UPROSE’s 2nd NYC Climate Justice Youth Summit


Friday, August 19, 3pm-7pm
Saturday, August 20, 11am-8pm

SEIU 32BJ Local
101 Avenue of the Americas

UPROSE Youth Justice members, staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly to make this year’s summit even better than the first…and we’re pretty sure it will be! Check out the video by our youth!

If you are a young person who lives in New York City–or if you know any young people who live in New York City–it’s not too late to register! If you’d like to table at our event to share information about your organization or company including possible internship or job opportunities for youth, you can register here (please note there is a small fee for tabling to help us cover costs for the event). To all of our sponsors and supporters, there are so many of you, we thank you!!

For more info:

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