Puerto Rican Independence Party president Ruben Berrios in New York


Note in your agenda:

 Wednesday, June 23rd at 6:00 P.M.

The president of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, Ruben Berrios Martinez, will speak about the U.N. Decolonization Committee meeting to be held on  June 21, 2010  where the Puerto Rican Independence Party will speak on behalf of self determination and independence before its members and its petition to its members  to submit the case of Puerto Rico to the General Assembly for review.  Other Latin American leaders, invited by the PIP, will be present to support the position of I self determination and independence.

In addition, Ruben Berrios will comment about the recent federal legislation approved by the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress, H.R. 2499 “The Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2010”and its inclusion of the problem as a solution to the problem.  He will present  a new book published by the Puerto Rican Independence Party: Puerto Rico: Independent Nation Imperative in the 21st Century.

The event will take place at: The United Charities Building, 105 East 22nd Street, 4th Floor, Room 4A   @ 6:00 P.M.   Information (917) 273-2937.

Anote en su agenda

Miércoles 23 de junio a las 6:00 P.M.

El presidente del Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Lcdo. Ruben Berrios Martinez dará una charla acerca del caso de Puerto Rico que sería discutido el 21 de junio ante el Comité de Descolonización de la ONU, además hablara sobre la reciente legislación federal de status, H.R. 2499 El Acta de Democracia De Puerto Rico donde se presenta el problema como solución al problema de Puerto Rico.

El Lcdo. Berrios Martinez también presentara y hablara sobre un nuevo libro: Puerto Rico: Nación Independiente Imperativo del Siglo 21.

El evento será llevado a cabo en el: United Charities Building, 105 este calle 22, esquina Park Avenue South, 4to Piso, Salon 4ª  @ 6:00 P.M.  Información (917)273–2937

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