in partnership with the Center for Puerto Rican Studies (CENTRO) at Hunter College

The State of Puerto Rican Politics: Aquí y Allá
Presented by Amílcar Barreto and Angelo Falcon
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It would not surprise anyone here for me to say that we just experienced a historical election period. In the U.S. the struggle for the White House continues and New Yorkers elected the first lady to the Senate. In Puerto Rico a woman was elected governor for the first time in the island´s post Taino history. I want to make a note there that prior to Christopher Columbus putting the island on the European map, there used to be Taino caciquas or chiefs so this is definitely post Taino history. And also for the first time since its debut as a political party in 1968, the prostatehood New Progressive Party ceased to increment its share of votes from compared to the previous elections. So we have a number of clearly historic markers in both the election in Puerto Rico and the election here in the U.S.

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