New Cuban Film to be Premiered in Michigan
Posted on July 17, 2011 by lchirino
South Journal, HAVANA–Michael Moore will present the latest Cuban film “Habanastation” in Michigan. The movie by director Ian Padron was premiered this week in Havana.
Padron´s Opera Prima tells the story of two Havana kids of different social background, who are linked by a common adventure. The plot takes place in a poor neighborhood in the skirts of Havana, called “Zamora.”
Moore invited Padron to attend the presentation of the film over the next 10 days in Michigan, Padron said after the opening of the film last Saturday at the Havana Charles Chaplin movie theater.
The film features Andy Fornaris and Ernesto Escalona in the main roles and the “La Colmenita” children’s theater company, which was declared Good Will ambassadors to UNICEF.
In statements to the Cuban TV, Padron explained that his objective in making the film, a production for all ages, was to bring the Cuban family to the cinema and offer them his creation. He said that during the shooting he was really impressed by the cooperation of Zamora neighbors.
“Once we needed to have a street wet as if it had rained a lot, but Zamora is a neighborhood hit by the shortage of water, so we waited and waited for a cistern truck to wet the street, however, unexpectedly the neighbors came out with buckets of water and wet the street in an expression of interest in the film,” Padron recalled.