Dr. Humberto Garcia Muñiz



Humberto Garcia Muñiz is a Research Associate at the Instituto de Estudios del Caribe Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. He is a Danforth and Fulbright Scholar who is the author of numerous books and articles on U.S. military policy and the Caribbean. Fronteras En Conflictos: Guerra contra las drogas, militarizacion y democracia en el Caribe, Puerto Rico y Vieques, which he co-authored with Jorge Rodriguez Beruff, won the Premio Crisálida 2000 of Proyecto Atlantea, Universidad de Puerto Rico. A new book La Ayuda Militar Como Negocio, Estados Unidos y el Caribe 1790-2001 co-authered by Gloria Vega Rodriguez will be published this year. An earlier draft version of the work received honorable mention by La Casa de las Americas.

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