All posts by escalona

Tato Laviera in Mixturao Revue

Tato Laviera in Mixturao Revue

A comedic, musical drama dealing with tensions between island
Puerto Ricans and Nuyoricans, exploring identity, culture, poetry and love.

Friday, May 19 @ 7pm
Saturday, May 20 @ 7pm
Sunday, May 21 @ 3pm

Abrons Arts Center
Experimental Theater
466 Grand Street (corner Pitt St.)

Tato’s first theatrical performance in two years following eye operations and formal launching of Jesus A. Laviera One Day with Diabetes Project

Admission: $15

F train to Delancey, walk 2 blocks South to Grand Street; turn left on Grand and walk 3 blocks.

Would you like to be a Madrina/Padrino for Uprose Youth Justice?

Dear UPROSE Friends,

Every summer , UPROSE trains 40 youth organizers. We are writing to invite you to become a Madrina or Padrino (Godmother/ Godfather) to one of our youth by donating $100. With this funding each young person will get UPROSE gear (Tshirt, cap and backpack), food and beverages during a 7 week training and go on on a trip to Great Adventures at the end of the summer. The names of all the Madrinas and Padrinas will be listed on our websites Youth Justice Page. Of course a larger donation will also support Sin Freno Films (description below)

On behalf of our young people- a heartfelt Thank you!



UPROSE Youth Justice is a Brooklyn based youth group that houses five social justice campaigns. Significantly, Youth Justice organizes around issues they identify as pertinent to their lives and always attempt to produce tools and/or take actions that will be useful for further community activism and decision-making.

Organizers in Training

Youth Justice At the Table: Designed to provide intensive and holistic ongoing organizing training and support to the new and old Youth Justice members and leadership. The young people are introduced to the history of Civil Rights, the Peace movement, the Young Lords , the Brown Berets and Black Panthers,  and other youth led movements. Workshops cover racism, sexism, environmental justice, heterosexism and classicism.  The training provides the foundation for involvement in ongoing youth led campaigns and/or the development of new ones. While facilitating the At The Table Leadership Training Sessions, 3 times a year youth are also trained to use video as an organizing tool.

At the Table
   •     Creates a space for interaction and strategizing
•     Presents new ways of looking at issues including environmental, economic
and social justice, Youth Justice, health, incarceration and education
•     Teaches and reflects on the skills and theory of organizing, such as the
use of direct action, research, media, video and popular education as tools for youth organizers
•     Identify resources, builds networks, and link current efforts
•     Connects grass-roots struggle to systemic/policy change

Sin Freno Films – Become a filmmaker!  As video becomes a more accessible medium, there is an increasing need for social justice, environmental justice, and other not-for-profits to create video representations of their work, their struggles, and their communities in order to reach out to a broader audience. However, these videos take a lot of expertise, time, and equipment to create and not every organization is equipped to handle this type of project.

At UPROSE, Youth video crews receive training in all aspects of filmmaking with an emphasis on the creation of educational and advocacy videos. The project coordinator identifies like-minded organizations that are seeking video crews at low cost to create videos for them from start to finish. On any given video crew, there will be a coordinator with previous experience in each aspect of the process, camera, sound, and editing crew members with previous training, but less field experience, and production assistants who have very little training and will use this as their starting off point.


161 EAST 106th STREET
(btw Lexington & 3rd ave.)


PS109 (99th st btw 2nd / 3rd ave)
Artists, we need your help!
More specifically, we need your thoughts and opinions for a survey of the space needs of artists of all disciplines.
Artspace Projects (, a national nonprofit organization, is working with El Barrio’s Operation Fightback in East Harlem to transform former Public School 109 (PS109) into a live+work arts / community facility. This survey will help us do so. Please join us on May 20th to launch the survey! Starting at 3pm, and each hour thereafter, we will provide a presentation about the project and the survey.
From Saturday May 20 – Saturday July 15, artists of all disciplines are invited to complete a confidential online version of the survey at:
This project will serve the El Barrio community through sustainable cultural infrastructure that facilitates East Harlem not only as a creative community, but also as a Latino cultural capital. As you probably know, there is a lot of good work happening in the area to promote a cultural corridor, and projects like this will only serve to strengthen El Barrio’s efforts to provide long-term capacity to the unique voice that has come out of the community for decades.Specifically, this project will serve the El Barrio community by providing low income live+work units that are at or below 60% area median income. 100% of the live+work units in the facility will be low income units. The facility will also provide some 6-12,000 square feet of arts, culture and community space.Artist participation in this survey is critical to making this project a reality. Your input will not only help us to understand if there is a need for low income live+work units, it will also help us understand the design and amenities needs within the project.

If you have questions about the survey, contact Artspace Projects at 612.333.9012, MediaNoche at 212.828.0402, or El Barrio’s Operation Fightback at 212.410.7900.

An Evening of Readings in Honor of the Reverend Pedro Pietri

An Evening of Readings in Honor of the Reverend Pedro Pietri
Thursday, March 30, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Admission: Free
 El Museo del Barrio
1230 Fifth Avenue at 104th Street, NYC - 10029
t: 212.831.7272  f: 212.831.7927
 Join us for an evening of readings celebrating the work of El Reverendo Pedro Pietri, 
including readings of the *The Spanglish National Anthem*, the *Telephone Booth* poems, 
and an audience-participation choral rendition of *The Puerto Rican Obituary*

Organized and hosted by poets Mariposa and Jesus Papoleto Meléndez, the evening 
will feature performances and reminiscences by poets who worked closely with Pietri during
his lifetime, including Amina Baraka, Sandra Maria Esteves, Nancy Mercado, 
REO (Rodrigo Ernie Ortiz) III and Louis Reyes Rivera. 


Pregones Theater welcomes
Luz y Color/Light & Color 
March 29 thru April 2

– an exhibit of some of the most extraordinary paintings of this Master Artist… a perfect evening!… “The Red Rose” on stage and “Light & Color” in the halls of the new Pregones Theater!


Join with us the extraordinary week of theater and the visual arts. The cast of “The Red Rose”, featuring Danny Rivera, welcomes renown painter Pablo Marcano García, from Puerto RicoLuz y Color/Light and Color opens in New York, after making its distintictive feature in Pablo Marcano Garcia’s work. It is a vision of the personal, the national, the Caribbean. And it is perfect match for the newly installed mural of New York‘s muralist Manny Vega, commissioned by Pregones for the inauguration of the theater. Marcano Garcia’s works reflect outstanding Caribbean figures like Martí, Betances, Hostos and Albizu Campos. He creates a world of color, a dramatic immersion in the environment. Flowers, urban landscapes and the disquieting lights in his night scenes, are all part of this magnificent collection.

Luz y Color/Light and Color are tools with which Maestro Marcano gives shape to a diverse and single body of work, encouraged by his love for the best in the life of his homeland, the desire to bring historical facts closer to a broad audience and a desire to fill our daily life with beauty and brightness.

Performances and Exhibit
ONE WEEK ONLY! March 29 thru April 2
Tickets On-line:
By phone: 718-585-1202


AHA Latinas in Literature series

The Association of Hispanic Arts



Reading, Panel, & Book signing


Aracelis Girmay


Malin Alegría

Thursday, March 30, 6:30 PM

Ortiz Wittenberg Gallery

171 East 109th Street, NY, NY 10029

AHA invites children, young adults, and the young at heart to join two of the freshest voices in children’s and young adult fiction for a family-style, storytelling circle.


For more info: (212)876-1242 or

Lorca Federico Lorca



Lorca Federico Lorca

Written & Directed By Luis Caballero


Location: 64 East 4th Street (Bet. Bowery & 2nd Ave)

Dates: March 2nd to April 9th, 2006

Performances: Thursdays thru Saturdays at 8 PM

Sundays at 3 PM



General Admission $25.00 / Students & Seniors $20.00

Special Group Rates Available

For reservations 212-505-1808

Trains F,V to 2nd Avenue, N,R,W to 8th St, 6 to Astor Place


Lorca Federico Lorca

Escrita y Dirigida por Luis Caballero


Lugar: 64 East 4th Street (Entre Bowery y 2  Ave)

Fechas: Marzo 2 hasta Abril 9, 2006

Horario: Jueves y Sábados a las 8 PM

Domingos a las 3 PM



Entrada general  $25.00 / Estudiantes y Seniors $20.00

Descuentos especiales para grupos


Reservaciones 212-505-1808


Trenes F,V a 2 Avenue, N,R,W a 8 Street, 6 a Astor Place