Du Monde de Montreal que nos ha prometido para finales de agosto del 2000, una selección maravillosa de películas de América Latina.

    ¡Te esperamos el domingo en Tertulia!

    Hasta entonces, Luis.

    PD:  Ayúdanos a regar la voz sobre Tertulia.  Envíale una copia de esto a cualquier persona que pueda estar interesada en nuestra programación o en el tema de Vieques.


    Dear Friend of Tertulia, we invite you to listen to our Spanish language program this coming Sunday, June 25 starting at 8:00PM.  Tertulia is produced on WFCR, the Western New England Public Radio affiliate.  It can be heard live on 88.5 FM or through the internet by visiting our web site (www.wfcr.org)

    Massachusetts state Senator Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst) is our guest this Sunday and we will discuss his recent visit to Vieques, Puerto Rico and his opposition to military operations carried out by the US Navy on that island/municipality.  Our dialogue with Mr. Rosenberg will begin at 8:30.

    It is very simple to listen to Tertulia through the internet, to do so you must download the RealPlayer audio program. Instructions are included at the WFCR web page.  Additionally, you will find links to other web sites of interest to our listeners such as the Puerto Rican Cuatro Project, Librusa, NYBORICUA and very soon, a connection to the Montreal “Festival des Films Du Monde” which will feature an outstanding selection of Latin American films this August.

    We hope you’ll join us this Sunday,

    Hasta pronto, Luis

    PS Please help us spread the word about Tertulia by sending a copy of this message to your friends!


    [English Summary: A youth brigade for peace in Vieques has entered in horses into the Target Range where the NAVY pretends to bomb during the course of these days. The group is will act as human shields to protect Vieques from being bombed.]

    COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – 26 de junio de 2000

    26 de junio de 2000


    Vieques, Puerto Rico — Durante el dÌa de ayer, en dos ocasiones, primero en horas de la madrugada y luego en horas de la tarde, la brigada de paz que se conoce como la caballeria, entro y salio del area restringida sin ser avistado por las fuerzas militares, haciendo asi honor a su lema: “entramos y salimos cuando querramos.”

    En las primeras horas de la madrugada de hoy, 26 de junio, un contingente de jinetes burlaron la seguridad militar y penetraron la zona restringida por la Marina de guerra norteamericana en la isla de Vieques. Aun permanecen en la zona de tiro para impedir con su presencia el bombardeo de Vieques.

    La caballerÌa esta compuesta por jovenes viequenses y miembros del Colectivo Amigos de Vieques. “Nuestro objetivo es llegar al area de tiro y convertirnos en escudos humanos para detener el reinicio de los bombardeos”, comunico Harry Felix Matta, uno de los jinetes viequenses.

    “El reinicio de los bombardeos pone en riesgo la seguridad, la salud y la vida de los viequenses. Como viequenses y puertorriqueños hemos asumido la gran responsabilidad de cumplir los deseos de justicia y la voluntad de paz de nuestro pueblo”, añadio el joven viequense.

    “Hemos decidido convertirnos en escudos humanos para detener las maniobras

    militares y los bombardeos porque esa es la determinacion de paz, de seguridad y de bienestar de nuestra comunidad y del pueblo de Puerto Rico entero,” añadio otro de los jinetes.

    En apoyo a esta proclamada mision de paz, se sumaron otros jovenes jinetes de la isla grande. “Ante la negativa de la fuerza militar a respetar el derecho a la vida, la seguridad y la paz del pueblo viequense, el Colectivo de Resistencia Amigos de Vieques y Amigos del Mar nos sumamos una vez a·s a los actos de desobediencia civil,” indico Gazir Sued.

    “Como hemos sostenido, la desobediencia civil es un principio de conciencia y como tal un derecho irrenunciable. En este espiritu de justicia y de paz es que nos hemos sumado a los jovenes viequenses para convertirnos en escudos humanos y detener los bombardeos militares”, añadio Sued.

    “Arriesgamos nuestra seguridad personal, e incluso nuestras vidas, porque estamos convencidos de que nuestros reclamos de paz son justos, y responsabilizamos al gobierno norteamericano y a su fuerza militar por cualquier incidente lamentable que pueda sucedernos,” afirmo otro de los jovenes jinetes.

    Segun comunicaron los jinetes desobedientes, estaran intentando

    comunicarse en directo desde la zona de tiro para dar a conocer los ultimos acontecimientos.

  17. Resumption of Bombing in exchange for talks
    Resumption of Bombing in Exchange for Resumption of “Talks”

    by Flavio Cumpiano

    In his seven plus years as President, William Jefferson Clinton has never

    visited Puerto Rico. The year that the National Governor’s Association annual meeting was held in Puerto Rico, was the one year Clinton decided to skip that event. Other than issuing a few statements and press releases on the status of Puerto Rico, Clinton hasn’t done much else on this issue, as Congress has primary federal authority on this matter.

    Moreover, ever since the struggle to get the U.S. Navy to leave Vieques

    intensified after the April 19, 1999 death of David Sanes as a result of a bomb dropped by the U.S. Navy on Vieques, Clinton has rejected all of the reasonable demands by the political and religious leaders of Puerto Rico to personally meet with him before he makes a final decision with regard to Vieques. Despite repeated requests, Clinton has

    even rejected a meeting with those directly affected: the people of Vieques.

    So why has this President all of a sudden offered the leaders of the three political parties in Puerto Rico, and others, a meeting at the White House

    this coming Wednesday June 28, not on Vieques, but on the political status

    of Puerto Rico?

    The answer lies in the Quid pro Quo between the White House and Governor

    Rossello, whereby peace in Vieques was sacrificed in the altar of status


    Wednesday’s meeting takes place at the same time that President Clinton, with the full support of Governor Rossello, has authorized bombing to resume in Vieques on a massive scale.

    Meanwhile, Congress is about to go on recess and Congressional approval of

    Clinton’s so-called directives on Vieques is dubious at best. But since bombing has resumed and the federal and state authorities are cracking down on the protesters in Vieques, one hardly hears any grumblings from the Inhofes and the Warners.

    Clinton and Rossello achieved what they wanted and have been crafting since last year: Clinton washed his hands, chose not to exercise his authority as Commander in Chief to stop the bombing in Vieques, and passed off the political hot potato of Vieques to Congress in an election year.

    Rossello, also a lame duck, betrayed Vieques and the will of the majority

    of Puerto Rico that the U.S. Navy stop bombing Vieques, in exchange for “talks” at the White House concerning the political status of Puerto Rico, shortly before a Republican Congress in an election year goes on recess and shortly before he and Clinton leave office.

    That was, in a nutshell, the essence of the Quid pro Quo that has been crafted between the White House and the Governor’s Office and whose implementation we are witnessing. Bombs in exchange for B.S. Resumption of bombing in exchange for resumption of “talks”.

    Rossello went from the defiant “Don’t push it!” at Senator Inhofe, to turning his back on his own Special Commission on Vieques’s recommendation that the US Navy permanently cease and desist all military activities in Vieques; accepting and cooperating with the arrests in Vieques; accepting bombing to resume in Vieques; appointing a pro-Navy “Commissioner of

    Vieques” (his aide Maria Rosa Ortiz Hill, universally rejected by Viequenses); refusing to share and make public all the government studies and reports on the damage done by the Navy in Vieques; publicly mocking the lawsuits filed by cancer victims and others against the U.S. Navy; agreeing in writing not to sue the Navy for any of the atrocities it has

    done and may do in Vieques; deciding not to support the option in Clinton’s proposed referendum that the Navy supposedly would leave Vieques after three years of bombing; and agreeing that the guarantees of Navy compliance discussed last year be eliminated from Clinton’s directives on Vieques.

    Why this monumental betrayal? As has been denounced for a year now, Rossello sacrificed Vieques and his people in exchange for resumption of “talks” by the White House on the political status of Puerto Rico.

    Let’s remember that last year, Clinton’s point man on Puerto Rico, Jeffrey Farrow, told Vieques Mayor Manuela Santiago at a White House meeting that the US Navy was preparing to offer $80 million if she were to drop her demand that the Navy leave Vieques. Even Mayor Santiago felt insulted and publicly went to the press to denounce this. Puerto Rico’s major papers covered this story.

    Subsequently, Farrow and White House Deputy Chief of Staff Maria Echaveste

    met at the White House with the three Puerto Ricans in the US Congress, Jose Serrano, Luis Gutierrez and Nydia Velazquez, and tried to persuade them to drop their demand that the US Navy leave Vieques. In exchange, Farrow promised resumption of talks on the political status of Puerto Rico, knowing full well that this is of major interest to those three Members of Congress. The three

    Members of Congress rejected this attempted quid pro quo. They said that the political status of Puerto Rico must be dealt with, but not at the expense of sacrificing the one issue where Puerto Ricans reached consensus: That the US Navy stop bombing Vieques and leave.

    Congressman Gutierrez put it this way: “We told [the White House] that we

    were available to discuss the issue of status, as long as there is no bombing in Vieques.” In an October 27, 1999 press conference on Capitol Hill, several other Members of Congress echoed this sentiment. Puerto Rico’s major papers also covered these stories.

    Eventually, it was Governor Rossello who bought and accepted the quid pro quo hook, line and sinker. Why?

    Rossello has spent millions of dollars in public funds, over several years, lobbying for statehood for Puerto Rico. Shortly after his inauguration, he pushed for the 1993 referendum on the political

    status of Puerto Rico. Statehood lost. He pushed for the 1994 referendum to amend the Constitution to increase the number of Justices in the Puerto Rico Supreme Court in order to appoint more pro-Statehood advocates. Rossello’s proposal was soundly defeated. He hired dozens of lobbyists, law firms, public relations firms and consultants to get Congress to pass the so-called Young bill which called for a political status referendum. It passed the House by one vote, but died in the Senate. He then pushed for the 1998 local referendum on the political status of Puerto Rico in which the Statehooders defined all the status options. Statehood lost once again.

    Then, in April 1999 came the death of David Sanes in Vieques by the U.S. Navy. The struggle to free Vieques united Puerto Ricans of all political

    affiliations and ideologies. The Navy was with is back against the wall. A consensus among Puerto Ricans was forged the likes of which official Washington had never seen. Victory for the people of Puerto Rico in general, and Vieques in particular, was at hand. . .

    . . .until Rossello was lured away from the consensus on Vieques and back into “political status” mode. All the President would be offering would be to start talks on the possibility of a process whereby the leaders of the three political parties of Puerto Rico agreed to a process, etc., etc., etc. But for Rossello, it constituted his last opportunity to attempt to rehabilitate his losing record concerning a process towards Puerto Rican Statehood. Although by the time anything substantive happens, Clinton and Rossello will be long gone, under this deal Vieques would continue to be used and abused by the U.S. Navy.

    While they now will talk about “self-determination” for Puerto Rico, Clinton and Rossello have chosen to ignore the self-determination of Puerto Ricans with regard to an issue as important and critical as Vieques, an issue of dignity and morality to millions of Puerto Ricans and of literally life and death to thousands of Viequenses.

    Let’s not forget that Clinton never met with those directly affected, the leaders of Vieques, in spite of repeated requests for months. Clinton never met with the religious leaders, who have simply called for a meeting with the President before he takes a final decision concerning Vieques. Recently, a young Puerto Rican student went on an eight-day hunger strike in front of the White House demanding that Clinton meet with Viequenses. Clinton replied with more bombs over Vieques.

    After ordering hundreds of arrests and after authorizing bombing to resume

    in Vieques, Clinton now suddenly grants a “summit” meeting to statehood advocates Rossello, the Statehood Party’s gubernatorial candidate Carlos Pesquera, pro-Statehood Resident Commissioner Carlos Romero Barcelo, and Representative Don Young, the Statehooders’ chief ally in Congress. The Puerto Rican Independence Party’s Ruben Berrios and the Commonwealth Party’s Sila Calderon were also invited to this Wednesday’s meeting and have agreed to attend, promising the people that they would bring up the issue of Vieques.

    As this Wednesday’s “summit” meeting at the White House takes place, we must not lose sight of the fact that the people have been left to fend off for themselves in Vieques, devising strategies to defend their land after Clinton allowed the U.S. Navy to impose might over right, and after Rossello betrayed his own people.

    President Clinton still has time to issue an Executive Order calling for the U.S. Navy to stop the bombing and leave Vieques. For now, bombs are falling in Vieques against the will and self-determination of the people, as a lame duck President and a lame duck Governor get ready to begin to talk about respecting self-determination for Puerto Rico.

  18. Vieques Bombing Over, For Now
    Vieques Bombing Over, For Now

    By Manuel Ernesto Rivera Associated Press

    VIEQUES, Puerto Rico

    The U.S. Navy concluded its exercises on Vieques Island on Wednesday after three days of bombing that sparked protests and

    ended with scores of activists arrested and four Navy personnel reported injured.

    “Ships and aircraft of the USS George Washington Carrier Battle Group successfully completed essential combat training (in Vieques) prior to deploying in the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf this summer,” the Navy said in a statement.

    The move could mean an end for now to the stream of Puerto Rican activists who have been sneaking under a chain-link fence and onto the Navy base on the island. The activists hope to impede the exercises and eventually force the Navy off the island altogether.

    Vieques, a populated Puerto Rican island, is also the site of the Navy’s prime Atlantic Fleet training ground. Exercises on Vieques had stopped in April 1999 after two 500-pound bombs were dropped off target, killing a civilian security guard and sparking protests laced with anti-American sentiment.

    But the shelling began again last weekend ñ this time with inert, or non-explosive, bombs and shells.

    Tuesday brought the first reported violent confrontation in 14 months of

    agitation: The Navy claimed fisherman lobbed 12-inch metal bars that injured

    two sailors at sea and that a video recording of the incident was turned

    over to the FBI. One of the fishermen, Yabureibo Zenon, flatly denied the charge.

    The Navy’s Lt. Jeff Gordon said two other Navy personnel also were injured. One had some fingers broken Saturday while detaining a protester inside the range, and another suffered a minor leg injury trying to free a Navy boat from a reef after the incident with the fishermen, he said.

    On Tuesday, guards arrested 135 Puerto Rican Independence Party demonstrators who invaded the bombing range, some cutting the chain-link fence, others simply lifting it up to crawl under.

    “Go home, Yankees! This is our land!” Elba Diaz, a 43-year-old Vieques housewife, shouted at helicopters overhead that were scanning the area.

    As the protesters were rounded up, Tuesday’s shelling was delayed for 45

    minutes, the Navy said. Then fighter jets screamed overhead and thuds and booms could be heard, presumably from an aerial bombardment.

    Protesters claimed some of their band might still be at large after the

    shelling started ñ charges supported by the Navy’s confirmation that Independence Party vice president Fernando Martin and five others were not arrested until about 4 p.m. Still, the group could have been far away from the actual target area, which occupies only the eastern tip of the almost 10-mile-wide Navy range.

    Activists committed to ousting the Navy from Vieques say the bombing destroys fishing grounds and endangers residents. The Navy maintains the bombing is safe and provides crucial training.

    The first fatality on the range in six decades of bombing united Puerto Ricans as never before to demand that the Navy leave the island. Dozens of protesters invaded the range and occupied it for about a year before being peacefully evicted last month.

    The Navy insists the opposition is coming from a small minority of Puerto Ricans. It says Vieques is the only place its Atlantic Fleet can hold simultaneous land, air and sea exercises with live fire before deploying abroad.

    Five months ago, Clinton negotiated an agreement with the Puerto Rican government allowing the Navy to resume training using non-explosive ordnance. Clinton also promised a referendum, perhaps next year, in which Vieques residents would choose whether to evict the Navy or allow it to stay and resume live bombings.

    Puerto Rican Gov. Pedro Rossello said Tuesday the protesters’ incursions on

    the range could endanger the referendum. “They are putting at risk what is clearly the only instrument available at this time for a final resolution of the situation of Vieques to the benefit of the people of Vieques,” he said.

    The issue was expected to come up at a White House meeting Wednesday

    between President Clinton and the leaders of Puerto Rico’s major political parties.

    The meeting originally was called to discuss the U.S. territory’s ultimate


    © Copyright 2000 The Associated Press



    There will be a massive protest in Times Square on Friday to condemn the resumption of U.S. Navy bombing on the island municipality of Vieques. Although consensus indicate overwhelmingly that the people of Vieques and all of Puerto Rico are opposed to the resumption of bombing, Clinton, the Pentagon and the U.S. Navy are proceeding as if the people’s voices are silent.

    This is not the case, there are hundreds people there that have been arrested continuously demanding U.S. Navy out!

    The way matter stands now, this is a situation that continues to intensify.

    Please make every effort to be in Times Square on Friday. Bring a friend, your flag, and above all, our collective spirit to denounce this outrage.

    TIMES SQUARE (43rd Street & Broadway)

    Date: Friday, June 30th

    Time: 4:30 P.M.

    For more information please call (718)601-4751 or (212)677-0619

  20. RE: FYI
    Ay bendito,siempre se cuela uno,
    residente,no dices si eres americano,
    vendepatria,o trabajas para la armada
    pero la verdad es que ese estudio lo
    produjo la armada,fyi,la mayoria de los
    viequenses quieren que vaya la marina.

  21. Quote of the Day !
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups (Vieques Protesters)

  22. I don’t understand your point.
    I don’t understand what point you are trying to make. Perhaps you can clarify what you mean. Why are these people stupid and what power are they exerting?

    Saludos Compañeras/os:

    My name is Elliot Monteverde-Torres. As a representative of the Association of American Jurist, I’d like to extend a special invitation to you.

    I am certain that you are each aware of the struggle for peace, justice and demilitarization in the island-municipality of Vieques, PR that the majority of Puerto Ricans support.

    Puerto Ricans and numerous concerned individuals and organizations in the US have voiced and demonstrated our support and commitment with the people of Vieques since the death of David Sanes on 04/19/99. Protests, rallies, debates, conferences, cultural events, governmental resolutions, acts of civil disobedience and speak-outs have all been part of our struggle in the NY City area against the presence of the US Navy’s military installation in Vieques. Like the majority of those in PR, many of us feel committed to ending this vicious and unwarranted attack against the people and the environment of Vieques.

    However, as many of you probably have realized, a massive collective

    non-sectarian effort of politicians, enviromentalists, human right

    organizations, religious groups, students, activists and unions just to mention a few have been unable to come together in a united front to jointly voice our disapproval to the continous bombardment & destruction of the Vieques’ land and its people.

    The largest event pro-Vieques so far in NYC was held at Times Square the day after the arrests in Vieques on Thursday, May 4th, 2000. Although we can all feel proud that over a thousand people participated at this demonstration, many of you also know that an essential catalyst for such an important turnout was due more to a reaction/response rather than the result of a structured plan gear towards massive mobilization. Traditionally, working towards long

    term plans has not been a strength to be proud of among the majority of our groups.

    We must change such a negative pattern. I am convinced that there’s true potential among all of us to work jointly in a non-sectarian, all inclusive group towards an event that can have profound impact and consequences at the community and political levels, both locally and nationally.

    So, what’s there to do?

    Various groups are already committed to participate in a meeting next

    Thursday, July 6th at 7 PM at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund to strategize and begin to map the course that we should follow collectively to have an ambitiously large and peaceful (15,000 people) manifestation on Saturday, October 14th at 12 PM.

    The working group that results from next Thursday’s effort will be known as THE OCTOBER 14TH VIEQUES ALLIANCE.

    This group will not pretend to infringe upon the work of any organization. Our one and only focus is and will be VIEQUES. The colective will work towards the 10/14 event in NYC. To achieve the success desired THE OCTOBER 14TH VIEQUES ALLIANCE must be a non-sectarian and all inclusive entity.

    Although it is well known that attempts with similar goals in mind have tried to no avail to materialize in the City, THE OCTOBER 14TH VIEQUES ALLIANCE will set in place strict rules and parameters to ensure that this noble attempt does not become a fiasco that no one in the long run will wish to give it any continuity.

    Our primary and only concern will be to organize a massive gathering of people and groups of all ethnicities, religious denominations, sexual orientation, and/or political ideology that can come together around the issue of Peace for Vieques. New York will have a marvelous oportunity to show the world and the beloved residents of Vieques that we can, indeed, come together for a just cause, for the sake of the children, women and men of Vieques as well as the environment there.

    In conclusion, I wish, then, to extend an invitation to you or a represenative of the organization that you are involved with to participate of this first meeting of THE OCTOBER 14TH VIEQUES ALLIANCE. Again, the meeting will be at PRLDEF on 07/06 at 7 pm. Please limit your organization’s representation to no more than two persons. Thanks.

    For more information, please contact me if you wish at 212-557-8286 or



    Elliot Monteverde-Torres, JD

  24. Letter to Jeffrey Farrow
    July 2, 2000

    Jeffrey Farrow


    White House Working on Puerto Rico

    Dear Mr. Farrow:

    Saludos. It was quite a surprise to meet you this Saturday, July 1st at the Boston’s Logan International Airport. I had just stopped to use the facilities of the U.S. Airways terminal, and there we were, both alone and willing to establish a dialogue. What a coincidence.

    I was glad that we were able to speak about Vieques for about ten minutes and that we both seemed to listen to and respect what the other was saying. As I mentioned, recently there have been some isolated violent incidents in Vieques that are a direct result of provocative actions by Navy personnel and also, a consequence of the frustration some individuals feel by the intransigence and despotism showed by the Department of the Navy.

    Although the community leaders of Vieques, most of whom I know, respect, and admire, are strongly discouraging any type of violent actions, it is only a natural reaction for the majority of human beings to react with force when they are similarly attacked. Furthermore, Puerto Rico being an occupied country, has the right, under international law, to take up arms against the invading power, in this case, the United States of America. However, as people concerned with the wellbeing of the human race and understanding the afflictions associated with war, we, as a liberation movement, are vowing to remain non-violent. Nevertheless, we cannot bear responsibility for individual actions against U.S. soldiers or so-called naval property on our land.

    Please, understand that it is within the hands of your President to halt the escalation of violence. I appeal to your good judgement to encourage Mr. Clinton to act on behalf of peace, freedom, and democracy by immediately ordering the Navy out of Vieques. I am afraid another round of exercises might lead to casualties on both sides. Let us avoid that tragic scenario.

    Be well and enjoy the festivities of the holidays.


    Héctor Rosario

    27 Sachem Village

    West Lebanon, NH 03784

    (603) 653-0027

  25. Federal Government arrests Independentistas
    Federal Government arrests Independentistas – Arrestan aspirantes del PIP

    Vieques Activists Arrested at Home

    By VILMA PEREZ, Associated Press Writer

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) – U.S. marshals fanned out across Puerto Rico

    on Sunday, arresting dozens of anti-Navy activists at home for refusing to post bail on federal trespassing charges.

    Marshals had arrested more than 50 of 122 activists by Sunday afternoon, protest organizers said.

    Those arrested were among 183 people originally detained last week as they

    scrambled under fences or sneaked onto remote beaches in an attempt to stop military exercises on the outlying Puerto Rican island of Vieques.

    The unrest renewed a 14-month-old dispute on Vieques, a 21-mile-long Puerto Rican island of 9,400 people that is also the site of the U.S. Navy’s prime Atlantic Fleet training ground. Activists committed to ousting the Navy say bombing at the site destroys fishing grounds and

    endangers residents. The Navy maintains the bombing is safe and provides crucial training for American sailors and airmen.

    The protesters arrested last week had been freed temporarily and given until Friday to post $1,000 bail, but the group of 122 refused to pay.

    “We do not recognize any moral authority nor the legitimacy of the U.S. court in this matter,” Sen. Manuel Rodriguez Orellana of the Puerto Rican Independence Party said Sunday. The arrests “unmask the repressive and intimidating character of the process,” he said.

    The arresting marshals would not talk to reporters. Herman Wirshing, chief of the U.S. Marshals Service in Puerto Rico, could not be reached for comment.

    About 600 people have been detained since May 4, when marshals removed protesters who had camped out on the Vieques bombing range for a year to thwart exercises there.

    Most of the 183 arrested last week were members of the Puerto Rican Independence Party. The party planned a rally on Tuesday – the Fourth of July – in front of the federal prison in San Juan where the arrested protesters are being held.

    Resentment over the Navy’s presence in Vieques boiled over in April 1999 when a U.S. Marine Corps jet dropped a bomb off target, killing a civilian security guard in the bombing range. The latest Navy exercises have used non-explosive bombs, but the protests have continued.

  26. Carta a un Amigo del Mar
    **Carta Publica a un Amigo del Mar**

    9 de julio de 2000

    A mi hermano Tito Kayak:

    Saludos Tito. Te escribo para expresarte algo que ya te he dicho en persona: que siento el m·s alto respeto y la mas

    sublime admiracion por ti y por tu compromiso de lucha.

    Luego de concluir mi ayuno por la paz en Vieques frente a la Casa Blanca el mes pasado y reunirnos en Vieques, mi

    prima Inesita, al vernos juntos exclamo, ¡Ay Dios mio, se juntaron el hambre con las ganas de comer!. Que metafora

    tan apropiada.

    Sin embargo, me preocupa sobremanera lo que percibo como una movilizacion lenta de parte del pueblo con respecto a

    la afrenta que representa el tenerte apresado. Espero que esta carta sirva de estimulo para que otras personas

    denuncien publicamente el atropello que se comete en tu contra por ser una persona integra de convicciones inquebrantables. Ademas, sin justificacion alguna, el Tribunal Federal te niega el derecho a un juicio rapido y a un debido proceso. Esto no debe sorprendernos. Acuerdate que eres un fenomeno raro para ellos que no entienden lo que es luchar con dignidad porque carecen de ella.

    Aprovecho a la vez para extenderle un saludo a nuestro hermano Gazir Sued, quien tambiÈn peca de ser Ìntegro y de

    ejemplificar a un luchador consecuente. Un abrazo solidario y revolucionario para ambos.

    Nos reuniremos pronto en Vieques para continuar nuestro proceso inconcluso. ¡Bieke o Muerte!

    Tu amigo y hermano,

    Hector Rosario

  27. My ribbons still fly in the wind…
    In reference to the following posting, I still have my white ribbons proudly flying on my car antennae. I hope everyone else does also….

    In one of the pictures from Vieques I

    noticed an elderly woman standing next

    to a fence covered in white ribbons. In


    article elsewhere I read the ribbons

    stood for Peace.

    In honor of this woman and Vieques, I

    have placed a white ribbon on the

    attenae of my car. In addition, I have


    the Marina Fuera Sign and placed it in

    my car window.

    I encourage all Vieques supporters to do

    the same.

    Everyone, Place a White Ribbon on your

    car, trees, picket signs, etc to

    symbolize the fight for Naval freedom in


    In the 90’s I was a yellow ribbon

    supporter of the Troops in Gulf War. I

    had many college friend and school


    called to the war.

    While the ribbons themselves did not

    bring them home, The display of the

    yellow ribbons everywhere supported our

    friends and loved ones as called by the


    I knew people of all ages, all walks of

    life and all races supporting and

    knowing what these ribbons were for.

    It is a similiar story with the pink

    ribbons for breast cancer awareness and

    other ribbons for causes.

    When people do not know what the ribbons

    mean, they ask questions and we can

    share the information to spread

    awareness of the plight of Vieques.

    Please everyone, Find a White Ribbon

    somewhere and Show the fight for Vieques

    is not ending with a few

    demonstrations here and there.

    The large battle is at hand. We must

    spread the word of Vieques and get more

    people involved.

    I am so happy to see that there are so

    many cities having demonstatrations, but

    there should be more.

    We need to write letters, send emails,

    and encourage our representatives to

    have a bill passed to cease Naval


    in Vieques.

    The time is now. Voting seasons will be

    coming soon, and we need all the votes

    and supporters we can muster.

    The pictures have helped, but Everyone

    needs to know.


    Vieques SI

    Marina NO

    PEACE TO VIEQUES No More BOMBS (concrete

    or Live!)

  28. RE: My ribbons still fly in the wind…
    i will fly a ribbon on my car. but i wonder if white is really appropriate since the white flag usuallly means surrender. this might be the wrong signal to send. i think blue would be more appropriate or green, the colors of our seas and beautiful land.

  29. RE: RE: My ribbons still fly in the wind…
    White was created due to all the white ribbons placed on the fence at the naval base. White is purity and freedom also. The Navy can surrender.
    Actually what would be better I think is if people took white ribbons, but mixed them with other colors, or painte the flag on them. Just ideas. The solution is the same. Get people to ask what it is for – then spread the word.

  30. Update on Vieques protesters in Yankee Stadium
    For all of those who are wondering what happened yesterday in New York at the Bronx Criminal Court, let me inform you that our legal team requested the hearing to be adjourned to September 6. The reason for that is that New York City Councilman José Rivera came to our hearing with five attorneys asking to be part of our defense team. One of the attorneys was New York State Assemblyman Peter Rivera. We are seven defendants on the Yankee Stadium direct action protest in support for peace in Vieques, and our defense team consists of seven attorneys. Our lead attorney, however, continues and will continue to be Vanessa Ramos. For obvious reasons, our defense strategy remains confidential. I’ll keep you posted.

  31. [LaPaz] DNC2000 Pro-Vieques Coalition
    The Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles has formed the “DNC 2000 PRO-VIEQUES COALITION”, in order to have a strong presence at this year’s Democratic National Convention taking place in Los Angeles. We are endorsing the D2K NETWORK, which is composed of groups and individuals working to coordinate and support events and NON-VIOLENT protests during the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, August 14-17.

    We would like to invite individuals to participate and join the “DNC 2000

    Pro-Vieques Coalition” in order to:

    1) DEMAND the U.S. Navy out of Vieques, Puerto Rico NOW!

    2) SUPPORT the people of Vieques’ struggle to call for an immediate end to

    the U.S. Navy’s occupation of Vieques;

    3) JOIN the many sectors in Puerto Rico who support the struggle for peace in Vieques and an end to the military occupation;

    4) MAKE clear that the Vieques problem hasn’t ended or been resolved, which

    is detrimental to all of Puerto Rico and the environment;

    5) BRING international attention to the military violence against the people of Vieques, Puerto Rico.

    Since there are many separate issues being addressed by an array of different groups, the D2KLA Network has developed specific themes for each of the 4 days of the Convention, so that working together, a more unified/amplified voice can be heard. From that perspective D2KLA offers this framework of broad themes for each of the days for protest at the DNC.

    The goal is simply to help amplify in the strongest possible way major areas

    of concern and to group activities with similar themes to magnify their impact. NO THEME IS SEEN AS MORE OR LESS IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER. By taking action in our own behalf and acting in solidarity with others we can insure that all of our issues are highlighted and given the optimum voice.

    The D2KLA framework for activities at the DNC for the week of August 14 – 17

    is as follows:

    Monday, Aug. 14: UNITY-Human Need Not Corporate Greed! Labor, environment, welfare rights, criminal justice, wages for housework, abortion rights, truth in media, homelessness, pure food and water,

    domestic violence, access for the disabled, peace for Iraq, the embargo on

    Cuba-whatever your concerns, stand together and let your voice be heard.

    Tuesday, Aug. 15: EQUALITY-An Injury to One is An Injury to All. Stop the hate and save the earth! Every being on earth has a right to live free of exploitation, oppression and extinction. We will stand together and not be divided by gender,

    lifestyle, ability, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age-or even species!

    Wednesday, Aug. 16: JUSTICE-Stop Police Brutality, Mass Incarceration, Racial Profiling, the Drug War, and the Death Penalty! 2 Million doing time-that’s the crime! Halt the criminalization of our

    communities and free all political prisoners!

    Thursday, Aug. 17: PEACE-Halt Militarism, Defend Indigenous people, Immigrant and Worker Rights, and Demand Economic Justice! We will no longer tolerate the killing of innocent people all over the

    world in the interest of the rich, and demand a moratorium on biological,

    chemical, nuclear weapons, and all overseas military exercises! From Native

    American sovereignty to global poverty, we will build international solidarity and demand economic and environmental justice as one!

    As of now, the “DNC 2000 PRO-VIEQUES COALITION” will be marching on the FINAL DAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17TH, THE DAY OF PEACE, TO CALL FOR AN END TO VIEQUES’ MILITARY OCCUPATION AND DEMAND ECONOMIC/ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE FOR THE PEOPLE OF VIEQUES. The peaceful march and demonstrations will begin at 9:00a.m. from the People’s Convergence Center to the Staples Convention Area. We will end with a a peaceful, legal rally and march from Pershing Square to the Staples Center, where we will join a vigil during Gore’s acceptance speech. WE WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL 4 DAYS, BUT NEED TO

    COORDINATE WITH INDIVIDUALS INTERESTED (due to work and other obligations).

    **So far, we are conducting workshops on the following:

    1) GIANT PUPPET MAKING, (e.g. puppets of Clinton/Rosello dropping bombs on Vieques);



    We also plan to have an evening VIEQUES EVENT/Seminar during the 4 days. (to be scheduled)

    The Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles invites everyone who supports the struggle of the people of Vieques

    (http://www.viequeslibre.org ) to join

    the “DNC 2000 PRO-VIEQUES COALITION”. We are still meeting and strategizing and would like to see if there is enough support (interest) for the Coalition to participate on other days as well. We need everyone’s help and support in preparing for these very critical days. For those who are coming from out of town, the PRA is also organizing housing and has set-up a DNC 2000 headquarters just 15 minutes from the Convention.

    For more information, please contact:

    Ernesto J. Vigoreaux

    Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles

    3465 W. 8th St., 2nd Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90005

    (310) 289-0316 or evigoreaux@hotmail.com

  32. Ideologia
    Lo que mas me gustaria que los americanos entiendan y tomen en gran consideracion es nuestro espiritu de lucha ante la oprecion de su defensa naval ante nuestro pueblo. AL igual que una vez durante los años 70 del siglo 19 ellos estubieron luchando por un ideal de independencia y de libertad, de igual modo se representa la lucha de los viequenses y de todos los demas pyuertorriqueños, sacar la marina es buscar la paz, la libertad, seguir ideales de humanidad y corazón y saber que lo que estamos defendieno son nuestros ideales junto a nuestros ideales>!!!!!! PAZ PARA VIEQUES!!!!

  33. THE LAND
    The answer is the land. Kick all people off Vieques. The islanders dont care, look at the trash piles. The navy dont care, look at the bomb piles.
    Seems like the only ones who care is nature.

    Down with Humans on VIEQUES – of ALL BREEDS and NATIONS!!!

  34. An open letter to President Clinton
    An open letter to President Clinton


    Andres Thomas Conteris

    1804 S Street, NW

    Washington, DC 20009


    25 July, 2000

    Dear President Clinton:

    I write to you appealing to your conscience and requesting that you take

    time to meet personally with the religious and peace movement leaders of

    Vieques, Puerto Rico.

    Leaders of Vieques from the United Methodist Church, the Catholic Church,

    the Alliance of Vieques Women, the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques and others have requested that you give them audience. They would like to explain to you face to face why they insist that the U.S. Navy must permanently stop bombing, a position supported by the vast majority of the people of Vieques, 88.5% according to a recent poll.

    The religious and peace movement leaders would like to have a dialogue with you. They want to make a case for Demilitarization of their island,

    Decontamination of all the toxic pollution resulting from the military

    exercises, Devolution of the land that was forcibly expropriated during

    World War II and Development of their economy and environment. You have

    given ample opportunity to the representatives from the U.S. Navy to make

    their case to you personally. You have also consistently denied meeting

    personally with those most affected by the ongoing bombing. I ask you to

    reconsider this position and promote reconciliation by meeting with the

    leaders of the people of Vieques.

    Your current policy, offering a referendum to the people of Vieques on a

    date to be determined by the U.S. Navy, which does not include the option for voters to express their desire for an immediate and permanent cessation to the Navy bombing, is not acceptable.

    The people of Vieques and their supporters have expressed their opposition to the Navy presence with a campaign of active nonviolence including

    letter-writing, marching, picketing, risking arrest, spending time in the

    courts and doing jail time for civil disobedience. Many are still in prison for their prophetic nonviolent actions. There have also been four public initiatives for peace in Vieques involving fasting since May 4, 2000.

    I was on the bombing range on Vieques on May 4, 2000 when the FBI and U.S.

    Marshalls removed the peace encampment that held vigil for over a year. Instead of turning myself in, I, like others, decided to go into hiding to continue to serve as human shields in the hope that the bombs would not fall. Despite the fact that the Navy was aware of the presence of protesters in the restricted area, the bombing recommenced even while I and others were still there. This has happened repeatedly since that time

    and is absolutely unconscionable.

    This morning, at 6:00am, over twenty representatives from churches, popular movement organizations and people of faith and conscience began a rotating fast in front of Camp Garcia, the entrance to the bombing range on Vieques. They are appealing to your conscience so that you grant a long-requested meeting with the peace movement and religious leaders of Vieques.

    In Washington, DC, we have also inaugurated a fast today asking that you

    reconsider your hard stance on refusing to meet with the leaders of Vieques. Members of a number of organizations and religious groups will participate in this rotating fast.

    I am a part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, a faith-based

    organization that seeks to resolve conflicts nonviolently. The FOR has

    worked for many years on the demilitarization of Puerto Rico through the Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean. I am also a lay missioner

    with the United Methodist Church whose leadership in Puerto Rico has taken a strong position against the bombing in Vieques. I have decided to enter into an open-ended, liquid-only fast (juices with calories) appealing to your conscience so that you grant the long-requested meeting. This fast will become a liquid-only, no-calorie (water with some non-caloric salts, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, etc.) if the Navy resumes the massive bombing exercises. This type of fast will continue indefinitely until you

    grant the meeting with the religious and peace movement leaders of Vieques.

    Our witness is called Fast for Justice and Peace in Vieques, Puerto Rico: An Appeal to the Conscience of President Clinton to Meet with the Leaders of Vieques. We will hold a press conference in Lafayette park at 12 noon today and a prayer vigil and peace witness every evening from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

    Mohandas K. Gandhi called fasting the “prayer of a soul in anguish.” It is

    the final stage along the path of an ever intensifying nonviolent witness. Indeed, those of us moved to fast are in deep anguish over the death of David Sanes on April 19, 1999 during a Navy bombing exercise. We are alarmed at the escalating cancer rates and other deleterious health effects on Vieques because of the bombing, and the rising repression by police, military and judicial authorities against peace activists on that tiny island. We are anguished over the threat that the bombs will continue to fall and we are filled with hope knowing that when we act

    together we can bring change.

    Fasting for Justice and Peace,

    Andres Thomas Conteris

    Member of the Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean

    Fellowship of Reconciliation

  35. azir Sued: Update / Puesta al Dia + Articulo
    [Version en espanol abajo]

    [English]iYesterday evening Gazir Sued Jimenez was taken out of solitary confinement and placed back with the rest of the prisoners of conscience that remain imprisioned in the Guaynabo Metropolitan Detention Center. Today,

    Wednesday July 26, his parents unsuccessfully tried to visit him, but once again the administration refused to grant them a visit arguing that they

    will be granted a visit on Saturday. Gazir and his family remain in good

    spirits and are eager to see each other this coming Saturday. He is still the only one of the prisioners of conscience that has not been able to meet with his family since his arrest. They would like to thank all of the people and groups that have shown their solidarity either directly to them or by calling the office of Mr. Pastrana the prison warden. For the time being we are waiting until Saturday to see if the administration finally abide by its promises.


    Ayer en la noche, Gazir Sued Jimenez, fue sacado de reclusiÛn solitaria y puesto nuevamente con el resto de los prisioneros de consciencia que permanecen en la c·rcel federal de Guaynabo. Hoy, miÈrcoles 26 de julio, sus padres trataron infructuosamente de visitarlo, pero una vez mas la administracion se rehuso a darle acceso, argumentando que sera el sabado cuando podr·n finalmente visitarlo. Gazir y su familia permanecen en buen animo, a pesar de que el es el unico de los prisioneros de consciencia que no ha tenido derecho a visitas. Ellos agradecen a todas las personas y grupos que han hecho muestras de solidaridad ya sea a ellos directamente o llamando al Sr. Pastrana, Alcaide de la prision federal. Esperamos que finalmente el s·bado la administracion cumpla con lo prometido.

    Gente de Bien

    Por: Enrique “Tite” JosÈ Vel·zquez Marrero – belaskes@hotmail.com

    En la batalla por la salida de la marina de Vieques hay muchos escollos a vencer. Pero el mayor de todos ellos no es la marina, ni tampoco las cortes federales que aprisionan a nuestros companeros de lucha. El estorbo mas duro a vencer es el efecto que quinientos anos de colonialismo ha impregnado en la sicologia social puertorriquena.

    No digo esto en busca de una excusa al efecto que causa una lucha desigual

    entre este pequeno pueblo de valientes y la maquinaria economica estadounidense. En todos los enfrentamientos contra maquinarias economicas, en busca de libertad, o simplemente una vida mas

    justa, las luchas an sido en desigualdad. Pero esto no detuvo a Sandino, Aguinaldo, Zapata, Camilo, Collins … Si hoy digo esto es para poder entender las sabitas mutaciones que parecen tener algunas porciones denuestra poblacion.

    Pero, como en todas partes, siempre tenemos personas prestas a enfrentar

    cualquier escollo, y mas que victorias, que sin duda alguna estan logrando

    nuestros combatientes, paren precedentes historicos y puntos de partida.

    Gazir, Tito y Johnny, al igual que todos los companeros que hoy se encuentran encerrados, o en espera de serlo, nos estan dando mucho m·s queuna victoria mas frente a la intransigencia de los intereses economicos estadounidenses, escriben una pagina mas en la historia de la resistencia de este pequnno pueblo que tras quinientos aÒos de sujecion aun sabe decir basta.

    Cada uno de nuestros prisioneros de conciencia ha dejado su huella en la

    manera en que los puertorriquenos nos vemos a nosotros mismos y un pequeño

    an·lisis de esa nueva manera en que nos estamos viendo podria motivar una

    conciencia colectiva comprometida y no indiferente y pasiva.

    La resistencia paiÌfica de nuestra gente es ejemplo aleccionador de la lucha descolonizadora. Nuestros combatientes no son o@s que cargan con un lastre de muertes y genocidio. Nuestros combatientes son una armonizante

    aleacion de gallardia, nobleza y paz que los convierte en punto de referencia obligatoria para quienes pretendamos ser gente de bien.

  36. La verdad es que Vieques da pena. Dejen de peliar con lo de la dichosa marina y dediquebnsen a que se haga justisia y manden a la carcel a los conductores ebrios por años

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