Tag Archives: New York


Where: Harlem, USA
Place: LA PREGUNTA (www.lapregunta.net)
Add: 1528 Amsterdam Ave. (btw: 135th. & 136th. Street)
Date: Saturday, July 25th.
Time: 9pm
Damage: FREE/ GRATIS – We will be taking Donations.
Selling – San Juan Hill “AFRO LATIN 500yrs.” T-shirt Line
And San Juan Hill CD’s.
Take: (1) train to 135th. Street.

Looking for your Support – San Juan Hill will be heading up to Montreal, Canada
On Sept. 4th. 2009 to kick off the FIRST official showcase of the
AFRO LATIN SOUL EVENT with Montreal own – Nomadic Massive – What is this event about???
The event showcases Up and Coming Live Musica, Dance, Poetry, and D.J. music from the Diaspora, and will be done so by various artists,
for example; Nomadic Massive, San Juan Hill, Kalmunity, Pimps of Joy Time, VOX, DASO, KARMA, Edwin Vazquez and many more, based here in NYC and Montreal.

In one night of the event you WILL experience – 2 Live Bands like a Samba band and a Funk Band – Bomba or Tap Dancers, or Spoken word artists, and to seal the night, DJ Music spinning grooves that represent the night’s theme!!!!
It will take place in venues such as; Nuyorican Poets Café, Fonda Boricua in NY and in Montreal at places like, Club Lumbi, Café Campus, etc.. – every other month in NY, alternating with Montreal.

Seeking to bring audiences an event that Celebrates and Demonstrates, and Documents the connection between ALL African derived Music and Art form.

Whether your from Saint Luis or Panama City, or whether you speak Spanish, French or English, whether you listen to Soul Music or PALO music– We are slowly adding our 2 cents to the MIX that destroys the Myth and Division that states that WE are NOT ONE!
Our story, is the Worlds Story!!!
So do come through and Help us to raise FUNDS in getting this event/trip closer to its Goals – with your help it would certainly make this possible!

If you would like to learn MORE, HELP Participate, or are interested in Sponsoring the AFRO LATIN SOUL EVENT –
Please feel free to hit me up @ (sanjuanhill.nyc@gmail.com)!!!
All, and Any Help is Welcomed!!!
Frank Diggz


Antonia Pantoja: Presente! tells the story of educator/organizer Antonia Pantoja, founder of the New York-based advocacy organization, Aspira. A passionate, indomitable leader, Pantoja worked with Puerto Rican “immigrant-citizens” to fight against second-class citizenship and to secure a bilingual voice. Through passionate personal testimony, never-before-seen home movies, archival footage, and the work of visual artist Juan Sanchez, the feisty Antonia Pantoja guides us through the Puerto Rican community’s struggles and triumphs.
SHOWING July 30, 2009 6:30 PM
at the New York International Latino Film Festival

Director: Lillian Jimenez
Clearview Cinemas Chelsea Screen 7
W 23rd St & 8th Ave, New York, NY


Will Call tickets can be picked up at the venue on the day of the screening.

We will be having a post screening party at Camaradas 2241 1st Ave, New York, NY (East 115th Street and first Avenue)
(212) 348-2703

The International Poetic Short Film Festival 2009


The International Poetic Short Film Festival 2009
formerly known as the Latino American Poetic Short Film Festival is dedicated to Bimbo Rivas, Poet, Actor, Playwright, Teacher and Humanitarian…

IPSFF will be held Monday October 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2009
at The NUYORICAN Poets Café
located at 236 East 3rd Street New York, NY 10009
To submit a Poetic Short for consideration visit www.ipsff.com
Visions have no boundaries,

José Antonio, Director/Curator

In solidarity with the National General Strike of Workers in Puerto Rico


Thursday, October 15th
5 p.m. at (PRFAA)
135 WEST 50th street (between 6th & 7th Avenues)

Puerto Rico is experiencing very difficult times. Puerto Ricans of the mainland cannot remain idle while Luis Fortuño’s administration move forward with its widespread lay-off policy. This constitutes social and economic barbarism that will only serve to worsen the crisis in which the country is submerged. It will promote privatization of basic infrastructural services to thousands of Puerto Ricans, mostly the poor. Almost 20,000 civil servants already have or will be laid-off their jobs, putting at risk and hopelessness thousands of families affected directly and indirectly by this effort.

The colonial administrations, statehood and commonwealth supporters equally, are guilty of today’s suffocating working-class high taxes, the imposition of a sales tax and the partial or complete privatization of our national patrimonies. We cannot forget Pedro Rosselló’s administration, which privatized great part of our country, including fifty one percent (51%) of Puerto Rico Telephone Company and almost all health services providers throughout the Island. The Calderón Administration privatized the Authority of Aqueducts and Sewage, patrimony that we managed to rescue. To top it all, previous administrations efforts to sell Puerto Rico Telephone Company were concluded by the Acevedo Vilá administration. The transnational Mexican company America Mobil bought it. This unleashed a teacher’s strike, and an attempt to curtail workers rights and a few of the combatant unions in the Island. That same administration, along with the Legislative Assembly of the PNP, imposed the IVU tax and raised taxes to the working-class while exempting special interests from paying taxes. To make matters worse, certain North American unions, with the aim of internationalizing their businesses, have come down to the Island and have started negotiating our constitutional rights, curtailing the working class struggle that has always been a reflection of our people.

Undoubtedly, it is the moment work towards a sincere united front made up of all the progressive and social sectors in struggle to engage the colonial and capitalist crossroads that facing Puerto Rico. In the Island, on October 15th, diverse workers unions, community and student organizations will unite to invoke a NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE. New York cannot lie back without demanding justice.

We call upon the different organizations, individuals, and activists in the United States to help us fight and support Puerto Rico’s poor, working, and middle classes struggle to demand its socioeconomic rights. At the moment, different activists, together with the Puerto Rican Independence Party, Committee of NY we have decided to meet to organize the required support with the NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE to be carried out in Puerto Rico. Reason why, we invite you to partake on the protest to take place on October 15th in front of the Offices de Puerto Rico in New York (PRFAA).

Join us, the moment demands it. STOP PRIVATIZATION!
WHEN: Thursday, October 15th, 2009 TIME: 5 p.m.
WHERE: (PRFAA) 135 WEST 50th street (between 6th & 7th Avenues)

En Puerto Rico se viven tiempos difíciles y en la diáspora es imposible quedarnos de brazos cruzados. La decisión del gobierno de Luis Fortuño de proceder con su plan de despidos masivos de empleados públicos, constituye una barbaridad social y económica que sólo servirá para agudizar la crisis por la cual atraviesa el país e incrementará los procesos de privatización de servicios básicos a miles de puertorriqueños, principalmente a los más margi-nados. Son casi 20,000 empleados públicos que ya han sido y serán cesanteados de sus empleos, po-niendo en riesgo y desesperanza a miles de familias que serán afectadas directa e indirectamente.

Las administraciones coloniales, tanto las que apoyan la estadidad, como las que apoyan al estado libre asociado han sido culpables de que hoy la clase trabajadora esté ahogada por las altas contribuciones, la imposición de impuestos al consumo y la privatización parcial y completa de nuestros patrimonios nacionales. Es imposible olvidar la administración de Pedro Rosselló que privatizó gran parte de nuestro país, entre ella el cincuenta y un porciento (51%) de la Telefónica de Puerto Rico y casi la totalidad de los centros de salud de la Isla. La Administración Calderón privatizó la Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, patrimonio que logramos rescatar. Para culminar el resumen de las pasadas décadas la Administración Acevedo Vilá culminó la venta de la Telefónica a la Compañía transnacional mexicana América Móvil, precipitó la huelga de los maestros, con la intensión de eliminar derechos de los trabajadores y eliminar uno de los pocos sindicatos combatientes en la Isla. Esa misma administración, junto a la Asamblea Legislativa del PNP, le impuso el IVU y aumentos en las contribuciones contra la clase trabajadora mientras que se le eximía a los grandes intereses su responsabilidad con nuestro pueblo. Para colmo de males ciertos sindicatos norteamericanos, con ansias de globalizar sus negocios, se han establecido en la Isla negociando derechos constitucionales y maniatando la lucha obrera que caracteriza a nuestro pueblo.

Es sin duda el momento de que trabajemos, para que se dé la unidad a la lucha sincera de todos los sectores progresistas y sociales para combatir la encrucijada colonial y capitalista que sufre Puerto Rico. En la Isla, el día 15 de octubre, distintas organizaciones sindicales, comunitarias y estudiantiles se han unido para realizar un PARO NACIONAL y en Nueva York no nos podemos quedar atrás en reclamar justicia.

Hacemos un llamado a las distintas organizaciones, individuos y activistas en los Estados Unidos para que nos unamos a trabajar y nos solidaricemos con Puerto Rico y las luchas de la clase trabajadora, media y de escasos recursos, en su justo reclamo por sus derechos económicos y sociales. Al momento, distintos activistas, junto al Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Comité de NY hemos acordado reunirnos para organizar el apoyo necesario y solidarizarnos con el PARO NACIONAL a llevarse a cabo en Puerto Rico. Por lo que, 15 de octubre le invitamos a participar de la manifestación a realizarse en las

CUANDO: Jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009 HORA: 5 pm
DONDE: (PRFAA) 135 WEST 50th street (entre 6ta y 7ma Ave.)

América Latina: Nueva Literatura de Extremo Occidente, II

Literature at Americas Society
Americas Society ¦ 680 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065 ¦ www.americas-society.org

Roundtable discussion (in Spanish)

América Latina: Nueva Literatura de Extremo Occidente, II

Thursday, October 29
7:00 pm
Free admission

Novelist and poet Mayra Santos-Febres (Puerto Rico) will lead a discussion with fellow writers Fernando Iwasaki (Peru), Edmundo Paz Soldán (Bolivia), Cristina Rivera-Garza (Mexico/USA), and Jorge Volpi (Mexico) on the state of Latin American literature today. This program also celebrates the publication of Jorge Volpi’s Season of Ash, translated by Alfred Mac Adam (Open Letter, 2009).

Presented in collaboration with the Salón Literario Libroamérica, a non-profit organization whose mission is the internationalization of Puerto Rican literature. We thank the Consulate General of Peru in New York for helping to promote this event.

Americas Society Members: Reserve today at membersres@americas-society.org .
Non-Members: Reserve online now.

Americas Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our Literature Program donors: Honorary Benefactor Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat, The Reed Foundation, and the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and U.S. Universities. The Literature Program is also made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. In-kind support is provided by the Salón Literario Libroamérica.

Island crisis could fuel more Puerto Rican migration to U.S.

by Jorge Duany, Ph.D., Guest Writer
Orlando Sentinel (Oct 15, 2009)

The signs of Puerto Rico’s acute socioeconomic crisis are everywhere.

The Island’s economy is expected to decline by 5.5 percent this year. Local consumer debt reached almost 23 billion U.S. dollars in 2008. The unemployment rate was 16.5 percent in July 2009. Since 1996, 45,000 manufacturing jobs have been eliminated. For the first time in years, the poverty rate increased during the current decade. The massive layoffs by the Commonwealth government have caused public dismay. Many people are extremely worried about keeping their jobs and paying their bills, taxes, insurance, and mortgages.

One of the traditional strategies in the face of economic difficulties in Puerto Rico has been emigration. An increasing number of Puerto Ricans is seriously considering that alternative, despite the recession of the U.S. economy.

During the current decade, at least one-quarter of a million Puerto Ricans has moved to the continental United States. According to the Puerto Rico Community Survey, nearly 428,000 residents of the Island relocated to the mainland, while about 224,000 returned from abroad between the years 2000 and 2007. According to the Puerto Rico Ports Authority, the net passenger movement to the United States totaled around 297,200 persons between 2000 and 2009. In 2008, 51.6 percent of all persons of Puerto Rican origin lived outside the Island.

Aside from the massive resurgence of the Puerto Rican exodus, the latest census statistics confirm the migrants’ changing settlement patterns. In 2008, the state of Florida had the second largest number of Puerto Rican residents (744.4 thousand), after New York (1.1 million). Between the years 2000 and 2007, five of the ten leading destinations of Puerto Rican migrants were in Florida: Orange, Miami-Dade, Broward, Hillsborough, and Osceola counties.

During the same period, 38,257 residents of the Island resettled in Orange County, the center of the Orlando metropolitan area, which has displaced Philadelphia and Chicago as the second concentration for Puerto Ricans in the U.S. mainland. Other popular destinations for the migrants are Hamden County, Massachusetts; Philadelphia; the Bronx in New York; Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut.

On average, contemporary Puerto Rican migrants are younger, better educated, more skilled, and more likely to be bilingual than the Island’s population. Still, it is exaggerated to characterize the entire new migrant flow as a “brain drain,” since the bulk of the migrants has a secondary education and a blue-collar or service job.

At the same time, a growing proportion consists of highly qualified professionals, including medical doctors, engineers, nurses, and teachers. Among the main motivations for this continuous exodus are the gaps in wages, working conditions, and opportunities for professional development on the Island and in the United States. Furthermore, many migrants are seeking a better “quality of life,” referring especially to public services, housing costs, safety, and tranquility.

Finally, the most recent census estimates allow a comparison between the living conditions of Puerto Ricans on and off the Island.

In 2008, Puerto Rico’s unemployment rate was 14.8 percent, compared to 10 percent for Puerto Ricans in the United States, 9.3 percent in Florida, and 10.4 percent in Orlando. The median income for Puerto Rican households on the Island ($18,190) was less than half than in the United States ($39,039), Florida ($41,892), and Orlando ($39,778). In turn, Puerto Rico’s poverty rate (45 percent) was much higher than for Puerto Ricans in the United States (24 percent), Florida (17.5 percent), and Orlando (16.2 percent).

Given such wide discrepancies in employment opportunities, income levels, and other economic indicators, the new migrant wave will probably persist, until living conditions on the Island improve substantially. Let’s hope that happens soon.

Jorge Duany is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. He is currently the Wilbur Marvin Visiting Scholar at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. He earned his Ph.D. in Latin American Studies, with a concentration in anthropology, at the University of California, Berkeley. He also holds an M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and a B.A. in Psychology from Columbia University. He has published extensively on Caribbean migration, ethnicity, race, nationalism, and transnationalism. His most recent coedited book is “How the United States Racializes Latinos: White Hegemony and Its Consequences” (2009).


Thursday, October 15, 2009
5:00pm – 7:00pm
(PRFAA) 135 WEST 50th street (between 6th & 7th Avenues)

Puerto Rico is experiencing very difficult times. Puerto Ricans of the mainland cannot remain
idle while Luis Fortuño’s administration moves forward with its widespread lay-off policy. This constitutes social and economic barbarism that will only serve to worsen the crisis in whichthe country is submerged. It will promote privatization of basic infrastructural services to thousands of Puerto Ricans, mostly the poor. Almost 20,000 civil servants already have or will be laid-off their jobs, putting at risk and hopelessness thousands of families affected directly and indirectly by this effort.

The colonial administrations, statehood and commonwealth supporters equally, are guilty of today’s suffocating working-class high taxes, the imposition of a sales tax and the partial or complete privatization of our national patrimonies. We cannot forget Pedro Rosselló’s administration, which privatized great part of our country, including fifty one percent (51%) of Puerto Rico Telephone Company and almost all health services providers throughout the Island. The Calderón Administration privatized the Authority of Aqueducts and Sewage, patrimony that we managed to rescue. To top it all, previous administrations efforts to sell Puerto Rico Telephone Company were concluded by the Acevedo Vilá administration. The transnational Mexican company America Mobil bought it. This unleashed a teacher’s strike, and an attempt to curtail workers rights and a few of the combatant unions in the Island.

That same administration, along with the Legislative Assembly of the PNP, imposed the IVU tax and raised taxes to the working-class while exempting special interests from paying taxes. To make matters worse, certain North American unions, with the aim of inter-nationalizing their businesses, have come down to the Island and have started negotiating our constitutional rights, curtailing the working class struggle that has always been a reflection of our people. Undoubtedly, it is the moment work towards a sincere united front made up of all the progressive and social sectors in struggle to engage the colonial and capitalist crossroads that are facing Puerto Rico.

On the Island, on October 15 , diverse workers unions, community and student organizations will unite to invoke a NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE. New York cannot lie back without demanding justice. We call upon the different organizations, individuals, and activists in the United States to help us fight and support Puerto Rico’s poor, working, and middle classes struggle to demand its socioeconomic rights. At the moment, different activists, together with the Puerto Rican Independence Party, Committee of NY we have decided to meet to organize the required support with the NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE to be carried out in Puerto Rico. Reason why, we invite you to partake on the protest to take place on October 15th in front of the Offices of Puerto Rico in New York (PRFAA).

WHEN: Thursday, October 15 th , 2009
TIME: 5 p.m.
WHERE: (PRFAA) 135 WEST 50th street (between 6th & 7th Avenues)


En Puerto Rico se viven tiempos difíciles y en la diáspora es imposible quedarnos de brazos cruzados. La decisión del gobierno de Luis Fortuño de proceder con su plan de despidos masivos de empleados públicos, constituye una barbaridad social y económica que sólo servirá para agudizar la crisis por la cual atraviesa el país e incrementará los procesos de priva-tización de servicios básicos a miles de puertorriqueños, principalmente a los más marginados. Son casi 20,000 empleados públicos que ya han sido y serán cesanteados de sus empleos, poniendo en riesgo y desesperanza a miles de familias que serán afectadas directa e indirectamente. Las administraciones coloniales, tanto las que apoyan la estadidad, como las que apoyan al estado libre asociado han sido culpables de que hoy la clase trabajadora esté ahogada por las altas contribuciones, la imposición de impuestos al consumo y la privatización parcial y completa de nuestros patrimonios nacionales. Es imposible olvidar la administración de Pedro Rosselló que privatizó gran parte de nuestro país, entre ella el cincuenta y un porciento (51%) de la Telefónica de Puerto Rico y casi la totalidad de los centros de salud de la Isla. La
Administración Calderón privatizó la Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, patrimonio que logramos rescatar. Para culminar el resumen de las pasadas décadas la Administración Acevedo Vilá culminó la venta de la Telefónica a la Compañía trans-nacional mexicana América Móvil, precipitó la huelga de los maestros, con la intensión de eliminar derechos de los trabajadores y eliminar uno de los pocos sindicatos combatientes en la Isla. Esa misma administración, junto a la Asamblea Legislativa del PNP, le impuso el IVU y aumentos en las contribuciones contra la clase trabajadora mientras que se le eximía a los grandes intereses su responsabilidad con nuestro pueblo. Para colmo de males ciertos sindicatos norteamericanos, con ansias de globalizar sus negocios, se han establecido en la Isla negociando derechos constitucionales y maniatando la lucha obrera que caracteriza a nuestro pueblo. Es sin duda el momento de que trabajemos, para que se dé la unidad a la lucha sincera de todos los sectores progresistas y sociales para combatir la encrucijada colonial y capitalista que sufre Puerto Rico. En la Isla, el día 15 de octubre, distintas organizaciones sindicales, comunitarias y estudiantiles se han unido para realizar un PARO NACIONAL y en Nueva York no nos podemos quedar atrás en reclamar justicia. Hacemos un llamado a las distintas organizaciones, individuos y activistas en los Estados Unidos para que nos unamos a trabajar y nos solidaricemos con Puerto Rico y las luchas de la clase trabajadora, media y de escasos recursos, en su justo reclamo por sus derechos económicos y sociales. Al momento, distintos activistas, junto Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Comité de NY hemos acordado reunirnos para organizar el apoyo necesario y solidarizarnos con el PARO NACIONAL a llevarse a cabo en Puerto Rico. Por lo que, 15 de octubre le invitamos a participar de la manifestación a realizarse en las
¡ ÚNETE! el momento lo exige. ¡BASTA YA!