Arlene Dávila
is currently Associate Professor of Anthropology and American Studies
at new York University.
Ph.D. 1996, CUNY; M.A. 1990, NYU; B.A. 1987, Tufts University.
My scholarly work focuses on the relationship between cultural
identity and the national and global commodification of culture.
I explore issues of race and ethnicity, nationalism,
consumption, and cultural politics, particularly through analysis
of Puerto Rican and U.S. Latino/a culture. These issues are
reflected in my most recent works, Latinos Inc: Marketing and
the Making of a People (California 2001), and a co-edited
volume, Mambo Montage: The Latinization of New York
(Columbia 2001). I am currently conducting research on the
cultural politics of space among Latinos in El Barrio/East
Harlem exploring the central role of culture in the spatial and
entrepreneurial politics of contemporary cities. Specifically I am
exploring how cultural discourses of Puerto Ricanness and
Latinidad are central to both the gentrification of the area and
to the ways in which residents are resisting such forces.
Latinos, Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People. Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press, 2001
"Ethnicity in Its Place: The Immigrant as the Good Ethnic
Consumer." In Images of the Immigrant: A Global Perspective.
Leo Chavez, Editor. University of California Press.
(Forthcoming) 2001.
"Latinizing Culture: Art, Museums and the Politics of U.S.
Multicultural Encompassment." Cultural Anthropology.
14(2):1-23. 1999
"Mapping Latinidad: Spanish, English and 'Spanglish' in the
Hispanic TV Landscape." Television and New Media. Vol.
1(1):73-92. 2000
Sponsored Identities: Cultural Politics in Puerto Rico. Temple
University Press, 1997