Invitation for Artist Submissions / Participation at the Taller Boricua:


Specific exhibitions and events for our 40th Anniversary:
New York Puerto Rican contemporary artists (fine arts, performance, poetry and music) are invited to submit work for the upcoming 40th anniversary exhibitions in 2010/2011: Deadline February 15, 2010

2010 / 2011 Exhibition Calendar:
We also have a general call for submissions open to all artists for the rest of the exhibition calendar year 2010/2011: Deadline February 15, 2010

Please send a link to your website to with the subject line: ARTIST SUBMISSION. If you do not have a website, please follow our mail-in submission policy:

CD or DVD (formatted for Macintosh system) containing:
10 examples/jpgs of work, biography, resume and artist statement
Self addressed and stamped envelope (only if you would like CD/DVD/samples to be returned)

The above materials may be mailed to:
Taller Boricua Galleries
at the Julia De Burgos Latino Cultural Center
Attn: C. Licata / RM 208
1680 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10029

Send any questions or final submissions to
Note: please no attachments larger than 1 MB total as they will not go through. Also, please no calls.

About Taller Boricua
Taller Boricua / The Puerto Rican Workshop is a 40-year old artist-run nonprofit art gallery and multi-disciplinary cultural space in El Barrio. Our mission is to be a proactive institution for the community in East Harlem by offering programs that stimulate its social, cultural and economic development through the promotion of the arts.

Taller Boricua is an artist-run 501(c)3 non-profit art gallery

Taller Boricua Galleries 1680 Lexington Avenue, NYC, N.Y. 10029
Telephone: 212.831.4333 f: 212.831.6274
Directions: 6 Train to 103 Street / Free admission / Center is accessible for individuals with disabilities

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